India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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May 20, 2021
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lol so russians are more childish than chinese

hindu deleted the tweet so probably unintentional from their part.

some stupid intern did it

Not stupid intern, they sell themselves to highest bidder, this time it was US State Dept.

They deleted it, coz they got knock from I&B ministry which itself was in Russian embassy pressure.


New Member
May 30, 2020
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lol so russians are more childish than chinese

hindu deleted the tweet so probably unintentional from their part.

some stupid intern did it

I have noticed that lot ruskie fanbois get offended if someone says something about bhikhari bhalu.. people fail to see that just like British were imperial power to us, Europeans to LaAm and Africa ruskies were imperial power to central asia and eastern Europe..bhencho playing invasion invasion to anybody don't take liking to Natasha..


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May 30, 2020
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I didn't termed her as puppet, I said if she is in Kiev than she might put Ukraine's POV (fuelled by NATO) on current standoff.

Which will be good for us just as how Russia needles Indian establishment via its State Run news media opeds and articles.

Also don't know whether this account is true or not, Russia knew about China's buildup (which was an exercise) near E. Ladakh before the Galwan clash, but Russia assured India that Chinese are not in 'hostile posturing' when asked by us.
Yes that ladakh story was told by susu swami..we asked putya about chinki buildup in ladakh putya said don't worry just exercise..also another story putya asked mudi to support chinki for Olympics and mudi baba said Ok but we know how it ended:rofl:...if these stories are correct then our people sitting in power are more idiot than anyone else..


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May 20, 2021
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This does not mean that India should ally formally with US.. Utter dependency on US military hardware, would be suicidal for India in the long run, as US is a much bigger control freak. Only solution for India, is to go full speed on import substitution in defence / domestic manufacture of Russian components ,as much as possible, if there is a serious invasion of Ukraine.
One thing wonders me, China does reverse engineering of Russian or even Western weapon systems and gear with impunity but don't get spanked and boycotted by Russians or the West.

But I think if we attempt to Reverse Engineer (not licensed copy) the above mentioned stuffs than we might see complete cut-off of defense deals and relations.

Do we have any Reverse Engineered stuff? But again Iam always a digger for original stuff.


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Jun 25, 2020
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Russian and Paki governments are very similar, biting the hands that feed them and then becoming loyal poodles of china, over militarisation of their own state, threatening wars and conflict to their neighbours and a failing economy. Putin like yesterday said China is their most important ally, they can stay with China then. We need to remember this BS of balanced foreign policy is a meme, its a fact that the best you can get is from the democratic nations and not pseudo-democratic states.
Russia is an oligarchy and a commodity export-dependant economy in a very poor demographic situation. It's still running on USSR's leftover fumes. It will be back to being run by Gorbachev-like clowns once Putin is gone. A declining population and the world quickly weaning itself off oil and gas means that its long term economic outlook is bleak. It's inevitable that it will become China's lapdog to survive.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
Most of the time i don't get satisfaction seeing pakistani soldiers dead but it's them who started this. There hatred for people of other religions/ethnicity have made them barbarian. They born out of hindu hatred, their death will also come from that hatred.
They started it and then never stopped. Now there is no turing back for them and we will end it for them.


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Jun 20, 2021
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RedFish does not claim to be a Russian state owned media on its own web site. Check out their web site. This is an org/corp that is located in Berlin, Germany and not in Moscow, Russia.

Redfish does have ties to Russia.
Most of its people worked for russian state media.



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Dec 12, 2016
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Swami has lost his charm, but his present should not overshadow his unparalleled contribution to humanity. If it wasn't for his diplomatic skills US would have nuked soviet during Cuban missile crises.
If it wasn't for his economic acumen Pakistan could never have been a supapowa like it is today. He is a true secular dindu Sher with a muslim damaad of course. i mean chinese lobe hime, US lobe him, his muslim damad also lobe him, only bigoted jealous dindu like you hate him , so plz dont hate swami spread lobe.
never ever show sympathy for pakis. a state born out of hate, filled with scums of highest order. when they gets killed ,an enemy killed for us but when we get killed, a kufr died for them. So much hate for us.


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Nov 20, 2020
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Many time states with there controlled media house poke each other from time to time for various reasons. Seeing a russian funded channel doing propoganda on kashmir and criticising India is not surprising. Most of the time these are diplomatic level bullshittery of conveying massages, like telling the chinese that we can be anti-india for a right price right after their joint statement on NATO or could be something else which we don't even have idea about. Don't give too much attention to RedFish. What you should give attention and watch carefully is the contents and the language official russian state media house RT publish on India and Indians. Some of their contents directly dehumanise Hindus and their culture. It's not diplomatic anymore, it's Hindu hatred and it's personal.
Please don't say they are not what they used to be or russian orthodox church now dictate their foreign policy. They always have been anti everything other than russian orthodox religion and russian ethnicity long before the USSR. One of the biggest anti-hindu purge in russia came during USSR time. We also poke russia via WION but we never dehumanised them or their culture.
Beware of the russian fanboys and their propoganda. Twitter is full of them. Those guys are some of the biggest degenarate scumbag you'll ever come accross. Sometimes they are worse than those who shill for the west.

Arihant Roy

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Jan 25, 2018
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The latest press release from BLA.


