India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
I don’t get why can’t we just launch one offensive operation and retake those launching pads like we did in 1965. The capture of the Haji Pir and Teethwal post areas was such a damaging blow that even Pakistani generals said it practically broke the back Gibraltar in 1965.

The Poonch encounter of last year should have warranted an entire inquiry into what went wrong.


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Jun 18, 2020
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I don’t get why can’t we just launch one offensive operation and retake those launching pads like we did in 1965. The capture of the Haji Pir and Teethwal post areas was such a damaging blow that even Pakistani generals said it practically broke the back Gibraltar in 1965.

The Poonch encounter of last year should have warranted an entire inquiry into what went wrong.
The simplest explanation I can give is that we abhor death, destruction and war. We will defend but seldom attack or go in for first strike with full aggression. The other reasons are that powerful countries actually arm twist us into either not going full ballistic or go for limited scale skirmish to soothe ego.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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I don't understand what is the obsession of Pakistan with India. They always want to fight with us for some reason or the other.

All wars till date which has been fought between india and Pakistan (i.e 1947, 1965, 1971, 1984 and 1999) has always seen Pakistan as the "aggressor". Even after losing all wars badly and Getting broken into 2 pieces in 1971 (Reference to Bangladesh), they still seem to not want to stop.

It's my personal advice to Pakistanis to leave dreaming and thinking about things like "Kashmir lenge" or "We will defeat India in war", stop purchasing expensive Defence Equipment to fight India and instead use all of that money for the betterment of their economy which is pretty much in drains.
Its their inner Islamist who doesn’t learn anything from past humiliations, they think they’re “racially superior to Indians”, “1 Momin = 10 Hindu”, “Musalmans are superior to vegetarian Hindus” and other such delusions they have because of which they think that they’re some sort of “Mujahid or Ghazi” who’ll conquer the weak Hindoo baniya.

All these delusions are the reason they get beaten black and blue whenever they fight with us, afterall delusions of being a Ghazi eliminates their thinking capabilities and thats why they lost all wars to us yet find excuses to tell how they won all wars. In 1971, 93000 of their so-called Mujahideen who were supposed to do Ghazwa-e-Hind ended up getting badly bruised and surrendered to India.


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Sep 9, 2020
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Its their inner Islamist who doesn’t learn anything from past humiliations, they think they’re “racially superior to Indians”, “1 Momin = 10 Hindu”, “Musalmans are superior to vegetarian Hindus” and other such delusions they have because of which they think that they’re some sort of “Mujahid or Ghazi” who’ll conquer the weak Hindoo baniya.

All these delusions are the reason they get beaten black and blue whenever they fight with us, afterall delusions of being a Ghazi eliminates their thinking capabilities and thats why they lost all wars to us yet find excuses to tell how they won all wars. In 1971, 93000 of their so-called Mujahideen who were supposed to do Ghazwa-e-Hind ended up getting badly bruised and surrendered to India.
They themselves are the offsprings of weak hindus who converted and they think all hindus are like their ancestors

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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Its their inner Islamist who doesn’t learn anything from past humiliations, they think they’re “racially superior to Indians”, “1 Momin = 10 Hindu”, “Musalmans are superior to vegetarian Hindus” and other such delusions they have because of which they think that they’re some sort of “Mujahid or Ghazi” who’ll conquer the weak Hindoo baniya.

All these delusions are the reason they get beaten black and blue whenever they fight with us, afterall delusions of being a Ghazi eliminates their thinking capabilities and thats why they lost all wars to us yet find excuses to tell how they won all wars. In 1971, 93000 of their so-called Mujahideen who were supposed to do Ghazwa-e-Hind ended up getting badly bruised and surrendered to India.
Whenever a Pakistani says to me that "The Tea was fantastic" than I reply with "The Tea was fantastic with 93000" in Bangladesh. After this at times they reply to me and say that "1000 year Muslim rule was fantastic".

I mean I am absolutely f*cking fed of these people! Always they bring "Religion, Religion, Religion and again Religion" in any Argument.

These Pakistanis are suffering from some kind of Identity Crisis thinking that all Pakis are always "Muslims" and the way they also tell things like "India is Cow dung country etc" than you know 100% Percent that the Pakistani is abusing you by thinking that you are a "Hindu"!


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
Whenever a Pakistani says to me that "The Tea was fantastic" than I reply with "The Tea was fantastic with 93000" in Bangladesh. After this at times they reply to me and say that "1000 year Muslim rule was fantastic".

I mean I am absolutely f*cking fed of these people! Always they bring "Religion, Religion, Religion and again Religion" in any Argument.

These Pakistanis are suffering from some kind of Identity Crisis thinking that all Pakis are always "Muslims" and the way they also tell things like "India is Cow dung country etc" than you know 100% Percent that the Pakistani is abusing you by thinking that you are a "Hindu"!
The turks and Arabs descendant who are named bajwa, sharif etc😂😂😂

Arjun Mk1A

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Mar 6, 2022
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Whenever a Pakistani says to me that "The Tea was fantastic" than I reply with "The Tea was fantastic with 93000" in Bangladesh. After this at times they reply to me and say that "1000 year Muslim rule was fantastic".

