India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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There is quite confusion about Black Top.. Som & Gokhale are saying they are still under Chinese. The SFF's guy's father said we are close to Chinese posts in Black Top or something similar to that.. But there is another "Yellow Bump" bang on LAC is said to under Indian control which is of same height as of Black Top.. So we are looking at Chinese positions from there as well. So that maybe one of adjoining heights Som & Gokhale were talking about.


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Apr 4, 2019
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There is quite confusion about Black Top.. Som & Gokhale are saying they are still under Chinese. The SFF's guy's father said we are close to Chinese posts in Black Top or something similar to that.. But there is another "Yellow Bump" bang on LAC is said to under Indian control which is of same height as of Black Top.. So we are looking at Chinese positions from there as well. So that maybe one of adjoining heights Som & Gokhale were talking about.
Shrödinger's black top.


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Apr 6, 2019
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Ghokhale was peddling his own narrative on F4 and Galwan valley patrol point 14 which turned to be completely otherwise and now he is peddling another narrative on Black top which seems otherwise...
I chose to believe injured soldier father who himself is a retired soldier


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Jan 31, 2016
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need to check if this black top bogie has been raised initially by the same set of people who raised talked about Taiwan crash.

This further got strengthened by relatively unknown SM handles with colonel & brigadier in their names.

once an echo chamber got created, even legit handles started believing this, just because every second fellow was tweeting this.
I think it is semantic to talk about names of peaks.
Fact remains.... We have occupied heights in the buffer zone, that both countries claim (so technically in our side of our interpretation of loc, but on their side of their interpretation of loc) and now dominate the area. Similar to what they have done in the fingers area.
They are clearly unhappy and we have done a tit for tat response. That much is clear.
Unless we precisely know the different interpretations of loc, locations of peaks, advantages etc, no point talking about names of peaks.


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Dec 25, 2016
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He might have confused it with Ayni Air base in Tajik .. Which had our presence for sometime supporting Northern alliance fighters in afghan

Edit : We still operate the base , President R N Kovind visited the base and meet IAF officers deputed there in 2018 . i had posted myself that pic here

Farkhor Air base 😂 that's useless like my house backyard piled with debris.... Just check over maps run way is destroyed with huge hole and nearby farmers farming around runway. These OSINT guys can spin anything. India wanted to make it overseas base but Russian involvement scuffled our plans way back in 2012 itself
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I think it is semantic to talk about names of peaks.
Fact remains.... We have occupied heights in the buffer zone, that both countries claim (so technically in our side of our interpretation of loc, but on their side of their interpretation of loc) and now dominate the area. Similar to what they have done in the fingers area.
They are clearly unhappy and we have done a tit for tat response. That much is clear.
Unless we precisely know the different interpretations of loc, locations of peaks, advantages etc, no point talking about names of peaks.
true, but issue here is that people here are getting upset, hyped and getting into arguments over things GoI/IA has not claimed.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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This is how you talk and stand to protect your land strong men don't meek out.

They don't make silly excuses like we don't need the land because there is not single inch of grass on that land and so on.
Not Cede an inch of land... is the exact words used by chinese side... Good.. The chinese are being exposed to an echo chamber now:bplease:


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Apr 6, 2019
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Even then.. forcing the Taiwanese government to officially deny the shoot down.. is surreal.. its inadvertently shown the power of Indian troll ecosystem..
Also making it to the front page of Foreignpolicy website.. surreal..:pound:
Well then they lost all credibility. What ever they post now everyone take them as trolls and already they're running from accounts creating back up IDs to re establish themselves....
There will be no difference between paki trolls n these guys now


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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As a bramhan, I sport dhoti everyday doing sandhya, thank you for reminding folks. Racist is not the word though....
Well if jews are considered a race,then we are the oldest living race on the planet

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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Here's what I see in twitter, a Gobar Times tweet and then a few tweets followed by some Pakis. And after them tens of thousands of Indians trolling them back.

Is this some kind of a trick that after every tweet of Gobar Times a Paki handler tweets and stays at the top? :hmm:

In meantime a befitting reply to Paki trollers.:crying::crying::crying:

And this is some news.. :troll: :megusta:



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Dec 25, 2016
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Here is the pic of President visit , Can you please tell me what are IAF personnel doing in Ayni if base is not getting operated by us ??

Ayni Base Tajik.jpg

OSINT guys well know what they're writing... Avni airbase is under Russian control and operated even India tried to share the base with them but dropped the idea. OSINT guys Just giving spin to information they got. There was no need to bring farkhor air base thing as it's well known to all it never materialised beyond talks and the air base lie abandoned.
Also after yesterday's Taiwan stupidity and embarrassment they're on for each other heads


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Jul 22, 2020
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I don't like the idea of us throwing our OSINIT's under the bus, no matter what.

They perform an important task,
if they are stupid or not speaking truth, just brazen it out....thats what the enemy does,

You don't throw your kids on street no matter what...
But that doesn't excuse them of their behaviour towards each other, something they could have solved in private DMs they have taken to the streets, calling each other out over some silly things.


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Aug 4, 2019
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Okay, so I've asked a few people who know a bit. They've all said that they think IA has taken the tops.

