India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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May 31, 2020
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we signed whats been called 'most successfull water treaty' ever in 1960 itself . 😁 (credit goes to Nehru)

nevermind we dont even utilize our share . i doubt it will be even possible to divert away the water Pakistan uses even if we wanted to .

if all this randi rona is actually over water , i think this will be a case of self-fullfilled prophecy - Pakistan will end up digging its own grave.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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A couple of centuries ago , indian and hindu words were frequently used interchangebly
Not centuries but few decades ago.

Even the term "Hindu nationalism" when coined in 1920s & 30s referred to Hindu as Indian culture & tradition, not religion. Contrary to what people with little knowledge pass of Hindutva as some kind of religious nationalism (with which it has nothing to do).


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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WLVN Analysis🔍 (@TheLegateIN) Tweeted:
Report: 15 signatures of Iridium satellite phones which were used by US forces in Afghanistan & WiFi enabled thermal imagery devices too found in Kashmir.
NTRO+DIA tasked to give real time locn of Sat phones
Security forces now carrying jammers to encounter sites to block signals



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Feb 28, 2019
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WLVN Analysis🔍 (@TheLegateIN) Tweeted:
Report: 15 signatures of Iridium satellite phones which were used by US forces in Afghanistan & WiFi enabled thermal imagery devices too found in Kashmir.
NTRO+DIA tasked to give real time locn of Sat phones
Security forces now carrying jammers to encounter sites to block signals

India should collect all the weapons and sat phones and ship them to the Mexican and Columbian cartel.

Some dead DEA, CIA, FBI and border guards would knock some sense back into these irresponsible chuts though we know they deliberately left that expensive junk knowing fully well it would end up being used against India.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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India should collect all the weapons and sat phones and ship them to the Mexican and Columbian cartel.

Some dead DEA, CIA, FBI and border guards would knock some sense back into these irresponsible chuts though we know they deliberately left that expensive junk knowing fully well it would end up being used against India.
Why stop at that? All Americunt M4s, Greentip ammunition and thermal sights along with those sat phones captured in Kashmir which these cowards burgerfags left in Afghanistan should be shipped to those cartels so that their shithole of a country gets some love back. Enough of their nonsense.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Why stop at that? All Americunt M4s, Greentip ammunition and thermal sights along with those sat phones captured in Kashmir which these cowards burgerfags left in Afghanistan should be shipped to those cartels so that their shithole of a country gets some love back. Enough of their nonsense.
Rhetoric aside, those cartels are armed with SOPMOD M4's and similar rifles.. maybe lack mil grade thermal sights.. some fancy ex forces guys must have gotten hold of TI sights too.


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May 31, 2020
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WLVN Analysis🔍 (@TheLegateIN) Tweeted:
Report: 15 signatures of Iridium satellite phones which were used by US forces in Afghanistan & WiFi enabled thermal imagery devices too found in Kashmir.
NTRO+DIA tasked to give real time locn of Sat phones
Security forces now carrying jammers to encounter sites to block signals

kashmiri terrorists have been using satellite phones since atleast a decade . these were also used during mumbai attacks .

general feeling i get is Pakistan is capable of doing much much more chaos in the valley . only thing preventing them from pushing more thermals sights / drones / IEDs into valley is balakot 2.0 and their economy in the septic tank.

moment pakistan stops being a banana republic , i think we are in for a world of pain .
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fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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kashmiri terrorists have been using satellite phones since atleast a decade . these were also used during mumbai attacks .

general feeling i get is Pakistan is capable of doing much much more chaos in the valley . only thing preventing them from pushing thermals / drones / IEDs into valley is balakot 2.0 and their economy in the septic tank.

i think we are in for a world of pain , 2-3 decades down from now .
Pakistan will be cut short within this decade.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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kashmiri terrorists have been using satellite phones since atleast a decade . these were also used during mumbai attacks .

general feeling i get is Pakistan is capable of doing much much more chaos in the valley . only thing preventing them from pushing more thermals sights / drones / IEDs into valley is balakot 2.0 and their economy in the septic tank.

i think we are in for a world of pain , 2-3 decades down from now .

