India-China Border conflict


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Feb 28, 2019
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The Tibet railways is mainly for infrastructure construction during the peace time or urgent reaction after skirmish.

View attachment 230192

There was a old saying before the railway built: u delivered 1 tone of gasoline to Lhasa, u burnt 40% of them during the transportation.

That's why the Tibet railways are all single lane, not double. It mostly delivered construction materials to Lhasa ans border areas, plus there already pre-reserved military equipments located, so during the war time only need to deliver personnels by air.

View attachment 230191

From my understanding, around 2040 when the whole networks finished, the situation would be:

A point: there are Hotan, Kashgar, Urumqi connected, mainly for Askai Chin. And Xinjiang PLA has most heavy armed divisions.

B point: Already done, main supply to Lhasa. The other side is Golmud and Xining city. Most of Chinese rocket army are in this regin (Qinghai provice). The Lhasa to Rikaze is also finished, mainly for Siriguri corridors.

C point: The Lhasa to Linzhi is finished, mainly for ur AP , the other side is connected the Chengdu city, biggest city in Western China. 70% of PLAAF fighers are produced here like J10 and J20.

D point: Mainly connected to Kunming city of Yunnan province. This province is the main gateway to connect southeast Asia nations.If needed, PLA would also gain access from Burma to India's NE areas, the northern and western Burma are somehow quite influenced by China than Burma central government.

For such networks, if considering during 2035, IAF only has 30 - 35 wings , it would be hard to attack the whole networks.
Nice map. We see what you did there. Sneaked in a map with Arunachal Pradesh shaded in a different color of light blue while the rest of India is shaded in yellow.

Hope @ezsasa or other mods delete the map till @rockdog posts the corrected one showing Arunachal Pradesh as a part of India.

His partner is already taking liberties with his gomutra and cowdung jibes in the China Economy thread.


^This one does the job too.


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Nice map. We see what you did there. Sneaked in a map with Arunachal Pradesh shaded in a different color of light blue while the rest of India is shaded in yellow.

Hope @ezsasa or other mods delete the map till @rockdog posts the corrected one showing Arunachal Pradesh as a part of India.

His partner is already taking liberties with his gomutra and cowdung jibes in the China Economy thread.

View attachment 230196

^This one does the job too.
thanks for this map, but it's not about networks in Tibet.

I think u r oversensitive, i used the map from a famous map guy from weibo named 1002.

I posted lots of his high quality maps here. The maps reflect statu quo, this thread existed for 3 yrs, i haven't see any Indian member contributed maps at this level.

I came this thread only for exchanging info.

No time to debate political here.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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thanks for this map, but it's not about networks in Tibet.

I think u r oversensitive, i used the map from a famous map guy from weibo named 1002.

I posted lots of his high quality maps here. The maps reflect statu quo, this thread existed for 3 yrs, i haven't see any Indian member contributed maps at this level.

View attachment 230198

I came this thread only for exchanging info.

No time to debate political here.

Sure, there are no brownie points for being indifferent so oversensitive I shall be.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Military scenario in Asia with China & Pakistan collaborating.

In the envisioned military scenario in Asia, where China and Pakistan collaborate against India, a careful analysis reveals that neither country poses an insurmountable threat to India individually. The formidable Indian Army, boasting high levels of training, modernity, efficiency, and equipment, can effectively confront each adversary in turn. However, historical instances, such as the 1999 Kargil conflict with Pakistan and the 1955-1962 Himalayan clashes with China, underscore the need for vigilance against potential stealthy incursions into Indian territory.

Examining Pakistan's capacity, its economic challenges render it incapable of sustaining a prolonged conflict. Despite attempts to mobilize national resources, its military prowess remains dwarfed in comparison to India. Western media narratives, often sympathetic to Pakistan, tend to amplify perceived successes while downplaying actual defeats. The contemporary Indian Army, with its enhanced capabilities, would swiftly neutralize any attempts by Pakistan to seize territory, especially given the susceptibility of Pakistani military hardware, much of which is of Chinese origin, to critical failures.

As for China, its military actions have been notably discreet since the 1979 War against Vietnam. While boasting numerical superiority, a formidable rocket force, and tube artillery, the actual effectiveness of their battle tactics remains uncertain. The Chinese emphasis on their military prowess, often communicated through paid agents, does not necessarily align with the realities of terrain, particularly in mountainous regions where India's defenses are strategically positioned. The Chinese military's reliance on rockets and battlefield missiles, largely reverse-engineered copies, proves impractical in the challenging Himalayan topography.

Additionally, China's air force faces logistical challenges with major airbases situated at a considerable distance and elevation. This hampers their ability to launch sorties with optimal fuel and payload, rendering their airforce less effective in mountainous warfare. The use of Russian-derived missile technology further places them at a disadvantage.

While China employed superior tactics in the 1962 conflict, replicating such success in the contemporary geopolitical landscape, especially against a strengthened and prepared Indian Army, would be a formidable challenge. The evolving dynamics and enhanced capabilities of the Indian armed forces significantly tilt the balance in favor of India except in the event of a collaborative military engagement involving China and Pakistan together. To mitigate that scenario, India is actively working for the formation of QUAD.