I mean I am absolutely f*cking fed of these people! Always they bring "Religion, Religion, Religion and again Religion" in any Argument.

These Pakistanis are suffering from some kind of Identity Crisis thinking that all Pakis are always "Muslims" and the way they also tell things like "India is Cow dung country etc" than you know 100% Percent that the Pakistani is abusing you by thinking that you are a "Hindu"!

Don't waste time on them. A pig will always find a shit and roll over it. We concentrate on our economy and build various strategic capabilities in this decade. Our enemy is China and prepare ourselves according to that in both economic and strategic capabilities.
The country is a failed state with no one can lead it without booting out of the Army. They will be more retarded in coming decades.

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Whenever a Pakistani says to me that "The Tea was fantastic" than I reply with "The Tea was fantastic with 93000" in Bangladesh. After this at times they reply to me and say that "1000 year Muslim rule was fantastic".

I mean I am absolutely f*cking fed of these people! Always they bring "Religion, Religion, Religion and again Religion" in any Argument.

These Pakistanis are suffering from some kind of Identity Crisis thinking that all Pakis are always "Muslims" and the way they also tell things like "India is Cow dung country etc" than you know 100% Percent that the Pakistani is abusing you by thinking that you are a "Hindu"!
A couple of centuries ago , indian and hindu words were frequently used interchangebly

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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I don't understand what is the obsession of Pakistan with India. They always want to fight with us for some reason or the other.

All wars till date which has been fought between india and Pakistan (i.e 1947, 1965, 1971, 1984 and 1999) has always seen Pakistan as the "aggressor". Even after losing all wars badly and Getting broken into 2 pieces in 1971 (Reference to Bangladesh), they still seem to not want to stop.

It's my personal advice to Pakistanis to leave dreaming and thinking about things like "Kashmir lenge" or "We will defeat India in war", stop purchasing expensive Defence Equipment to fight India and instead use all of that money for the betterment of their economy which is pretty much in drains.
I have come to a conclusion that Kashmir is like security cushion of sorts to India. A frontier. While it is enriched with so many water sources. Pakistan wants its water more than anything. Evidence is clear they do not have good noble intentions for its Public. Look at HDI of J&K & PoK... It's like comparison of a developed country with sub saharan Africa.
Losing it during partition would have been a serious security implications for Delhi itself. In short without Kashmir there is no Gazwa e Hind.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
I have come to a conclusion that Kashmir is like security cushion of sorts to India. A frontier. While it is enriched with so many water sources. Pakistan wants its water more than anything. Evidence is clear they do not have good noble intentions for its Public. Look at HDI of J&K & PoK... It's like comparison of a developed country with sub saharan Africa.
Losing it during partition would have been a serious security implications for Delhi itself. In short without Kashmir there is no Gazwa e Hind.
It's water everyone knows that.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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1000 year Muslim rule was fantastic
Imagine if Christian crusaders convert entire Pakistan into Christianity and enslave them for next hundreds of years and after converting them the crusaders give them a crystal bowl in which they can look the future, and in that bowl they’ll see the future generation of Pakistanis hundreds of years later boasting, “we ruled you Musalmans for hundreds of years”. The same is the case with Porkistanis, the fake identity of “Pakistan” is just enforced on them, had there been no Islamic invasion in India then Indian subcontinent would’ve been a united Hindu Rashtra and there would’ve been nothing called Pakistan and Bangladesh. It was their ancestors who were forced to either leave, convert or die and today their future generations boast of “how we destroyed your somnath mandir, how we ruled you for hundreds of years”. Its not just cringe but outright pityful.

It’s like me getting converted to Christianity at a Church and after conversion I start claiming, “We ruled you for 200 years”.
A couple of centuries ago , indian and hindu words were frequently used interchangebly
Afghanistan means the land of Afghans
Balochistan means the land of Balochis
Tajikistan means the land of Tajiks
Uzbekistan means the land of Uzbeks

Similarly Hindustan was named by them as such because it was the land of Hindus back then.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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I have come to a conclusion that Kashmir is like security cushion of sorts to India. A frontier. While it is enriched with so many water sources. Pakistan wants its water more than anything. Evidence is clear they do not have good noble intentions for its Public. Look at HDI of J&K & PoK... It's like comparison of a developed country with sub saharan Africa.
Losing it during partition would have been a serious security implications for Delhi itself. In short without Kashmir there is no Gazwa e Hind.
Why compare the HDI of J&K UT with PoK? J&K’s HDI (0.688) is better than entire Pakistan’s (0.557) or for that matter the HDI of the richest province of Pakistan i.e. Punjab (0.594).