Pakistan does not actively fund and train terrorists anymore it seems like, what they’ve done is let the “Tanzeems” do their training and financing themselves and do infiltrations and attacks themselves with their own planning and Pakistan won’t do anything to them legally. How do you even define a Paki “terrorist”? Someone who’s been brainwashed to kill all Kafirs and carries a gun? All pakistanis are like that and almost every paki household has a gun. They’ve gathered so much public support that they’re considered as “good militants” in Pakistan and are like a normal religious organisation to most Pakis. So this ceasefire explains this. Pakistan right now has no/little control over their own terror factories. Their madarsas produce a lot of “employees” for these organisations which Pakis themselves supported decades back. The same fundamentalisation of the society is the reason it has created both kinds of jihadis the ones who’re attacking foreign countries like India in Jammu and Kashmir (who used to impose de-facto Sharia law in areas of J&K which Indian Army had not cleaned them of) and the ones like TTP who’ve now turned against Pakistan as they don’t believe in a man made constitution except the holy book and want to impose Nizam-e-Mustafa in Pakistan. We all saw Kafir-Kafir Shia Kafir slogans in Karachi being chanted by millions, and these are the same bunch who’re brainwashed to the core who’ve been bombing Shia mosques in Pakistan (mostly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and how French blasphemy case and arresting Saad Rizvi caused Tehreek-e-Labbaik to literally hold hostage the entire Pakistan for a few days and how the same TeLP burnt a Sri Lankan man alive over blasphemy accusations, we all saw a few days back that a teacher was killed because one of her student in her dreams saw the teacher committing blasphemy (literally). The amount of extremism is unparalleled in Pakistan. We all see that among the criminals in European jails Pakistanis over represent their community. They’re responsible for most of the knife attacks, fidayeen attacks, IED attacks, suicide bombings in foreign countries and for that matter in their own country. Their society has become like that, they’ve become unapologetic jihadis who think that killing people whom they disagree with is absolutely right. Which is why they sympathise with Afghan Taliban as they consider them their role models and thats why they were trending supportive hashtags and singing Nasheeds in their favour when Taliban took over. Thats why for most of the Pakis (not just Imrand Khan who accepted it on camera) Osama Bin Laden is a hero as they think because of him the “atrocious Americans” were given a taste of their own medicine. Many Pakis used to fight for Taliban as they thought it of as a holy war, same in Kashmir. Their society has become like that where Jihadis are heroes and nobel laureate scientists like Abdus Salam is worst of Kafirs just because he was a “Qadiyani”. Hatred against the Hindus and Jews is a part of their school curriculum and one can imagine what would be happening in their madarsas. Oppression against Christians is considered sacred with the excuse of “they supported the brits during British Raj over British India” of which Pakistan was once a part of, which is why you see exclusive jobs for Christians to be manual scavengers in Sindh and exclusive slums for Christians in Islamabad. The entire country has become sympathetic to fundamentalists and thats why whoever sells more “mazhab” becomes very powerful in Pakistan.

Which is why Pakistani establishment has stopped supporting (IMO) such fundamentalisation which in Pakistan is called Ziafication because it has been painful for the whole world including Pakistan, and these Tanzeems have become too strong and uncontrollable because of which Pakistan even if it wishes to can’t take action against them even if FATF and United Nations direct them to. So they under the pressure of Pakistan Terror Cos allow them to do whatever they want to do and Pakistan won’t be taking legal actions or for that matter doing anything to these terror orgs else the sympathisers of these orgs and fundamentalists will take the entire country hostage in a much worse way than Tehreek-e-Labbaik did.

My (not-so) 2 cents


New Member
Mar 22, 2021
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WLVN Analysis🔍 (@TheLegateIN) Tweeted:
Report: 15 signatures of Iridium satellite phones which were used by US forces in Afghanistan & WiFi enabled thermal imagery devices too found in Kashmir.
Apart from the hypocrisy and arrogance on human rights, this is something EAM Jaishankar should have brought up very strongly. If he/they are not doing it now, it should be very soon. Can you picture a large cache of Indian weapons and equipment being transferred for use against the US or any of its close allies, and the huge uproar that would create.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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India should collect all the weapons and sat phones and ship them to the Mexican and Columbian cartel.

Some dead DEA, CIA, FBI and border guards would knock some sense back into these irresponsible chuts though we know they deliberately left that expensive junk knowing fully well it would end up being used against India.
Pls do not say this, Brown Sepoys simping for their mastaa Unkil Sam in the Russia-Ukraine thread will be annoyed.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
India should collect all the weapons and sat phones and ship them to the Mexican and Columbian cartel.

Some dead DEA, CIA, FBI and border guards would knock some sense back into these irresponsible chuts though we know they deliberately left that expensive junk knowing fully well it would end up being used against India.
Not fault of America Pakistan is the goat we have to halal


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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kashmiri terrorists have been using satellite phones since atleast a decade . these were also used during mumbai attacks .

general feeling i get is Pakistan is capable of doing much much more chaos in the valley . only thing preventing them from pushing more thermals sights / drones / IEDs into valley is balakot 2.0 and their economy in the septic tank.

moment pakistan stops being a banana republic , i think we are in for a world of pain .
Pakistan generals ultimate dream is to capture kashmir and divide india into 27 parts.
Pakistan can do nothing until or unless they are supported by foreign power in past in was US and currently it is China.

These US weapons don't matter a lot only US made sniper rifles are deadly.
Even nowadays porki have more bigger headache to deal with ttp and ttp have Americn weaponry in their hands


New Member
Feb 26, 2019
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kashmiri terrorists have been using satellite phones since atleast a decade . these were also used during mumbai attacks .

general feeling i get is Pakistan is capable of doing much much more chaos in the valley . only thing preventing them from pushing more thermals sights / drones / IEDs into valley is balakot 2.0 and their economy in the septic tank.

moment pakistan stops being a banana republic , i think we are in for a world of pain .
Who has stopped us to support Balochs? Why are we not escalating the Baloch problem to its peak? Actually still there is lack of strong leadership, still.

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