India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Ya'll Nibbiars The owner of that Coal is for blame. Gone underground and unanswered.If the coal is not offloaded or loaded at another port the Shipping Company will face A heavy Penalty. The coal is worth 25 Million Dollar. The Shipping company could be sued despite the Chinese coal ban. The owner of the coal is trying profit at the cost of the Death of the crew's. And the chinese authority's are not allowing to dock or give a berth's.

The process of offloading cargo and leaving the port normally takes one ship about one week. When it approaches a port, a chartering agent is informed while the ship stays in anchorage for a few days. Port authorities then give the ship a berth to offload cargo after which it leaves. However, Jag Anand and MV Anastasia have so far not been given a berth to offload.
I dont think thats the entire story.. being stranded for 8 months, is a huge loss for the shipping company.. dwarfing the cargo value of 25 million..I think the chinese wete not even allowing the ships to leave chinese waters.


Tihar Jail
Oct 18, 2020
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Its not about premession but about Fine as they will face about thrice as the Coal is woth's. And have to pay also fines to the Huber Port authorities and that's is almost the coat of a new Bulk Carrier's.
Offloading the cargo is secondary and it will be dealt by respective stakeholders. But the concern chene officials did not allow long waited sailors to get off board, they didn't get quality water and food for many months. For many months ship authorities & GOI requested for crew transfer but chinese officials declined it, clearance given only today.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Indians are over represented on merchant vessels. Every crisis, and there are indian merchent men who need to be rescued by foreign office.. its time India bars Indian merchent men from working on ships sailing to China, with a threat of 6 months jail..
Rescuing these damsels in distress regularly is a pain in the as*


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Offloading the cargo is secondary and it will be dealt by respective stakeholders. But the concern chene officials did not allow long waited sailors to get off board, they didn't get quality water and food for many months. For many months ship authorities & GOI requested for crew transfer but chinese officials declined it, clearance given only today.
They didn't allowed docking of this ships currently more than 120 ships are facing this problems in many ports. Alone in Hubei more than 20 ships are not allowed to dock. The authorities are not concerned about its.
I dont think thats the entire story.. being stranded for 8 months, is a huge loss for the shipping company.. dwarfing the cargo value of 25 million..I think the chinese wete not even allowing the ships to leave chinese waters.
The shipping company losses amount to 2.8 million Dollars. It's not about that but Hughes fines it carries if the contract is not honoured's that worth almost the Value of the ships.
Indians are over represented on merchant vessels. Every crisis, and there are indian merchent men who need to be rescued by foreign office.. its time India bars Indian merchent men from working on ships sailing to China, with a threat of 6 months jail..
Rescuing these damsels in distress regularly is a pain in the as*
The problem is MEA was not able to solve it early. The chinese created Problems stating Lock down and useless reasons.

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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The shipping company losses amount to 2.8 million Dollars. It's not about that but Hughes fines it carries if the contract is not honoured's that worth almost the ships.
Nope.. every contract will have a force majeure clause.. Its not the shipping company's fault if a war breaks out or the port is inundated by a tsunami... Covid lock down are increasingly part of shipping contracts under Force majeure


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Nope.. every contract will have a force majeure clause.. Its not the shipping company's fault if a war breaka out or the port is inundated by a tsunami...
Well but can be cased. And there were two reasons first Coal owner didn't answered. So longed anchoring and second chinese pressure that tactics for 20 ships alone in the Hubei Port. There are currently two ships in the Hubei port with Indian crewed's.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Disappeared lol.
Disappeared..cuz chinese wanted to constitute it as abduction :rofl: .

lets see how their new PLA guy posted by Xi at the border handles it.

its funny how china..the shooooper power doesnt know anything about what is happening to its assets/soldiers etc.
china doesnt know about chinese spies arrested in afghan..
and now china doesnt know about soldiers posted at LC

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Well but can be cased. And there were two reasons first Coal owner didn't answered. So longed anchoring and second chinese pressure that tactics for 20 ships alone in the Hubei Port. There are currently two ships in the Hubei port with Indian crewed's.
Do you have links to articles talking about other ships with non Indian crew being docked in Hubei or other chinese port for 8 months..? You are saying 120 ships are stranded at chinese ports.. can you provide links to articles where any non Indian crew has been stranded for 8 months without even being allowed change of crew ?


