India-China 2020 Border Dispute - Military and Strategic Discussion

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Sep 7, 2015
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The only concern are their rocket artillery, atleast according to me.
Rockets are still unable to properly engage reverse slope positions in mountains because it is more difficult to determine the trajectory compared to that of a howitzer. Rocket arty has good shock effect in plains but not so in mountainous terrain. Howitzers are far more effective.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Rockets are still unable to properly engage reverse slope positions in mountains because it is more difficult to determine the trajectory compared to that of a howitzer. Rocket arty has good shock effect in plains but not so in mountainous terrain. Howitzers are far more effective.
Well what if they use's drones for targeting's.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Can our guys take them on and come on top if hostilities do breakout?
Chinese have limited avenues of ingress East to West. So they will come from depth areas into those four five road axis and deploy. The have no North South axis as such. Chinese advantage would lie in their 122mm Motorized / mounted guns...

Look at Indian side. Road DSDBO runs parallel to the LAC. Indians can deploy their guns at hundred of places along the road and bring concentrated fire on the Chinese at multiple locations. Since the road is near the LAC, ranges will also not be a problem. Indian artillery will be in a position to remain fairly dispersed using Gun Areas in Shook Valley and still concentrate the fire.

Same Like Kargil....
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Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Dukan par abhi kaun bhi nahi hai sirf Subhai hi aate hai, most customer come in que only in morning for purchases, so I am free at the shop from 11 to 9. Nothing to do due to this chinese viruse's.
Well most of us have nothing to do expect working from home or going to offices but coming early, same story of the shopkeeper's, so obviously anger would be diverted's toward's the Chinese's, due to their virus creating this havoce's.


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Jul 11, 2011
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I had a suggestion in this regard...

We have about 85 RR battalions equipped with Infantry mortars whic they never use ...
those all should be brought and deployed in Ladakh. ... it will not efffect the RR in any manner...

Infantry mortars of about six km range is very effective against Infantry, ideal for firing concentrated against infantry and is a great casualty inflictors. I can imagine the effects of ten to twelve mortar platoon deployed on reverse slopes firing on Chinese position. say slopes of Finger five... or opposite Gogra. It will be a total annihilation..


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Feb 16, 2009
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India shifts focus to its air force


New Member
Jun 19, 2020
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Unfortunately doesn’t look like the Chinese are going to vacate. The situation in Depsang seems to be particularly serious and there is a complete blackout. India has two choices. Throw the Chinese out or give up territory. Unfortunately the way the govt has been trying to whitewash the situation and pretend that there have been no intrusion , the latter seems to be more of a possibility. I wonder why our politicians don’t have condfidence in our armed forces. In Ladakh it’s India that has the advantage and the IA can give the Chinese a bloody nose that they will not forget. By all means pick your time and place but don’t put the military option off the table. The preparations should be over now. I sincerely hope we have occupied some of their territory and are using that as a bargining chip.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Unfortunately doesn’t look like the Chinese are going to vacate. The situation in Depsang seems to be particularly serious and there is a complete blackout. India has two choices. Throw the Chinese out or give up territory. Unfortunately the way the govt has been trying to whitewash the situation and pretend that there have been no intrusion , the latter seems to be more of a possibility. I wonder why our politicians don’t have condfidence in our armed forces. In Ladakh it’s India that has the advantage and the IA can give the Chinese a bloody nose that they will not forget. By all means pick your time and place but don’t put the military option off the table. The preparations should be over now. I sincerely hope we have occupied some of their territory and are using that as a bargining chip.
I don't think it is that simple. There maybe a standoff that goes on for a while but there
will be a time for action. Possibly when US lights up Chinese east coast?? Better to wait and
attack China as part of an alliance.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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Coming from the mouth of the Chinese's.

Listen to this pathetic way the this chinese person's saying this statement's.

In his own word's.

Yesterday, I was playing golf and my golfing colleague (English) said this Hong Kong bill is going to hurt Hong Kong, but China deserve it. China is picking a fight with everyone from India, South China sea, opposite of the strait's, Hong Kong, and the Huawei to coronavirus! What! Since when did China started all these? I knew then that the MSM have worked their magic on him. It isn't worth trying to argue with them. Because they have a head start with all the western propaganda they have been fed (unknowingly) all their lives. Here's the headline from SCMP on police training with USA on hold as per the Hong Kong bill. Big deal, ah. Just like the Canadians announcing stopping selling $20 millions worth of equipments. The devil is in the details.

It's all sound bites for home consumption for their own populace. But nothing of substance. "Shrugging off end of US training programmes, Hong Kong police insiders say ‘any other country can serve the same purpose’. Even if the US’ Five Eyes partners follow suit, plenty of options for exchanges remain, say sources, who stress the trips are mostly for broadening horizons. ‘None of these places train us to become police. It is a mutual knowledge exchange ... They learn from us, too’".

They think they own the world. Pathetic mentality the chinese are having's. They still think they can own the whole world's and the rest will dance to their tune's.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Unfortunately doesn’t look like the Chinese are going to vacate. The situation in Depsang seems to be particularly serious and there is a complete blackout. India has two choices. Throw the Chinese out or give up territory. Unfortunately the way the govt has been trying to whitewash the situation and pretend that there have been no intrusion , the latter seems to be more of a possibility. I wonder why our politicians don’t have condfidence in our armed forces. In Ladakh it’s India that has the advantage and the IA can give the Chinese a bloody nose that they will not forget. By all means pick your time and place but don’t put the military option off the table. The preparations should be over now. I sincerely hope we have occupied some of their territory and are using that as a bargining chip.
I think this is not the month to start any sort of offensive. US elections are coming & we may see Trump take some sort of action over China in SCS, guy is desperate for reelection & he may do something in coming months (limited ofcourse). We should bide our time & strike China at the right moment. Yes we may achieve limited success in a pre emptive strike but we can also huge inroads into Aksai Chin if we strike when China is at its weakest.
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