India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Kind of unfortunate + carelessness added up. 3 soldiers camping out of nowhere in a small tent. Could have averted if -
  • Soldiers had intel about terrorists camping in the forest.
  • A larger group of solider with at least 3 soldiers on sentry duty all the time.
A classic example of where better weapons or technology would have done nothing. Guerrilla warfare is just that harsh and unpredictable.
Why was there jist 3 men in a tent? Were they on vaca?


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Problem is now pak even chihina throwing proxy war over India.

As we have missile and big machines , but this only act as deterrent against direct war. Which now a days country avoiding as they know they cant fight with us.

Need to work on foot soldiers and make them high tech and load them with high technology equipment's.
start building up VDC give them more deadly weapons form small units and give the communication ability with neighboring VDC .Once these terrorists cross into India they need to be hunted down and slaughtered like wild pigs .


New Member
Jun 17, 2021
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I have 2 clues & a theory.

Clue 1: satyapal malik & prashant bhusan have exonerated pakis on pulwama & painted BJP govt as an aggressor & false flagger

Clue 2: Paki election which were to take place in October 2023 have been pushed to Jan-Feb 2024

Theory: Pulwama happened indeed to hamper reelection prospects of BJP & give congis an edge... but the gap between pulwama & elections was too little for congis & other parasites to propagate the false flag theory among masses... so the next big attack will come earlier... 🤔 when?

Sept-Oct are the two most important months for cross LOC aggression from Indian perspective... bcoz onset of winter in November helps in consolidating the gains... & pakis made these 2 months safe for their total attention by postponing the elections.

Waiting for more relatable clues...

2026 is the delimitation year... an opportunity to heavily influence & shape politics for next 25-30 yrs by whoever is in power... congis will do everything possible.


This is analysis of what Paki COAS said in his 15th August speech in PMA Kakul:

1) The fact that it was delivered in English in front of an Urdu-speaking audience means that the intended destination of the speech was not any Pakistani citizen, but the international audience.

2) While the previous 3 COASes from Gen Kayani on had referred to the ‘enemy within’ as the principal threat to Pakistan, the present COAS seems to have moved the goalposts & reverted to projecting India as Pakistn’s main/sole enemy. This is evidenced by the ISPR referring to India on May 9 as the ‘ETERNAL ENEMY’ & the COAS now referring to India as the ‘ARCH ENEMY’. What this shows is that now there is TOTAL military supremacy over the policy-making arena in Pakistan since May 9.

3) This being the case, sound common-sense tells us that no one can make peace with one’s ‘eternal enemy’, meaning the enimity will be perpetual. And this is the ground reality since Pakistan’s foundational ‘two-nation’ national security state ideology is totally at odds with India’s ideology of an all-inclusive & secular democracy. Consequently, no political dispensation in India either at present or over the next 10 years should harbour any hopes of having any meaningful & manageable relations with Pakistan.
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New Member
Dec 11, 2020
I have 2 clues & a theory.

Clue 1: satyapal malik & prashant bhusan have exonerated pakis on pulwama & painted BJP govt as an aggressor & false flagger

Clue 2: Paki election which were to take place in October 2023 have been pushed to Jan-Feb 2024

Theory: Pulwama happened indeed to hamper reelection prospects of BJP & give congis an edge... but the gap between pulwama & elections was too little for congis & other parasites to propagate the false flag theory among masses... so the next big attack will come earlier... 🤔 when?

Sept-Oct are the two most important months for cross LOC aggression from Indian perspective... bcoz onset of winter in November helps in consolidating the gains... & pakis made these 2 months safe for their total attention by postponing the elections.

Waiting for more relatable clues...

2026 is the delimitation year... an opportunity to heavily influence & shape politics for next 25-30 yrs by whoever is in power... congis will do everything possible.


This is analysis of what Paki COAS said in his 15th August speech in PMA Kakul:

1) The fact that it was delivered in English in front of an Urdu-speaking audience means that the intended destination of the speech was not any Pakistani citizen, but the international audience.

2) While the previous 3 COASes from Gen Kayani on had referred to the ‘enemy within’ as the principal threat to Pakistan, the present COAS seems to have moved the goalposts & reverted to projecting India as Pakistn’s main/sole enemy. This is evidenced by the ISPR referring to India on May 9 as the ‘ETERNAL ENEMY’ & the COAS now referring to India as the ‘ARCH ENEMY’. What this shows is that now there is TOTAL military supremacy over the policy-making arena in Pakistan since May 9.

3) This being the case, sound common-sense tells us that no one can make peace with one’s ‘eternal enemy’, meaning the enimity will be perpetual. And this is the ground reality since Pakistan’s foundational ‘two-nation’ national security state ideology is totally at odds with India’s ideology of an all-inclusive & secular democracy. Consequently, no political dispensation in India either at present or over the next 10 years should harbour any hopes of having any meaningful & manageable relations with Pakistan.
You are wrong to think that people will lap up whatever leli gang says, it's only congressi and stooges majority of time, if nobody cared to bring BJP for less number of bomb blasts then nobody will care for that also.

And people will hear Modi first instead of Piglets, and I will not believe Satyapal Malik or whoever, FYI Satyapal Malik has been courting for his own party for quite sometime now, I know some people who have met him. So will not believe him till eternity comes for whatever he says.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Back in late 90s/early 00s it was a nightmare for Pakistani soldiers on the LoC.

They were killed on weekly basis, with min cas to Indian troops. They even made incursions to only be beaten back with severe losses (we had some failures too, but not as many).

Before their sniper culture developed, they were like mincemeat for Indian soldiers


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Good find. They were literally in uniform. Did they cross the LOC and got killed here, or were they killed on the other side and brought here?
Basically what happened was in early Jan. 2000, ghataks of a grenadiers battalion crossed the LoC and leveled an entire Pakistani post to the ground. 13 pakis were eliminated (7 admitted by pakis). 5 were dragged across the LoC (some alive were brutally tortured to death). We lost two men. This is was in Pallanwala Jammu.

Our men have done numerous raids across the LoC. paras and ghataks both

