Ya'll Nibbiars, "Let's suppose that a cruel, tyrannical, and repressive foreign government offered to pay for Indian teens to study its national language in our Institutes. Would you take the deal? By peddling a product we want, namely Chinese language study, the Confucius Institutes bring the Chinese government into the Indian academy in powerful ways. The general pattern is very clear. They can say, 'We'll give you this money, you'll have a Chinese program, and nobody will talk about Tibet. It is inappropriate to allow any government, either foreign or domestic, control over a university classroom, regardless of how much money they offer. The issue is not China wants to promote itself and pay for Chinese to be taught. The issue is it wants to have a presence in the campus and much more than that. It wants to have a presence in the faculty and in teaching departments."
the instructor hiring policies posted publicly on Hanban's website stated that candidates for teaching positions should be "aged between 22 and 60, physical and mental healthy, no record of participation in Falun Gong and other illegal organizations, and no criminal record". Hanban representatives defended the policy, stating that Confucius Institutes must follow Chinese law.