Civilizational states of ancient era were different from the Western/Abrahamic concept of states. It is usually the liberal morons who don't get the conceptual difference between the two. Even as late as 18th century, the Maratha Empire always aimed for complete control of "poorna Bharatvarsha" that included everything from Afghanistan to Myanmar (as was India's actual size). The Marathas, Sikhs and Gurkhas also had an unsaid 'cordial' understandingg, as all of them were opposed to the Islamic invaders.
Bharata always had different kingdoms and kings would fight each other, but only for political control - not for changing culture and faith.
Someone living in Vanga (Bengal) never felt out of place when worshipping a holy place in Sikkim (when we were a kingdom). Similarly, a Tamil Hindu worshipping in the Himalayas would never have felt "foreign" even though the king of that Himalayan state was different from his own.
That was how civilizational states existed. The same was with China's various Han, Shang, Tang, Qing etc. dynasties and dozens of small warlords.
That is not a "concept".Goras regularly conflate Nation and State together.
Nation is a unit made up of blood relations, common languages/ dialects spoken, common religious/cultural practices, common history of tribes etc.
State is a political unit, with army, administration, the actual political leadership, currency etc.
In gora subconscious, both are the same thing, even "aberrations" like Germany and Italy who have been unified States only 100-200 years ago, before that there were all individual kingdoms or city states.
Or places like Greece which were under 600 years of Ottoman rule.
Or Spain/Portugal that were under Arab Muslim rule for 800 years, and only in 15th century did they start self-rule
The meme of nO InDiA bEfOrE 1947/ BeFoRE BRiTisH is promoted by colonial apologist Gora Acadaemics( or ones on Paki payroll like the Audrey Truschke type ) or the Congressi/Secular establishment here to promote the "Idea of India" i.e India wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Congress party/Secular/Socialist Republic, India is an artificial "Idea" and not an organic and living Nation that will has existed since 5000 years.
You can destroy as many states as you like, but destroying a nation is hard, a nation lives as long as the people that it consists of live, and haven't forgotten their history, languages, cultural practices etc etc.
Sorry for OT derail, pls no delete, move to appropriate thread instead, no more OT from me now.