India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2019
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“However, we are not leaving anything to chance. Our strict vigil continues all along the LAC. There has not been any kind of aggressive deployment by the Chinese in the Northeast,” the source said.

However, the sources underlined that the formula being worked out will come into effect only when disengagement at the LAC is completed.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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As I said folks..
India will fire if there is any attempt to overrun or mob troops and there will no longer be any primitive fighting on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with batons or stones, China has been told, according to a top government official.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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To Give u guys a little perspective of how DBO actually looks like.

We landed our first aircraft there in 1962 itself but never managed to Put Asphalt on it due to Chinese aggression and Logistics constraints.

As u can see there is still space for Expanding the base so that it can accompany c 17 and even Fighter jets. A helicopter base will go in a long way to aid our assault in the deep corners of North Kashmir.

The Second road to DBO is meant to counter the chocking of Y junction.

The base at Thoise can also be expanded to accompany fighter jet just need some hardened bunkers and for jets, weapons, fuels and we are good to go.

All those seem to be terrible excuses put forth by the bureaucrats and politicians, my friend. Please remember that until the 1980s, the Indian economy was in a much better position than China's.

In fact, India had everything in her favour after WW2:

  1. The most battle-hardened military force in the newly decolonized world
  2. The most modern weapons (until 1955)
  3. The most number of ordinance factories & a sound weapons manufacturing sector
  4. A rich modern warfare knowledge gained from the experiences of working with the British
Had India been under the stewardship of an assertive nationalist, Tibet would have been Indian territory or at least have been in an arrangement like Bhutan. While there is not enough evidence in the public sphere to be able to say this, there was a time when Nepal and Bhutan were interested to join India as the leading regional power. Today, the Indian Army would have been staring right at Sichuan and Gangsu provinces of China today as the de-facto border. All fenced and well patrolled just like LOC.

Mao was pumping all of the state's resources into 3 things:
  • Agriculture: to boost food production & psychologically use hard labour to build compliance to the communist narrative
  • Military: For the expansion of the proleteriat through "liberating" them
  • Education: Consolidating the narrative of Communists through enforcing education as designed by Communists.
While Nehru was also drawn to Leftism, he was drawn more towards the romanticised notion of using it as a uniting factor. He wanted to write books on it, use soft media portrayal, mould the educational aspect, while not focusing on the hard aspect. According to some sources, Nehru even wanted to scrap the offensive capability of Indian Armed Forces. It was the 1948 war with Pakistan that saved the military from being scrapped. Otherwise, we would have been like Post-War Japan sans a Big Brother.

Coming back to China, India could have comfortably diverted resources under a dominant Congress to build up the military manufacturing capability under Soviet guidance. This was all the more possible after the 1971 signing of Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty. USSR had no licensing requirements and our scientists/engineers could have taken full advantage of learning and manufacturing in house. Given Indira's dominating nature, she could have even used the Communist Party members she arrested during the 1962 war as forced labour to put asphalt on DBO. The lack of media would have been the perfect cover for her to consolidate our military capabilities.

There were always ways to build up India's defence manufacturing and industrial prowess; it is just that the IAS losers in the bureaucracy & lower/middle level politicians won't let it happen.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Remember Attack is the Best defence. No one can win unless a attack is done. The defence are always meant to be broken. How much prepared the mlecchas are they would be broken.


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Ya'll Nibbiars Remember Attack is the Best defence. No one can win unless a attack is done. The defence are always meant to be broken. How much prepared the mlecchas are they would be broken.
Attack with what?

If the government forces useless DRDO and PSU factories to mass-produce, they will protest in the midst of a war.

The culture of defence manufacturing has to change with force if necessary.

As the recent events have demonstrated, democratic rights of some sections need to be curtailed with prescribed discipline. Civilians in the defence sector need to follow the same discipline that the forces follow. I don't know how to do it, but it has to be shoved down their throats if necessary.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Attack with what?

If the government forces useless DRDO and PSU factories to mass-produce, they will protest in the midst of a war.

The culture of defence manufacturing has to change with force if necessary.

As the recent events have demonstrated, democratic rights of some sections need to be curtailed with prescribed discipline. Civilians in the defence sector need to follow the same discipline that the forces follow. I don't know how to do it, but it has to be shoved down their throats if necessary.
A total victory can only be achieved only if a total attack is carried out. 1971 was won on the same principle. Kargil was won only when it was extended to a full scale war. 1965 war only won when we moved from defence to offensive. Then we need a strict action against the CCP stooges

Mlecchas ke maan ko bhaya ladakh mein daira dara.
Hamare maan ko Bhaya Mlecchas ko kath ke mara.


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Jun 27, 2020
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LOL you are convinced now. I am convinced since Doklam, they are nothing more than just a paper dragon.

But I didn't think that they will be this much stupid. :dude:

I mean what they gain? Seriously speaking. Some stone, pebbles?! And what they lost? Billions of dollars of contracts, trust from the other countries, Chinese propaganda bubble, the list goes on and on. And as the time will pass the number on the list will only increase.

All of these basically for what? To make India focus on its army and air force rather than on navy? And also there is the fact is that their humongous ego about teaching India a lesson after Doklam..

As, I have stated many times. This happens when you had your propaganda drink too much which was actually meant for your citizens. You become delusional of the reality.:crazy::crazy:

The truth is everybody knew about the CCP's atrocities. But nobody said nothing because most powers were making money. US citizens lost jobs yet, Democrats kept pushing Chinese propaganda. Hiding their reality. Trump bhau came into the office and made people see the truth. On the CCP part, when you do something wrong you keep your voice down. But CCP under XI's leadership is more arrogant as hell. They have started becoming rich since when? A couple of years now!! And see the arrogance they are showing in their attitudes.

