India-China Border conflict


New Member
May 31, 2020
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@mokoman you have any idea ?
most likely this article is source . its 'news' from 2022

this dude quoted one of the osint dudes online we know who was talking about 2022 . its now news story 🥴


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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most likely this article is source . its 'news' from 2022

this dude quoted one of the osint dudes online we know who was talking about 2022 . its now news story 🥴
WLVN Analysis is getting redundant and incorrect lately.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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WLVN Analysis is getting redundant and incorrect lately.
he is quoting this article. it just referencing old news we already know.

:hmm: seems like everything quiet at LAC , no news of next LAC meetings . except for buildup nothing much happening


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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While it makes no sense for India to enter China and try and occupy their lands, since it is not feasible given the size and scope of it, the same dilemma is faced by China as well.
Not really. You forget that Tibet is a frontier state for them - it is not a legitimate territory but simply a buffer zone for them to offset any perceived Indian invasions from the West to keep the Han lands away from harm. The CCP is using the same tactics that the Soviets used with East European countries under the guise of common communism - secure buffer lands.

Xinjiang is a mineral haven while Tibet is a buffer against us.

They can attack but to hold that land for long periods can be very costly for them as well.
Now coming to them attacking our infra in north and east, well, India does not need to do the same across the border.
Attacking infrastructure means taking out critical military supply lines from the Han heartland. Tibet is a barren field with very limited cover. Though they have built thousands of bunkers, they will have to come out in the open to fight and that is where our opportunity lies.

I wonder whether the government has studied the means to self-finance wars the way the Americans did during WW2. If we have a similar financing plan, we will be able to sustain a war of attrition whenever this happens. It's not a matter of IF but WHEN.

China has a lot of traffic going through the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. While they hit in the north, we hit in the oceans.

To be honest, to cripple infra, China would have to use tens of thousands of their rockets. For me, it just might be one missile for one of their commercial ships.
Targetting shipping lanes is not as simple as you think. Ships have a concept of registering elsewhere and flying the flag of other countries. Many of them are from countries like Panama or Mongolia, who don't have much of their own, but they earn decent income from shipping registry. Hundreds of ships flying different country flags go to and fro from Chinese ports. How do you suppose we segregate Chinese ships from the lot? Even with various identification systems, the relay of information to target specific ships would be very, very complex.

And then there is the element of trading nations - meaning that these Chinese-bound/origin ships are supplying to someone or the other. Meaning that if we take out their trading ships, someone is going to lose billions and that country would turn against us.

Choking shipping lanes is a sort of non-nuclear last resort that we will have in our arsenal. Also, our ships from Russia, Japan and Korea can be taken hostage by the Chinese and we do have a lot of shipping traffic from those countries.

I wonder whether we have the stomach to bring the CCP to its knees in the case of a war. Only overwhelming force can deter these guys. They carry the same mentality as that of the imperial Japanese forces - just more cowardly and older.

The US increases racist attacks against countries that do not toe its line. Remember how the Japanese were targeted in the 80s? This is exactly what happened. Don't be surprised if they use the same methods against Indian Americans soon. We can see that happening in many forms already.

China will retaliate against these measures by using hostage diplomacy but I doubt we have any plans to use something like these. Removing barricades is not going to do anything as the US will station its soldiers inside its compounds (embassies are sovereign territories and therefore they can station US troops inside the premises of the embassy).

When it comes to China vs the USA, they both are the same to me.
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Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Personally, if I were China president I give all of Aksai Chin back to India.
That would permanently end any conflict between our countries, allowing you to focus your entire energy against the US. Unfortunately, CCP does not understand this.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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pretty fast admittance. I thought they'll take 6 months here as well.
It's Chinese civilians, were killed in accidental mortar fire (the mortar veered off the target and fell into Chinese area).

If it was Chinese soldiers killed in some clash you can be sure they would make the parents of dead soldiers burn their son's birth certificate and declare their son never existed.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
Now Myanmarese banging Chinese

The burmese border needs to be fully fenced off and electrified. These ching chongs will likely supply more arms to the rebels and there is a good chance these rats will crawl across the border to Mizoram. The CM there is already ignoring central government's orders and allowing mass inflow of burmese "refugees"