India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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asim muneer, not sure to call him an army chief or a lashkar raider or leader. actually spoke about response from pakistan if pakistan is threatened. I doubt pakistan in this case he is referring to is a piece of land. He is speaking about jihad. Jihadis are rabid and they do these attacks with out any reason.

Just yesterday pakistan burned 4 chruches and terrorized christians as a response to quran burning. seems isi is back to its old ways or they are giving a signal to muslim countries that they are on the forefront in leading a fight against western nations.

it seems isi has decided that they can no longer handle their real estate they got from India and fighting is only option they have.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
asim muneer, not sure to call him an army chief or a lashkar raider or leader. actually spoke about response from pakistan if pakistan is threatened. I doubt pakistan in this case he is referring to is a piece of land. He is speaking about jihad. Jihadis are rabid and they do these attacks with out any reason.

Just yesterday pakistan burned 4 chruches and terrorized christians as a response to quran burning. seems isi is back to its old ways or they are giving a signal to muslim countries that they are on the forefront in leading a fight against western nations.

it seems isi has decided that they can no longer handle their real estate they got from India and fighting is only option they have.
I doubt Indian response will be anything notable


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
Video from a Dr Sean Mcfate on the the strategy of counterinsurgency (COIN) of David Galula (a French Tunisian Jew) and his experiences dealing with insurgency (or irregular warfare in French Indochina and Algeria)

I think it has valuable relavence to the current J&K and other ongoing insurgencies and how Indian gov and military are handling it.

In short:
  • Insurgency a tool of the weak (since 71 or 99 J&K is an issue of insurgency)
  • However, simply playing whack-a-mole or trying to defeat insurgency using conventional military tactics is falling into the trap.
  • Population (not territory) is the centre of gravity
  • Need to isolate the insurgents from the people
  • Create fractures and dissent in the insurgents
  • Need to fight politically ("drain the swamp"of the corrupt and insurgent supporters) and implement good governence
  • Need to fight ideologically and economically (that the people have a better future with you - the majority are most likely neutral)
  • Media should also be used
  • Dirty tricks ("human rights violations") should be considered (more difficult in the current media age)
  • Strong military ground presence is still required
  • Cost of insurgency is cheap. Cost for home side in higher
  • Objectives are different. State has a higher threshold - to restore law and order. State doesn't have to kill every single last insurgent but isolate them and their ideology from the population. Insurgents merely have to break that and survive.
Other interesting videos from the same youtube channel including one on Chanakya/Kautilya


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Anyone watches video released by PAFF
3 soldiers were easy targets in Forest its fault of Army We all know how sensitive area it's but still Soldiers were there for building a Post and living in tents it's like army gave opportunity to militants
saw the video of paff attack.
soldier on sentry duty fucked up.
Kind of unfortunate + carelessness added up. 3 soldiers camping out of nowhere in a small tent. Could have averted if -
  • Soldiers had intel about terrorists camping in the forest.
  • A larger group of solider with at least 3 soldiers on sentry duty all the time.
A classic example of where better weapons or technology would have done nothing. Guerrilla warfare is just that harsh and unpredictable.

