India-China Border conflict

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Intelligence Failures of India

India never learns. Its intelligence services were a big failure during the Chinese invasion of India in 1962. The head honchos of intelligence gave a bad judgement call on Chinese intent to PM Nehru. That resulted in his famous call to a weak Army “Clear the Chinese from Indian Territory”. We know the results of that bad judgement call.

Again in 1965; still smarting under the Chinese beating of India, that the Indian intelligence honchos could not determine the true intent of the Pakistani invasion of Raan of Kutch. Ayub Khan’s real intent was to grab Kashmir from India by choking the Kashmir supply line by reaching Jammu and cutting off Kashmir and 80,000 Indian troops at LOC and LAC. The day was saved by the brave Indian troops and Pakistani stupidity for halting to regroup on September 3, 1965 at the bridgehead of Tawi River. IAF blew up their advance tanks and prevented further advances. India replied by sending an army towards Lahore to relieve the pressure on Jammu.

In 1999, the re-organized Indian intelligence was fooled again when Pakistani staged a major tactical victory by capturing the heights in Kargil. The resulting war to expel the Pakistanis required a huge military effort and good offices of US President Clinton. It was lucky that by then India had built up a military muscle to expel them, which the Pakistanis did not have. India had no intelligence of this Pakistani action.

Well, in 2020 the Chinese staged a Pakistani stylistic tactical advance where their clever pretense of exercise brought their troops to the barren heights of LAC. They did beat up Indian troops in one area, but they lost a bunch of their own. In the process, they shifted the LAC as per their plan, about 7-8 miles, but retreated at a few places when their supply line was threatened. As it stands today, they do not wish to retreat from other areas and give India a victory. Our intelligence could never guess it right that the exercise they are staging in 2020 is in fact an invasion to capture the area. It is the will of iron and wrist of steel presented by the Indian troops knocked some sense into their heads. Now they are pin pricking elsewhere to stage a tactical surprise, but of no avail. Their intents are well known and remedy is to present them a fully loaded gun ready to fire.

These are published few examples where our intelligence fell short. Although, India spends about $4 billion on external and internal intelligence and data gathering, but we are still falling short. Had we known the true Chinese intent in 2020 then the LAC would be where, as it had been for several decades and expense of rushing troops would have been saved. The same is true about 1999 fight in Kargil. That sacrifice of the Indian soldiers to climb difficult heights would have been saved.

There are multiple ways the world gathers intelligence. They use multiple ways, including Human, electronic. Satellite, diplomatic, etc. Even if the raw intelligence is correct, yet its interpretation which matters. It would seem that our peacetime intelligence gathering and conclusions drawn are highly faulty.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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simple story proving how Chinese are nothing but bullies without balls

the Philippines took a rusty old navy ship and ran it into aground on one of the "atoll' (tiny islands) in spartly island chain in south china sea

the said island was being claimed by China.

the ship had marines . and now they are permanently stationed there . Philippines rotates the marines and supplies them routinely.

Super power Chinese can do nothing except block the supply ships and bark about using 'lethal force'

a few days ago they blocked a supply ship and sprayed water cannon on the crew.

Philippines refused to budge and said they will still supply the marines and hold on to the outpost and china finally backed down .

really funny to see chinese on social media cry over it

Philippines is just a tiny nation , if we had shown half their balls last may itself , depsang and pp15 would have been still in our hands.
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New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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simple story proving how Chinese are nothing but bullies without balls

the Philippines took a rusty old navy ship and ran it into aground on one of the "atoll' (tiny islands) in spartly island chain in south china sea

the said island was being claimed by China.

the ship had marines . and now they are permanently stationed there . Philippines rotates the marines and supplies them routinely.

Super power Chinese can do nothing except block the supply ships and bark about using 'lethal force'

a few days ago they blocked a supply ship and sprayed water cannon on the crew.

Philippines refused to budge and said they will still supply the marines and hold on to the outpost.

really funny to see chinese on social media cry over it

Philippines is just a tiny nation , if we had shown half their balls last may itself , depsang and pp15 would have been still in our hands.
Since unilateral actions only serve to vitiate the friendly atmosphere that is conducive for solving & mitigating all outstanding issues. There are established processes & protocols that can be availed to raise any & all issues. Responsible countries deal with such provocations with at-most restraint.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Since unilateral actions only serve to vitiate the friendly atmosphere that is conducive for solving & mitigating all outstanding issues. There are established processes & protocols that can be availed to raise any & all issues. Responsible countries deal with such provocations with at-most restraint.
Super saar what a reply saar , mind blowing
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New Member
May 3, 2020
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Since unilateral actions only serve to vitiate the friendly atmosphere that is conducive for solving & mitigating all outstanding issues. There are established processes & protocols that can be availed to raise any & all issues. Responsible countries deal with such provocations with at-most restraint.
Now you have passed the written exam to become a jholachap peace loving responsible MEA Babu, but your English is still understandable for a common man like me, try to write Tharoorish English, only then you will become a proper Babu and I hope you like tea and biscuits, because you have to attend lots of Chai biscuit sessions


New Member
May 3, 2020
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Since unilateral actions only serve to vitiate the friendly atmosphere that is conducive for solving & mitigating all outstanding issues. There are established processes & protocols that can be availed to raise any & all issues. Responsible countries deal with such provocations with at-most restraint.
Now you have passed the written exam to become a jholachap peace loving responsible MEA Babu, but your English is still understandable for a common man like me, try to write Tharoorish English, only then you will become a proper Babu and I hope you like tea and biscuits, because you have to attend lots of Chai biscuit sessions


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Since unilateral actions only serve to vitiate the friendly atmosphere that is conducive for solving & mitigating all outstanding issues. There are established processes & protocols that can be availed to raise any & all issues. Responsible countries deal with such provocations with at-most restraint.
MEA uncles reading your comment

Aug 17, 2020
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Citation of Col Babu says he and his men were tasked to established an OP, when the pla tried to stop them and later attacked them. Any idea on which side of the LAC was the OP trying to be established? Anyone remembers what the Indian army statement said on 16th June?

IIRC shiv aroor's article said that a team led by Col Babu went to take down a tent/post made by chinese despite the corp commander's talks. And later the fight escalated.

