India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


New Member
Apr 1, 2022
Being answerable is not what you posted.

Just go through the political post you made.

I repeat, the worst vermin are those who use soldiers deaths.
You can literally see the glee for the opportunity these deaths provided to those with political agenda.

Now, coming to soldiers death's, pardon my post but unless we are living in a fantasy land, the fact is they have been happening for 70+ years.
We have seen some of the worst deaths of our soldiers due to Islamic terrorism.
This unfortunately will continue as long as Islam exists or Bharat exists.

the only thing we can do, like with every country dealing with this cult is to minimize the damage.

And the damage to our military has been reducing.
Compare how it used to be 20 years back, 15 years back, 5 years back and now.
If the deaths have reduced, then, that is the progress that is made.

All the nonsense talk about go and burn Pakistan, all muslims etc etc is such moronic talk that anyone with an iota of global politics will laugh at the utter stupidity of that suggestion.

Hamas murdered thousand+ Jews, on camera, gang raped them on camera, burnt kids in oven on camera, beheaded people on camera,
yet the world is coming together to abuse Jews fighting back.

If few soldiers deaths makes you abuse political leadership, then you are not remotely prepared to wage war on Pakistan or go full attack mode on muzzies.

The reasons why Political leadership does not go and burn kashmiri muzzies is very obvious for anyone with an iota of brain.
The risks and rewards are calculated and unfortunately the risks for soldiers are high because of limitations of what can be done on ground.

Fk me sideways, Israel is getting skewered for attack Gaza, from where the attackers came and killed thousand of them and took hundreds as hostages.
You guys really think Indian military going all gung ho in Kahsmir will end well for us?

When you pretend not to understand reality & go with false bravado is when you made situation worse.
The situation in J&K is much better than what it was 4 years back and markedly better than what it was 15 years back.

What ever is being done is working, albeit slowly.

And NO, there has not been an instance in the world where muzzies were ever subjugated, unless you are willing to wipe them to the last child.
So, reality is, as long as muslims exist in Kashmir and Pakistan is our neighbor, we will lose soldiers.

ONE thing we should hold govt responsible for is not doing their everything to reduce these deaths.
Few hard missing point here:
Damn CO! Whether soldier or CO, their lives matter equally.

The GOI can not wage a war over a few soldier deaths, regardless of their rank. Harsh? That's the reality. People are clueless about how things work, let alone geopolitics. They're oblivious to life and trade in border regions and its vital importance for the residents.

And so much ruckus over CO? Killed because of his stupid bravado in Kokernag, ignoring SOPs(words of a blunt ret. General)

And ofcourse a new norm, GOCs wandering in active conflict zones (Giving unnecessary Gyan to the angry annoyed on-field Ustad); bunch of retired officers getting org*sm seeing them, setting an example and leading from front.

If this nonsense continues, next time it might be a GOC, not just a CO.
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New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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The pathetic ones are the vermin using death of soldiers to make political statements.
This is a god send opportunity for these low life vermin to openly attack in every possible way.

With soldiers deaths, they have perfect shoulders to fire their own bullets.

The worst are the kind who use soldiers deaths to advance their own agenda.
As an Indian, firmly believe these kinds of people are worse than rabid islamists.
There's a TRF media guy who comes here to gloat whenever such incidents happen (the post and delete guy), I call him out whenever I'm around but to second your point, I see a lot of our guys here post not much differently. When a "nationalist's" post is uncannily similary to that of a TRF supporter, I think some soul searching is necessary.


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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"Terrorists were on dominating height". Yeah, it's ww2 isn't it, where there's no technological advantage you can have against a few guys with rifles on a dominating height.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Excuses will start pouring now, the same story every time -
  • Jungle was dense
  • Trts were at a height
  • They were hiding in caves
  • They had local support
RR / 9 PARA has been operating in Kashmir for 30+ years, still, these factors are still surprising you?

What I am getting from different sources, is it is very easy to trigger IA and bait them into an ambush. They swallow the bait whole and chase you like a mindless bull.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Excuses will start pouring now, the same story every time -
  • Jungle was dense
  • Trts were at a height
  • They were hiding in caves
  • They had local support
RR / 9 PARA has been operating in Kashmir for 30+ years, still, these factors are still surprising you?

What I am getting from different sources, is it is very easy to trigger IA and bait them into an ambush. They swallow the bait whole and chase you like a mindless bull.
Surprising? They still rely on HUMINT with their lives and limbs in 2023! They are very gullible.
Aug 17, 2020
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Excuses will start pouring now, the same story every time -
  • Jungle was dense
  • Trts were at a height
  • They were hiding in caves
  • They had local support
RR / 9 PARA has been operating in Kashmir for 30+ years, still, these factors are still surprising you?

What I am getting from different sources, is it is very easy to trigger IA and bait them into an ambush. They swallow the bait whole and chase you like a mindless bull.
What I feel is, after IA moved one division of RR troops from valley to Ladakh it may have created voids in the apparatus not only in the valley but also near LOC. Another tactics seems to be that one group of terrorist lure in the security forces and manage to escape while another group ambushes them.


New Member
May 27, 2023
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Excuses will start pouring now, the same story every time -
  • Jungle was dense
  • Trts were at a height
  • They were hiding in caves
  • They had local support
RR / 9 PARA has been operating in Kashmir for 30+ years, still, these factors are still surprising you?

What I am getting from different sources, is it is very easy to trigger IA and bait them into an ambush. They swallow the bait whole and chase you like a mindless bull.
Direct result of award hungry brass, lack of well defined ROE, overworked SF units, int failure, politics being played by the govt. and complacency on the part of senior leadership. Not to mention the moles inside and around the security grid in specific areas.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
So the RR officer was killed while talking to an elderly woman? Seriously? This was planned. These pigs definetly are working with civilians.

FYI- kokernag “encounter” had a similar tempo. to this. Civilians have been leading to death of army personnel as army personnel often leave their gaurd down as they are civilians.

These civilians are used as bait. and army sitll will help them out.


New Member
Jun 17, 2022
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There's a TRF media guy who comes here to gloat whenever such incidents happen (the post and delete guy), I call him out whenever I'm around but to second your point, I see a lot of our guys here post not much differently. When a "nationalist's" post is uncannily similary to that of a TRF supporter, I think some soul searching is necessary.

IDK why preview is not available.



New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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lost so many to a sniper.
Full Capt Mohit Sharma and 1 PARA vibe coming from this failed ops.
I hope major survives this ordeal.

Global Defence