My own interpretation is this, Black + Helmet Top not within LAC but within India's perception of their claim - so "greyzone", if you will.

It makes sense that they've taken due to (a) Chinese crying, (b) reports of clashes and rushing up hills to prevent Chinese from taking points, it's the only way that makes sense and (c) the very, very precise report that they lit lights on Chinese trying to climb up and take the points.

Shiv Aroor and Sandeep from IT report it, and as far as I'm concerned, they're the two most credible journos lately. Gokhale has lost a lot of credibility for me after his "pink structures in Galwan are Indian" which was sheer nonsense and Som works for NDTV so I don't trust anything they or The Hindu says.


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Jan 17, 2019
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There is not even 0.001% financial or economic logic in any of your arguments so far,

Many in this Forum want to go to Beijing, Moscow and New York to defend India while disbanding their Army that guards the nation's borders,

Well that is what that stupid Nehru and his cronies in our MEA and bureaucracy did and thought ... Nehru embarked on conquering the world while totally weakening the national defense. All of you know the result... one jataka by China and the world Order of Nehru and his cronies shattered like a pack of cards down Namkha Chu.
Only idiots talk about actually going to Beijing. I have made no such claims. The only thing we need is ballistic missiles + subs capable of wiping out the Chinese seaboard, that's good enough and we have that.

And nobody is talking about "disbanding" the Army, but if you didn't build false strawmen and engage in wild hyperbole, you wouldn't be the (in)famous Bhadra.

Air Power, Sea Power and land power are all element of national security and all three are required to be balance as per needs of National security needs. There is no use going to SouthChina Sea to bomb Beijing when some rag Tag PlA is march down to Tejpur.. can that capability save Leh?

That is also the most harmful approach DODOs also embarked upon. They think that Agni and Prithvi makes 14 Corps or a Naval Flotilla redundant. India's nuclear capabilities have neither deterred Pakistan nor China in pursuing their military adventures on our borders.. and posing existentialist threats to India. In their pursuit of missiles and the bomb, India's security managers completely ignored development in traditional military capabilities and brought us Kargil, Doklam, and Now situation in Ladakh, DODO remained focused on Missiles at the cost of everything else because they wanted to play the role of Nehruvian strategist that will make all other forces redundant and declared them as the supreme National Security Bahgya Vidhata...
Your approach of "X number soldiers for Y number soldiers" isn't much smarter - but apparently you and many people here never heard the phrase "work smarter, not harder."

Keep trying to catch up with yesterday's threats and challenges, and continue lagging behind like always - good luck.

And by the way; it was the emergency procurement of cutting edge weapons tech mated to a fighter like the Mirage which largely bailed India out in Kargil. So much for ground numbers.

This was also the time when India had to go around begging for satellite images from friendly countries.

Everyone in this country is more of a politician and very less professional. Most of the guys who shout about the economics of Security totally ignore how much wastage, proliferation, bloated and unwarranted expenditure is borne on internal security, social security, poverty alleviation, education, and health... just to eat up every thing. Having spent 98 percent of GDP on those issues, where are we in providing social security to our people. The only democratization that has taken place is that in place of a few we now have thousands of undeserving Rajas.
That can largely be traced back to corruption of various hues, at various levels, and evil intentions of past Gvt's. Still it's a largely irrelevant rant. Everyone knows there's wastage (which the current Gvt is doing its best to reduce) - but the military budget is what it is; crying about wastage won't change that.

And also understand that any Gvt which vastly increases the military budget, but does it as the cost of some spending on the public - will have to play a very difficult balancing game to avoid getting kicked out. Even the current hawkish Gvt hasn't been able to raise the budget significantly, but was forced to announce a slew of benefit transfers and pensions before the last elections.

Having granted themselves OROP all civilian govt pensioners target OROP for Ex-servicemen as if without that we were well off and doing great and build all arsenal so freely.. These are the people who sustain 14 million strong Army at WWI ration scales while themselves patronizing five-star Dhabasa and created national health problems in being obese by overeating.. .
Ranting about babus to someone from a multi-generation military family? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Please do not advance such arguments.. those 18 Lakh ex-servicemen are also Indians, have families, liabilities and need social development. No one has ever achieved National Security by starving soldiers and filling their own coffers with arms import scams..
Cut the self-righteous ranting, nobody ever said they weren't Indians or didn't deserve OROP - that is simply a strawman you create. But only an idiot would think that almost doubling the Army in size wouldn't make it almost impossible to sustain the pensions of soldiers when the defense budget hasn't truly increased in years and the MOD already plays dirty games with disabled vets and the families of martyrs as is.


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Aug 4, 2019
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OSINT guys well know what they're writing... Avni airbase is under Russian control and operated even India tried to share the base with them but dropped the idea. OSINT guys Just giving spin to information they got. There was no need to bring farkhor air base thing as it's well known to all it never materialised beyond talks and the air base lie abandoned.
Also after yesterday's Taiwan stupidity and embarrassment they're on for each other heads
Ayni Base has significant Indian presence, to this date. It must be shared. Kovind visited it himself - - there must be 100+ Indians at the base.
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