India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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We are being lied to... not being shown the real picture.

The infiltrators can be in 3 digits.

They are using advanced communication methods that cannot be intercepted.

Indian army losing credibility in eyes of people.
Nah mate
3 groups in rajouri poonch
1 grp in udhampur
1 grp in raesi(speculations)
2 more grp have been spotted but not sure about particular area
Atmost 35-40 infiltrators assuming atleast 5 in a group with excellent ogw network and trained in communication techniques
Definitely ssg performing clandestine ops with let and jem terrorists


New Member
Nov 17, 2017
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This stupid government is high on kool aid of sabka saath sabka bakwas. These ungrateful fuckers deserve Gaza style treatment & nothing else! If modi doesn't retaliate be prepared for coming regular blasts in your cities soon. I say prepare for eventual civil war 2.0 & this time dispatch em all to hell. Jihadis don't care about morality & kill innocent women & children, morality is our weakness & we should discard it in dealing with these untermensch.


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Jul 29, 2018
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The only deterrence I can think of is having our assets in Pakistan (if we have them) carry out something similar against upper middle class in Lahore, DHA types.
Why are we shell shocked.
These types of events will continue to happen as long as Pakistan exists as a unitary state and its military/Army/intelligence apparatus stays intact.

A BJP Government cannot totally stop it.
Neither can a Congress Government stop it.

Why.Because the cost is still not high enough.
The Pakistan state and its Army are willing to bear the costs imposed by India.

At the risk of sounding like a parrot, unless we do salami slicing into POK and capture a few Sq.kms of territory after every major terrorist attack (which under no circumstances should be returned ),the Pakistan state will not feel permanent pain.

It is not an panacea to all our problems but there is a high chance it may work.

This attack of a religious nature is meant to inflame passions.
'See,we are killing Hindus and you can't do anything '

Of course, it was pre planned and the question is
Was Pakistan acting alone or was the Pakistani whore state acting at the behest of some other bigger power .

The powers which can weild influence on the Pakistan Army and the ISI are mainly the US, Russia and China.

I sincerely hope that the Russians in their attempt to dislodge an supposedly pro Western BJP Government have not started becoming openly anti Hindu.
The Chinese hostility to India is not hidden and everybody knows that there are anti Hindu groups in the US which include the extreme right wing Christian Evangelists and sections of the Pentagon.

An communal attack timed to coincide with the Swearing in of a new Government means that a political message is also being sent.

Nonetheless since an religious target was chosen, an retaliation targeting Pakistani Muslims is probably justified.

Now,attacks on Mosques in Pakistan is nothing new.
So the targets should be Sunni Mosques in the Cantonment areas of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Mosques frequently visited by serving Pak servicemen.

An suicide bomber with an explosive jacket having sufficient quantity of RDX mixed with large number of ball bearings/nails should detonate during peak crowd time. Or an IED with the required explosive charge should be smuggled inside the Mosques and either an timer detonation or a remote control detonation should be effected.

I reckon the deaths would cross a hundred Sunni Muslims.

I guess the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan state will feel the pain.

For the timid people in our country, yes Pakistan will retaliate. But we should keep on increasing the costs through our counter attacks until they see reason and sue for peace.

We are a far bigger country with more resources.
No way the Porks can win.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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If no action from Govt then it will give positive signal to pak handlers and they will start pushing more SSG trained piigs to target only civilians. Expected to witness more like congress era
Did Pasmanda Samrat condemned the terrorist attack yet?

Him not condemning attacks on Armed forces is understandable. But why not condemning attacks on the civilians?


New Member
Oct 31, 2021
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Nah mate
3 groups in rajouri poonch
1 grp in udhampur
1 grp in raesi(speculations)
2 more grp have been spotted but not sure about particular area
Atmost 35-40 infiltrators assuming atleast 5 in a group with excellent ogw network and trained in communication techniques
Definitely ssg performing clandestine ops with let and jem terrorists
Imagine if Pak govt had called these attacks as "surgical strikes", they'd already have half a dozen surgical strikes by now.

Master Chief

New Member
May 5, 2022
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To have the will to retaliate... there should be adequate muscle power (read hardware)... which is of course missing.

To have adequate hardware... there must be the will to modernize... which is absolutely missing.

The politicos, the bureau-cockroaches & military leadership are entangled in an "impotency matrix".

Year by year goes waste in wait of equipment in "required numbers".

The IFS is the worst grouping of cucks bcoz as per their belief... if military gets modernized and ready for war... their diplomatic job will lose its value... so they actively sabotage weapons import deals under various made up excuses.
What if the Indian Gernails themselves don't want the Army to be modernized so as to avoid any possibility of war.. and just keep the salary pension gravy train going?

DEALING with insurgency is easy.. Army has the edge in everything from Man power, Ammo, intelligence, and time.. with the terrorists having only the element of surprise on their side, with them having to make every bullet count.. IFS diplomats are salvaging a bad situation..

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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What if the Indian Gernails themselves don't want the Army to be modernized so as to avoid any possibility of war.. and just keep the salary pension gravy train going?

DEALING with insurgency is easy.. Army has the edge in everything from Man power, Ammo, intelligence, and time.. with the terrorists having only the element of surprise on their side, with them having to make every bullet count.. IFS diplomats are salvaging a bad situation..
We have seen multiple examples where army was dependent on mea for solving their problems


New Member
Jun 11, 2023
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What options does the GOI have here? Will scrapping the ceasefire or another balakot be a good idea considering there is China breathing down our necks? Also if we don't retaliate, these attacks will only increase, and Modi not even acknowledging the deaths says something

Arad Operator

New Member
Apr 27, 2024
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What options does the GOI have here? Will scrapping the ceasefire or another balakot be a good idea considering there is China breathing down our necks? Also if we don't retaliate, these attacks will only increase, and Modi not even acknowledging the deaths says something
The only solutions is, regular cross border raids by our SF troops and target especially the officer and JCO cadres... bring back their heads and ranks and see these attacks on us going down!

Global Defence