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Do you have links to articles talking about other ships with non Indian crew being docked in Hubei or other chinese port for 8 months..? You are saying 120 ships are stranded at chinese ports.. can you provide links to articles where any non Indian crew has been stranded for 8 months without even being allowed change of crew ?
Well I will proceed the link for the hubei port. And yes its not just India centric I am following this for few months thats why I can says.
15-18 other ships in Jingtang port also stranded’

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Well I will proceed the link for the hubei port. And yes its not just India centric I am following this for few months thats why I can says.
15-18 other ships in Jingtang port also stranded’
My question was are there any non Indian crew in those 15 to 18 other ships who have been stranded for 8 months without even being allowed change of crew ?


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars the problems is deeper than just one vessel Last month, the Ministry of External Affairs said other ships, which arrived after the two stranded ones, have managed to discharge cargo and leave but “the reasons for this are not clear (sic)”. Hundreds of Indian crews are still trapped in the Chinese waters. Many are owned by foreign companies but crewd by Indians.

My question was are there any non Indian crew in those 15 to 18 other ships who have been stranded for 8 months without even being allowed change of crew ?

Ya'll Nibbiara there were 120 ships first that were trapped in the Chinese waters but still there are 60 ships that are still trapped in the Chinese.
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Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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Well the fact is that the Chinese are steadily hammering at the lead that the US has got in many economically strategic areas. Like software, the operating system for mobiles, semiconductors, civilian aircraft, defence etc. Huawei has already developed an alternative to the Android os though on a trial basis. 5g is another focus area. The Chinks are building naval ships at a faster pace than the US.

The US cannot take on China globally alone. If they concentrate only on Europe which is their main area of influence and counter Russia there, they risk losing Africa to Chinese investment. So they are stretched economically and militarily.

They need strong alliances to share the burden. Asia cannot be secured without India's backing.

The key is the economy and technological strength. If the Chinese can develop 3 nanometer chips and also fabricate them, it will become a threat to US technology
dominance. Similar would be the case in other areas.

So China is a threat to the US. They can ignore it only at their peril. I think most Americans in key positions appreciate the reality.
Most Americans and westerners are also the personality type that would make emotional decisions based on sjw morality and at the same time think invading and trying to civilize places like Afghanistan and the middle without any hardpower or a proper plan as a good idea.

I don't see that changing in their higher circles for some time.

They are a bunch of culturally and civilizationally confused people and the countries that they constitute should be counted on to be only a supporting force don't depend them to lead the charge.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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From sino forum: official PLA statement

China Military Network, January 9th. In the early morning of January 8, a soldier of the Chinese border defense force disappeared due to darkness and complicated terrain. After the incident, the Chinese border guards reported the situation to the Indian side as soon as possible, and hoped that the Indian side would assist in search and rescue. Nearly two hours later, the Indian side clearly replied that it found a Chinese soldier who had lost sight of it, and returned it to the Chinese side after asking for instructions. Some Indian media have some hype about this matter, which is not consistent with the facts. The Indian side should strictly abide by the relevant agreements and agreements between the two countries, and promptly transfer the missing persons to China, adding positive factors to the current cooling and slowing down of the Sino-Indian border situation, and jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border area.

:troll: worlds best army , they can defeat anyone , provided they can find their way to battlefield.
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New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Indian seafarers stuck in China set to return by January 14

Gobar times: It has nothing to do with the disappearance of chinese canon fodder soldiers

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Indian seafarers stuck in China set to return by January 14

Gobar times: It has nothing to do with the disappearance of chinese canon fodder soldiers
Now, I have more than a suspicision that some PLA ladyboys were kidnapped by IA to enhance India's negotiating position..:megusta:

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Meanwhile Hu babua shaking after some self stimulation..

US' battle to ban Trump's social media accounts may become its “Civil War” in ideology. This battle will have a profound impact. The foundations of the US system are shaking in controversy: GT editor-in-chief Hu Xijin

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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From sino forum: official PLA statement

China Military Network, January 9th. In the early morning of January 8, a soldier of the Chinese border defense force disappeared due to darkness and complicated terrain. After the incident, the Chinese border guards reported the situation to the Indian side as soon as possible, and hoped that the Indian side would assist in search and rescue. Nearly two hours later, the Indian side clearly replied that it found a Chinese soldier who had lost sight of it, and returned it to the Chinese side after asking for instructions. Some Indian media have some hype about this matter, which is not consistent with the facts. The Indian side should strictly abide by the relevant agreements and agreements between the two countries, and promptly transfer the missing persons to China, adding positive factors to the current cooling and slowing down of the Sino-Indian border situation, and jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border area.

:troll: worlds best army , they can defeat anyone , provided they can find their way to battlefield.
Sino forum faking that PLA soldier has been returned. The dude is still with us.
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