It all comes to the fact that it happens when you had your propaganda drink too much.:bplease:

Well this is my point of view. Some other members might say otherwise. @utubekhiladi @Bhumihar @scatterStorm @fire starter @garg_bharat @mokoman @Knowitall @Shashank Nayak
most probably I'm wrong, but the chain of events hinting like, they are trying to settle boundary issue, just in Ladakh to secure Aksai and GB before Taiwan episode.

somewhere I was reading, they are telling us to settle boundary according to 1959 claim line.

please note, then also only Ladakh will be settled keeping every other disputes like Arunachal etc as it is.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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We made our point very clear!
India wont take chinese sitting down any place on Indian soil.

India, China need to adjust to each other's rise: S Jaishankar
This is the kind of stupid statements i dislike intensely ! Who is the aggressor, who needs to adjust to whom ? I expected better from Jayashankar. Why are we so self loathing in our statements, and sound so weak. Its as if defensiveness is ingrained in our mindset and not a grain of courage ....The statement should have read - "China must adjust to Bharath's rise". What is there to adjust from our side eh ?


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
LOL you are convinced now. I am convinced since Doklam, they are nothing more than just a paper dragon.

But I didn't think that they will be this much stupid. :dude:

I mean what they gain? Seriously speaking. Some stone, pebbles?! And what they lost? Billions of dollars of contracts, trust from the other countries, Chinese propaganda bubble, the list goes on and on. And as the time will pass the number on the list will only increase.

All of these basically for what? To make India focus on its army and air force rather than on navy? And also there is the fact is that their humongous ego about teaching India a lesson after Doklam..

As, I have stated many times. This happens when you had your propaganda drink too much which was actually meant for your citizens. You become delusional of the reality.:crazy::crazy:

The truth is everybody knew about the CCP's atrocities. But nobody said nothing because most powers were making money. US citizens lost jobs yet, Democrats kept pushing Chinese propaganda. Hiding their reality. Trump bhau came into the office and made people see the truth. On the CCP part, when you do something wrong you keep your voice down. But CCP under XI's leadership is more arrogant as hell. They have started becoming rich since when? A couple of years now!! And see the arrogance they are showing in their attitudes.

It all comes to the fact that it happens when you had your propaganda drink too much.:bplease:

Well this is my point of view. Some other members might say otherwise. @utubekhiladi @Bhumihar @scatterStorm @fire starter @garg_bharat @mokoman @Knowitall @Shashank Nayak
Disagree a bit here

Those stones pebbles you are talking about is them inching closer towards their 1959 claim line once they are there they will be in a position to block all Indian thrusts towards aksai chin.

While they have lost economic contracts true but their sales continue in India. They don't care about those contracts clearly because if our economic actions actually had any effect they would be speaking a different tone now.

They determined that the economic costs weren't of much concern and decided to press on anyway.

Other countries are doing too little or nothing at all while most can't actually do anything.

This is pretty much doklam redux we managed to stop them at the Ridgeline but then they made incursions at torsa river.

Media like idiots only concentrated at one point and completely failed to check their incursions elsewhere and everyone proclaimed it a huge win
Only later did through @mist_consecutive and BR did many come to know that chinese have intruded into Bhutanese territory elsewhere.

Same is happening now occuping hilltops inside our own LAC is being hyped up to foolish levels.

They must be asking proper questions like is the capture of helmet top and black top enough to achieve a swap deal with china.

Rather they will make 2 kaudi ka articles like xi himalayan blunder ye wo.

Finally what I would like to say is be it a pebble a stone a leaf but as long as it is in our territory it should not be discarded.

Our history should be the biggest teacher of what happenes when we spare our enemy don't take their advances seriously.


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Jul 11, 2011
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My biggest fear about the latest agreement (stopping the Indian military from adding more soldiers to their positions on the LAC) is that the Chinese may eventually show up with 10 times as many soldiers, and surround and overrun the Indian positions. I am 100% certain that the Chinese are already breaking the agreement, while the MEA is forcing the Indian military to follow it.
No such agreement has any meaning without verification clauses... so far both sides can only present satellite images or photographs to each other which are deniable..

That where all the BPTA agreements with China suffered badly. There is no joint verification clauses on issues agreed upon.

As it is since there was no agreed LAC, every thing else was just bunkum and false and unsound means adopted by MEA to self satisfy the egos and make Charlie of everyone in the establishment...

I feel very sad that our MEA do not hesitate even a moment to stab the Indian Army in the back right from the 1948 Kashmir issue to the 2020 Chinese intrusion... It is the saga of our public school or convent-educated English boys betraying Bharat for their self-centric ideas of Stephenian India.


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Jun 2, 2015
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But yes, there is a marginal advantage that the locals have naturally; hence the use of civilians and mules in transporting resources on higher altitudes is the norm.
Between the ages of 8 and 16, I was living at an altitude of 4500 feet and being in school there was a lot of physical activity and sport, long distance running etc. at that altitude. It is also an age when your body and it's organs are growing. Since then I have lived at close to sea level altitudes but kept myself fit via long distance running and even now my resting pulse rate is in the 55-60 beats per minute range, well below the normal 72. So basically my lungs have become bigger than the norm for somebody who grew up at sea level and my body has adapted to maximizing the use of oxygen and hence requires less of it to survive and hence the lower pulse/heart beat. That is the advantage that people have who were born and lived their early years at high altitudes in the Himalayas have, the bigger lungs and better use of oxygen by the body allow the body to perform better at higher altitudes.
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