India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Dark Sorrow

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Mar 24, 2009
We are already very well prepared to Chinese.
We are not well prepared. Mobilization is still underway. We are still formulating strategies and tactics to counter PRC. It will take at-least couple of years before we know what we should do.
In mountain warfare tanks and ifv are needed near passes and have almost no use.
Most of engagement between India and PRC will happen on high altitude plateau and not mountain warfare as with Kargil.
Most powerful weaponry in mountain warfare is artillery.
Most powerful weaponry in mountain warfare is PGM dropped from air-craft. We leave in era of stand-off weapons. Your artillery formations have limitations and are very vulnerable.
I want Chinese to attack us
Only person sitting behind a computer and nothing to loose can claim such a thing. War is counter-productive to both nations and will hurt our economy more than PRC.
then world will see how Chinese Army is biggest joke and propaganda.
They are just paper tigers and most of their soldiers lack will to fight.
Is this something you want to believe or have you gauged PLAN will to fight. Just as our soldiers will defend our motherland so will theirs. Both IA and PLAN are motivated and fighting defending their homeland instead of fighting in some foreign land.
They don't have courage to face mountain warfare.
Same BS argument was made by Pakistani against us and history has shown how it turned out. (We broke their country into 2 parts).
even Pakistan army is more tougher than Chinese
How you came to this conclusion? The fact is PLAN is much better trained, equipped, motivated and technically driven army compared to PA.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
We are not well prepared. Mobilization is still underway. We are still formulating strategies and tactics to counter PRC. It will take at-least couple of years before we know what we should do.

Most of engagement between India and PRC will happen on high altitude plateau and not mountain warfare as with Kargil.

Most powerful weaponry in mountain warfare is PGM dropped from air-craft. We leave in era of stand-off weapons. Your artillery formations have limitations and are very vulnerable.

Only person sitting behind a computer and nothing to loose can claim such a thing. War is counter-productive to both nations and will hurt our economy more than PRC.

Is this something you want to believe or have you gauged PLAN will to fight. Just as our soldiers will defend our motherland so will theirs. Both IA and PLAN are motivated and fighting defending their homeland instead of fighting in some foreign land.

Same BS argument was made by Pakistani against us and history has shown how it turned out. (We broke their country into 2 parts).

How you came to this conclusion? The fact is PLAN is much better trained, equipped, motivated and technically driven army compared to PA.
Too many insane people

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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POK will part of India in Appropriate time. I wonder what time would be that "Appropriate time". I am making an Assumption of 2024+.

But if we try to take POK and attack Pakistan, do you think that China will come to aid Pakistan Militarily?

That is probably my only fear here, if China gets involved here than it will trigger a war with China as well and hence we will be fighting a 2 front war against both China and Pakistan.


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Feb 28, 2016
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POK will part of India in Appropriate time. I wonder what time would be that "Appropriate time". I am making an Assumption of 2024+.

But if we try to take POK and attack Pakistan, do you think that China will come to aid Pakistan Militarily?

That is probably my only fear here, if China gets involved here than it will trigger a war with China as well and hence we will be fighting a 2 front war against both China and Pakistan.
Nahi hoga re, we only fight defensive wars, never offensive wars, our national policy is to surrender to the (((status quo))) set by other gandu countries.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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Nahi hoga re, we only fight defensive wars, never offensive wars, our national policy is to surrender to the (((status quo))) set by other gandu countries.
Our Policies either need a change or we should try and Provoke Pakistan into a war or force them into a war With india and Finish them once and for all. 1947/48, 1965, 1971 and 1999 wars were all started by Pakistan and I am 100% sure that next war will be started by Pakistan itself.

We need to Formulate our Strategy to defeat Pakistan with Minimum damage or else Pakistan will become more and more powerful and as time goes, it will be more and more difficult for us to defeat them.


New Member
Jun 22, 2021
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Our Policies either need a change or we should try and Provoke Pakistan into a war or force them into a war With india and Finish them once and for all. 1947/48, 1965, 1971 and 1999 wars were all started by Pakistan and I am 100% sure that next war will be started by Pakistan itself.

We need to Formulate our Strategy to defeat Pakistan with Minimum damage or else Pakistan will become more and more powerful and as time goes, it will be more and more difficult for us to defeat them.
Let me simplify this in one line- Until and unless there is a World war happening forget about our disputed areas. This is the same for every major problem in india.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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Let me simplify this in one line- Until and unless there is a World war happening forget about our disputed areas. This is the same for every major problem in india.
I don't think so that there is any World war happening, but there is a chance this whole Russia-Ukraine Conflict might Potentially lead to WW-3 and we could exploit this chance to force Pakistan into a war with us and Defeat them and take back POK Once and for all.

Now you have said "This is the same for every major problem in india." So could you name or list some of these Major Problems In India?


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Whatever jingoistic rants our generals or politicians do, taking PoK back won't be possible before either India becomes stronger than China (which is unlikely before 2050), or China becomes our ally and ditches Pakistan.

If we become the top 3 economies of the world by 2050, play our cards right to develop a robust military-industrial complex, then it might be possible.


New Member
Jun 22, 2021
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I don't think so that there is any World war happening, but there is a chance this whole Russia-Ukraine Conflict might Potentially lead to WW-3 and we could exploit this chance to force Pakistan into a war with us and Defeat them and take back POK Once and for all.

Now you have said "This is the same for every major problem in india." So could you name or list some of these Major Problems In India?
Brother you lurk here more than any member. People here have written extensively on all topics. Please pick any thread and start reading. You will get all your answers.


New Member
Feb 19, 2022
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I sometime wonder in a hypothetical scenario if someday our administration magically grow some balls and decided to take back PoK . How would our public react to something like that?

I am pretty sure many people within our own country will cry "death of humanity" ,"genocide" etc.
GOI will never go after POK because govt know many pak lovers exists in our country.

One possibility will be force public to empty that area in some way then just capture that area and create no fly zone.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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POK will part of India in Appropriate time. I wonder what time would be that "Appropriate time". I am making an Assumption of 2024+.

But if we try to take POK and attack Pakistan, do you think that China will come to aid Pakistan Militarily?

That is probably my only fear here, if China gets involved here than it will trigger a war with China as well and hence we will be fighting a 2 front war against both China and Pakistan.
There is not a chance this will happen. Maybe 10-15 years later perhaps when we have our own running MIC.. Coz Muricans will make sure this never happens. Only way for this to happen is of India & China come to some sort of understanding too which is far fetched.
Even then it's going to be tough... Terrain is brutal & we saw wars in 1947-48 & even in 65 on Kashmir front not a lot of progress was made & it was virtually at standstill. Eventually the big break came when we launched into Pakistani plains & gained immediate success. Occupying Lahore/Karachi is much more easier than say Gilgit or making it to Wakhan corridor.

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