A fourth fidayee has made the ultimate sacrifice today. Since day 02 , the camp had been subjected to incessant aerial attacks and assaults by SSG. But these guys are holding out . You have to give it them.

Pakistani casualties so far .

Nusri- Approximately 100 casualties
Panjgur - 70 casualties so far .

Since day 02, most of the casualties are SSG soldiers .

Plus they have lost a helicopter and a drone.

The BLA will be holding out for another two days for sure and inflict further casualties on the no 1 Army and their elite SSG .

EDIT- Sorry, the operation has ended after 70 years. 7 fidayees have made the supreme sacrifice .
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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Forget about battle of tarain.
Within 100 years ala ud din raided Madurai in tamil nadu in year 1311 and they almost raided whole of Indian subcontinent and they encountered almost no resistance at all except in orissa and assam.vijayanagar empire came afterwards
we need to question ourselves that why their almost no resistance foreign invader got inside Indian subcontinent untill Chhatrapati Shivaji and Guru Gobind singh came in the scene
Well said. Ideal answer to this question is very long so I should just cut to the chase. Lack of innovation & modern fighting techniques. Indians were masters of close combat fighting since ancient times. Persians Greeks have had tough times against us & we beat them multiple times. But in the later medieval period.. The West pulled away & better fighting techniques were developed. Turks & Europeans & other Central Asian tribes after years of battles & sparring learned a great deal from each other. Indians were in dark age we were left behind.
Even Arabs struggled on the Indian front. Punjab Kashmir & Central/West India were frontiers for them even after the fall of Sindh.
Ghori did bring a Turkish horse Archer contingent along with him in the 2nd battle of Tarain with him. Indians didn't know much about their style. Slow moving nature of Indian Elephants became a disadvantage & we lost.. Not to forget he attacked before sunrise.. So battle formations were already all over the place. Poor planning all along. Even numbers advantage was nullified.
North & Deccan were supposedly tougher to deal with. No surprises once they fell.. Khilji who was probably one of the most militaristic Kings in medieval India achieved great success in South.

Shivaji & subsequent Hindu kings learned from earlier mistakes & adopted innovation & modern techniques.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Pakis will now do something nasty on LoC to cool down the anger of their jaahil bhookhi-nangi awaam.
Porki life cycle is Birth-Terrorism-72ed.

Porkistan Army will want their bhikhari citizens to regain their trust in Paki surrender army after the recent humiliation in Balochistan as their Army is the quintessential Truck ki batti jiske peeche inki napunsak awaam hamesha lagi rehti hai.

satabdi masiha saal

New Member
Feb 4, 2022
Forget about battle of tarain.
Within 100 years ala ud din raided Madurai in tamil nadu in year 1311 and they almost raided whole of Indian subcontinent and they encountered almost no resistance at all except in orissa and assam.vijayanagar empire came afterwards
we need to question ourselves that why their almost no resistance foreign invader got inside Indian subcontinent untill Chhatrapati Shivaji and Guru Gobind singh came in the scene
I had read about odisha in a print article and wiki . This is what i gather

It remained independent till 1568 for almost 400 years because Anangabhima Deva iii declared Lord Jagannath as the king of Odisha and himself as just a employee . All property of state belonged to Jagannath ( Devasva property ) . This tradition continued . So whenever attack came common people would fight for king Jagannath like there is no tomorrow . Also chedi , chalukya and sena who were fighting among themselves weakening each other largely refrained from attacking odisha for fear of attracting popular displeasure and divine punishment .

Two factor led to decline later on 1 . Rise of Vijayanagar kingdom and leader like Krishnadeva rai 2 . this one controversial so ll refrain from mentioning . It claims something resulted in decline of military culture .

Odisha was fighting powerful kingdom like Vijayanagar and Bengal sulatanate at the same time in those period . Bengal sultanate was even defeated where sultan had to flee saving his life in battle of mandarana fort when his soldiers were being slaughtered . Arrival of great leader krishandeva rai in 1509 and 7 year war under him was too much to handle and it led to gradual decline . And advantage was taken by Bengal nawab later on .

My conclusion is kings of india did nt recognize the nature of threat and kept fighting each other . Religion was not organized . And most imp factor in times of Shankaracharya or before there used to be critical debates exchange of thoughts on various ideologies /way of life .. There is a great level of literature available on Budhist criticism on jain / charvaka , brahminism , advaitabadi criticizing others or discussing others but God knows wht happened to that tradition ........


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Iranian , Chinese and US weapons recovered.
Sheikh rashid is saying attack handled in Afghanistan and india.
Few pakis are saying iran is launching offense through chabhar port.
Is US is taking revenge.
Or iran want destroy cpec and ultimately gwader so chabhar gets major profit.
Or china is taking revenge since pakis forcefully stopped cpec.
Or it's revenge of reigniting Punjab insurgency.
this attack has been launched from iran


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Iranian , Chinese and US weapons recovered.
Sheikh rashid is saying attack handled in Afghanistan and india.
Few pakis are saying iran is launching offense through chabhar port.
Is US is taking revenge.
Or iran want destroy cpec and ultimately gwader so chabhar gets major profit.
Or china is taking revenge since pakis forcefully stopped cpec.
Or it's revenge of reigniting Punjab insurgency.
Remember Iran also have a province named Balochistan, this can boomrang towards them also, if they are involved.

Global Defence

