India-China Border conflict

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
Country flag
Literally in our backyard

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Hope we have gamed for all scenarios.
The day is not far where plan ships will be in more number in bay of bengal and IOR forming a mega blockage to all our strategic points and restricting our movements
This is for all Malacca strait blocking strategists they can just simply overrun our Navy with their sheer nos
Mark my words plan would be colliding with our ships in future in our region and we will be just giving out statements

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
Country flag
Possible, they do have massive civilian militia of 'Fishing Fleets', we saw that in Phillipines.
And our dealers would be importing Indian fish from them
What a pathetic future
Even they will destroy our ecological balance in that region by excessive fishing and no one to question them


New Member
May 31, 2020
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The day is not far where plan ships will be in more number in bay of bengal and IOR forming a mega blockage to all our strategic points and restricting our movements
This is for all Malacca strait blocking strategists they can just simply overrun our Navy with their sheer nos
Mark my words plan would be colliding with our ships in future in our region and we will be just giving out statements
thats what QUAD is for , to a certain point.

we have indian peninsula as well as andaman nicobar islands :troll: , all i see then is a bunch of sunken PLAN ships.

pakistanis can then salvage them and sell for scraps.

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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US is so afraid of China’s economic might that they are letting Chinese off the hook in the Covid -19 spread. All investigation of Chinese involvements have been turned off. It is the US business interests including the Wall Street advising the US Administration to go slow on China investigation. These are the reasons that Biden is called a weak president. Until he is dumped there is no hope for US to recover its prestige in Indo-Pacific region.

Chinese Covid invention has resulted in two trillion dollars lost wealth in direct medical treatment, shutdowns, loss of life and direct material losses due to frequent shutdowns all over the world. If the blame can be put at Chinese door steps then damages could be claimed. If you do not do it now then Chinese are at liberty to continue inventing newer and newer biological warfare germs with immunity.

Don't listen to the Wall Street President Biden…… Hold Chinese responsible for this pain they have inflicted on the world.


New Member
Aug 9, 2021
US is so afraid of China’s economic might that they are letting Chinese off the hook in the Covid -19 spread. All investigation of Chinese involvements have been turned off. It is the US business interests including the Wall Street advising the US Administration to go slow on China investigation. These are the reasons that Biden is called a weak president. Until he is dumped there is no hope for US to recover its prestige in Indo-Pacific region.

Chinese Covid invention has resulted in two trillion dollars lost wealth in direct medical treatment, shutdowns, loss of life and direct material losses due to frequent shutdowns all over the world. If the blame can be put at Chinese door steps then damages could be claimed. If you do not do it now then Chinese are at liberty to continue inventing newer and newer biological warfare germs with immunity.

Don't listen to the Wall Street President Biden…… Hold Chinese responsible for this pain they have inflicted on the world.
The power of economic integration and supply chains. Making the world reliant on you. And some economists want India to junk manufacturing and focus only on services. Suicidal.