India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Very sad..
Are those booster charges beside the RPG launcher .

Poor chaps still had plenty of ammo to make a baker's dozen loss of birds.
Probably couldn't find cover.
View attachment 228362
I find it hilarious that when you go to iaf base , ( been to one for three and half years ) almost all the buildings have a color scheme of blue and white , literally blue and white .
While this base building has a color scheme of green and white
Confirming the stereotypical image of paki airbase even more.
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Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Good lord, couldn't follow up with the updates during the day due to personal commitments.

But in summary (realistic estimates & confirmed figures) -

  • [Confirmed] 6 PAF guards/cadets were killed in their barracks (source:- PDF insider source).
  • [Confirmed] 4 F-7PG (operational) completely destroyed (source:- Video, sat images & PDF insider source).
  • [Unconfirmed] 12+ (Entire Squadron) of F-7PG destroyed or heavily damaged. Mujahids had a practically free pass to hangars till the morning when SSG commandos arrived.
  • [Unconfirmed] M.M Alam base is an important UAV base and hosts Wing Loong 2 & TB-2 UCAVs, which are likely to be damaged or destroyed if they were present in the hangars/bunkers.
DG ISPR was caught with pants down lying just like how they tried to spin the tale on Feb 27th. Unfortunately for them, this time we have proof of satellite images & live videos.


New Member
Dec 22, 2019
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Good lord, couldn't follow up with the updates during the day due to personal commitments.

But in summary (realistic estimates & confirmed figures) -

  • [Confirmed] 6 PAF guards/cadets were killed in their barracks (source:- PDF insider source).
  • [Confirmed] 4 F-7PG (operational) completely destroyed (source:- Video, sat images & PDF insider source).
  • [Unconfirmed] 12+ (Entire Squadron) of F-7PG destroyed or heavily damaged. Mujahids had a practically free pass to hangars till the morning when SSG commandos arrived.
  • [Unconfirmed] M.M Alam base is an important UAV base and hosts Wing Loong 2 & TB-2 UCAVs, which are likely to be damaged or destroyed if they were present in the hangars/bunkers.
DG ISPR was caught with pants down lying just like how they tried to spin the tale on Feb 27th. Unfortunately for them, this time we have proof of satellite images & live videos.
Will we get more satellite evidence or the best is already out?


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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This is undoubtedly the biggest attack on the PAF airbase and brave mujahids were a grand success. 7-8 Mujahids destroying multiple operational PAF jets is absolute nuts.

Entire Pakistani news channels & DG ISPR are peddling the fake narrative instead of acknowledging the situation likely means there will be no retaliation/revenge and they will bury this situation.

Will we get more satellite evidence or the best is already out?
The best is already out (damaged hangars). Within a few days, PAF will wipe the entire base clean & renovate it as if nothing happened.

Global Defence