New Member
Jun 20, 2021
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Imagine if Christian crusaders convert entire Pakistan into Christianity and enslave them for next hundreds of years and after converting them the crusaders give them a crystal bowl in which they can look the future, and in that bowl they’ll see the future generation of Pakistanis hundreds of years later boasting, “we ruled you Musalmans for hundreds of years”. The same is the case with Porkistanis, the fake identity of “Pakistan” is just enforced on them, had there been no Islamic invasion in India then Indian subcontinent would’ve been a united Hindu Rashtra and there would’ve been nothing called Pakistan and Bangladesh. It was their ancestors who were forced to either leave, convert or die and today their future generations boast of “how we destroyed your somnath mandir, how we ruled you for hundreds of years”. Its not just cringe but outright pityful.

It’s like me getting converted to Christianity at a Church and after conversion I start claiming, “We ruled you for 200 years”.

Afghanistan means the land of Afghans
Balochistan means the land of Balochis
Tajikistan means the land of Tajiks
Uzbekistan means the land of Uzbeks

Similarly Hindustan was named by them as such because it was the land of Hindus back then.

By Christians you mean British basically.

Pakis are the equivalent of modern day angrez bootlickers who larp as British.

British didn't have the same fanatical missionary zeal like the Spanish

If we had Spanish colonisation, then we definitely would have seen such a version of Pakistan, claiming they ruled india for 200 or so years etc.

Another one of the reasons it doesnt happen on a large scale is because the racial contrast between whites and indians is large.
Pakis can fool themselves with claiming that they are moguls, Turks Arabs and shit as the racial contrast is not that large.


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Aug 17, 2021
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probably , but is this really true ? , how much water does actually flow from india to pakistan .

atleast for indus bulk of catchment area is in pakistan itself , :hmm: anyone have any figures for how much %water actually flows across the border.

i am probably wrong but real problem looks like that most of its population is close to the border .

both sutlej and indus originate in tibet , would be funny if iron brother China decide to dam both .

Dam karke lekar kidhar jayega. Indus and chenab's catchment area lie within Indian side. Jhelum- some part in PoK, some in Indian Kashmir. Sutlej, Vyas, Ravi for India, Indus, Chenab, Jhelum for Pakistan primarily was the idea around water distribution. 86% of Indus's water for Pakistan.

The total catchment area is about 56,860 Sq. Kms; out of which only about 20,000 sq. kms lie in India . In the Indian region an area of about 9,000 sq. kms. gets only snowfall, an area of about 5,500 Sq. Kms gets both snow and rain and an area of about 5,500 sq. kms only rainfall.

The above catchment as described indicates that perennial supplies in the river Sutlej are due to large areas of catchment contributing snowmelt


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Dam karke lekar kidhar jayega. Indus and chenab's catchment area lie within Indian side. Jhelum- some part in PoK, some in Indian Kashmir. Sutlej, Vyas, Ravi for India, Indus, Chenab, Jhelum for Pakistan primarily was the idea around water distribution. 86% of Indus's water for Pakistan.View attachment 151219

The catchment area of the Indus is about 1,165,000 Sq. km, out of which about 321,248 Sq. Km is in India.

~25% of catchment area is in india , ~75% in pakistan .

i am guessing majority contribution from snow melt will be from india , but still would be nice to get actual figures of how much water actually cross the border.

just curious how much of the 'pakistan wants kashmir for its water' is actually true.


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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I don't understand what is the obsession of Pakistan with India. They always want to fight with us for some reason or the other.

All wars till date which has been fought between india and Pakistan (i.e 1947, 1965, 1971, 1984 and 1999) has always seen Pakistan as the "aggressor". Even after losing all wars badly and Getting broken into 2 pieces in 1971 (Reference to Bangladesh), they still seem to not want to stop.

It's my personal advice to Pakistanis to leave dreaming and thinking about things like "Kashmir lenge" or "We will defeat India in war", stop purchasing expensive Defence Equipment to fight India and instead use all of that money for the betterment of their economy which is pretty much in drains.
Pakistan is water scare country and country depends on agriculture.
So indus and 4 other river are lifeline for porkistan and indus river is most important.

Almost all of the river flows from kashmir.
So it is important for them control this river Basin.
That's why they are fighting war. No country will ever want that her lifeline remains in hands of enemy country here it is indus river.

2nd reason is Pakistan thinks they are madina of East and they are caretaker of muslim ummah so it's duty to liberate kashmir from hindu and act as islamic fortress. This is the drama they sell to their public


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Pakistan is water scare country and country depends on agriculture.
So indus and 4 other river are lifeline for porkistan and indus river is most important.

Almost all of the river flows from kashmir.
So it is important for them control this river Basin.
That's why they are fighting war. No country will ever want that her lifeline remains in hands of enemy country here it is indus river.

2nd reason is Pakistan thinks they are madina of East and they are caretaker of muslim ummah so it's duty to liberate kashmir from hindu and act as islamic fortress. This is the drama they sell to their public
Wonder which river flowed through Junagadh or Hyderabad that they wanted to be a part of Pakistan?


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Wonder which river flowed through Junagadh or Hyderabad that they wanted to be a part of Pakistan?
Pakistani never foughr for junagadh Or hyderabad.
Porki tried to control lakshadweep island in past.
Even it was india who fought for junagadh and hyderabad.

Pakistan had only dine lip service on these subjects and they never cared for hyderabad and junagadh

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