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Dec 29, 2010
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both sides gonna hit each others bridges first.

lot of tall rail bridges for the Tibet railline . gonna be vunerable to indian attacks . few gotta be close to border . if they get hit entire railline will be unusable
The Tibet railways are mainly for infrastructure construction during the peace time or urgent reaction after skirmish.


There was an old saying before the railway built: u delivered 1 ton of gasoline to Lhasa, u burnt 40% of them during the transportation.

That's why the Tibet railways are all single lane, not double. It mostly delivered construction materials to Lhasa and then border areas, plus for pre-reserved military equipments bases, during the war time PLA only need to deliver personnels by air.

From my understanding, around 2040 when the whole networks finished, the situation would be:


A point: there are Hotan, Kashgar, Urumqi connected, mainly for Askai Chin. And Xinjiang PLA has most heavy armed divisions.

B point: Already done, main supply to Lhasa. The other side is Golmud and Xining city. Most of Chinese rocket army are in this regin (Qinghai provice). The Lhasa to Rikaze is also finished, mainly for Siriguri corridors.

C point: The Lhasa to Linzhi is finished, mainly for ur AP , the other side is connected the Chengdu city, biggest city in Western China. 70% of PLAAF fighers are produced here like J10 and J20.

D point: Mainly connected to Kunming city of Yunnan province. This province is the main gateway to connect southeast Asia nations.If needed, PLA would also gain access from Burma to India's NE areas, the northern and western Burma are somehow quite influenced by China than Burma central government.

For such networks, if considering during 2035, IAF only has 30 - 35 wings , it would be hard to attack the whole networks.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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For such networks, if considering during 2035, IAF only has 30 - 35 wings , it would be hard to attack the whole networks.
Why would we attack your "networks?" At the same time northern , north western & north eastern Myanmar are dense tropical forests which is why the Japanese couldn't make much headway there during WW-2 & neither have the Tatmadaw been able to dominate those areas for long which explains the 75 + years of civil war there.

PLAAF domination of those areas mean nothing as there's nothing of value either there or in our NE save for military bases. If the intention is to secure the skies with the ultimate aim to launch a ground assault thru those areas of Myanmar into our NE , I'd say you're more than welcome to try. Make sure to execute these manoeuvres in the monsoon . It'd add to the fun .


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
its pretty easy actually. chinks also suck at area defense.
''area defense'' - is the only area Chinese capable of matching or close to US, rest [excluding Israel] falls behind US & China.
The main reason why US developing 6th+ gen tech, to counter PLA area defense.
China’s Anti-Access Area Denial ->>
Chinese already deployed 3000~4000km+ AESA RF sensors in Tibetan Plateau + S400, Rapidly increasing AEW fleet, j11/j16/j20 with AESA seeker range around 400km or more
India also needs Anti Access Area Denial Capabilities ->>
In 2035 they bring space based systems[including JV], DEW, extreme long range hypersonic interceptors and [maybe] rail guns also
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Dec 29, 2010
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This guy's 2nd China trip within 6 months, in Tibet now, the 2nd espisode.



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Dec 29, 2010
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And what have both these videos got to do with the Indo Chinese border conflict ?
Wel, if you just spend 20mins to watch, it's very informative, especially to you.


Train system (you even thought it's all HSR based), Hindi, muslim, Nepalese, entry permit, infras, ... Lots of elements from the so far 4 episodes, are quite connected to our border issues.

Of course, if you don't like them, don't watch.


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Nov 1, 2022
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Wel, if you just spend 20mins to watch the video, it's very informative, especially to you.

View attachment 230313
I don't think anybody's interested in MSS propaganda videos out here. @ezsasa

Train system (you even thought it's all HSR based), Hindi, muslim, Nepalese, entry permit, infras ... Are quite connected to our border issues.
Hindu Muslim Nepalese entry permit... ??! How's this connected to the Indo Chinese border conflict ?

Of course, if you don't like them, don't watch.
Since when do Indians take instructions from wumaos on an Indian defence forum ?


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Dec 29, 2010
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Wait, what make you to think IAF can penetrate Chinese air space in 2035 ??
Air defense in Tibet region, no matter China or India, are far harder than attacking.

During the whole 1980-2000s, IAF always sent Mig25 to Tibet sky freely, PLAAF almsot had nothing to deal with, this area is too huge.


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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I don't think anybody's interested in MSS propaganda videos out here. @ezsasa

Hindu Muslim Nepalese entry permit... ??! How's this connected to the Indo Chinese border conflict ?

Since when do Indians take instructions from wumaos on an Indian defence forum ?
This thread is more strategic than details, that's why i post vids here. If you don't think on this level, let it be.

BTW, why everytime we had conversation, you went to personal to me? Dose it make any sense?


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Why everytime we had conversation, you went to personal to me? Dose it make any sense?
I don't understand . What exactly do they call people in China who constantly indulge in CCP propaganda ?! Has the term wumao been coined by India or Indians ?


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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I don't understand . What exactly do they call people in China who constantly indulge in CCP propaganda ?! Has the term wumao been coined by India or Indians ?
If any Chinese member here is labelled like wumao, dose it mean you wanna a "Chinese member free" forum?