India-China 2020 Border conflict

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New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Talk that to a western here that Bose was the independence architect and they will laugh at you. I feel so proud when western people praise Bappu. He is the pride of Indians in the whole world. Bappu had the atmost integrity, he was a man of principle who always believed in the unity. So please STFU and come out of tiny warmhole brain.
Looking for western admiration here are we?

Quite a shame that your life is so pathetic that you have to go around asking Westerners and seeking their approval to find some meaning in your life.

Why should we talk to a westerner do they live in India or do we live in India?

Who are they to comment on our internal matters nobody gives two fucks about what people of the genocidal british empire think about us or our leaders.

It is only pathetic low life scumbags like you who have to seek approval of a foreign race and feel proud just like a dog does when his master pats him.

Don't shove the opinions of people who went around committing mass crimes around the world on us.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Anyone wondering why he suddenly started writing pro-India articles ?

The arrest of the Chini mole journalist seems to have worked as an excellent warning to these snakes.
Yeah I noticed that too.. Btw dude is very knowledgeable about PRC policies & has extensive knowledge about Asia pacific. His Pro India articles might turn out to be absolute gems.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Media needs to put pressure on the govt in a few week time it will indeed end in our defeat if GOI does nothing.

Ignore propaganda by known people.

Overall nothing wrong with the tweet you posted.
Media just needs to lay bare the dhoti shivering to the public.

Modiji must get the message that his supporter-base will be very disappointed with him if he doesn't act.

It should be enough to exorcise the demonic MEA babu whispers in his ear of "Hehe Modiji, what if you escalate and LOSE a war with the Chinese hehe, so don't do anything hasty, let us do chai biscoot and de-escalate ok? ".

Escalate doesn't mean you would have a war as Babu -e- MEA would tell you, it would just mean that the chinese would know we aren't to be fucked with using their loophole-in-agreement tricks like rods with barbed wire and guandaos etc, it would put the ball in their court, and we know from their actions that they too don't want a war, let their dhotis/kimonos shiver then.

Again this won't happen because most media are also lapdogs of Cong and by extension their MoU partners, the PRC.
Other media outlets like TN, Republic, HT etc are all pro-establishment papers, so nothing from there.

You can only pray that the Chinks start something big, and we are forced to respond in kind.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Do local have better time enduring those heights?
The Indian Army ensures a very comprehensive training schedule to acclimatize the troops, at par with the conditioning that locals receive.

But yes, there is a marginal advantage that the locals have naturally; hence the use of civilians and mules in transporting resources on higher altitudes is the norm.

Whether Ladakh, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Sikkim or Arunachal, most of us mountain folk are conditioned genetically to survive and thrive in higher altitudes. Our blood absorbs and manages oxygen much more effectively than someone new from the plains. Nothing superhuman about it; it is just like how a Keralite would comfortably absorb the tropical intense humidity better than us or a Rajasthani who can easily handle 50+ degrees.

However, it is entirely possible that given the rotational nature of the Army's deployment, our troops from any part of the country can be accustomed to the higher altitudes.

A soldier originally from Tamil Nadu who has been stationed only in the plains, forests and deserts, when stationed in Siachen, will have to undergo a phased acclimatization course over a period of weeks. This would also include survival and adaptation training. While it would take a few weeks before he is mentally and physically conditioned, this can be skipped if locals are recruited and stationed in high altitude forward bases. The Ladakh and Sikkim Scout regiments are precisely all about this.

Plus, it gets extremely personal for us if PLA invades; we have our families just around the border areas and naturally, everyone here will have to be more aggressive as a people than just the armed forces.

Conversely, my brother had to face a bit of a psychological challenge (it is practically unheard of to find mountain folks in Navy, except probably Garwalis & Himachalis to some extent. :D) in adjusting to the long months on high seas during his initial days as an officer in the Navy.


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Mar 2, 2019
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There was very much a concept of India and bharat long long before the british came.

People often confuse the terms country, nation and a state. Country is a geographical term.

Was India a country as defined by a geography? Yes. Greeks and Persians and Arabs and Europeans used it for thousands of years.

India is also a nation as defined by common cultural norms and behaviors. Outsiders recognized common patterns & thus called the people of the nation Hindus. And the insiders too recognized common patterns and called the nation from Kashmir to Kanyakumari as a single cultural unit called the Bharat. The two ends of India - name Kashmir comes from sage Kashyapa and Kanyakumari comes from the goddess Parvati - both important elements of Hinduism. The Pandits of Kashmir chant the exact same Vedas in the exact same order of words as in any other part of India. And across India we revel in Ramayana and Mahabharata. All of these make us a nation.

Has India been a sovereign state - as defined by common political systems - all the time? No. In fact, none of the major countries of today existed as a nation state a few centuries ago. The concept of a nation state is only about 3 centuries old. There have been rise and fall of empires that have ruled a chunk of the country. Sometimes the political union was made and other times it was unmade. That was true for every other civilization. They just differ on how long they have stayed together in political terms.

While country and nation are fairly static entities, a state is a very fluid entity. Even 70 years ago, we didn’t have many parts of present day India as part of the present political union. We added Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagadh, Manipur, Tripura, Goa and Sikkim to our political union. Just because the union increased in size since 1947, mean that our union changed in character? We added Sikkim only in the 1970s and Siachen glacier in 1980s. Does that mean our state didn’t exist before then?

For most of Indian history, the political union was not very important. The nation was united more by social systems than political systems. Whoever rules at the top has always been skating at the surface.

A good answer I have saved for people to understand the concept of bharat.
good enough to be bookmarked and quoted at some future juncture to throw in the face of plebs who say concept of india didn't exist or india only existed since 1947. only other post i've done it is with one @Bhoot Pishach made for taj mahal.


New Member
Feb 5, 2020
at this stage leaving the territory is going to be a huge curse for us. the'll be taken back by the chinese... keeping the troops in numbers also going to cost us a lot...what to do 🤨


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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There was very much a concept of India and bharat long long before the british came.

People often confuse the terms country, nation and a state. Country is a geographical term.

Was India a country as defined by a geography? Yes. Greeks and Persians and Arabs and Europeans used it for thousands of years.

India is also a nation as defined by common cultural norms and behaviors. Outsiders recognized common patterns & thus called the people of the nation Hindus. And the insiders too recognized common patterns and called the nation from Kashmir to Kanyakumari as a single cultural unit called the Bharat. The two ends of India - name Kashmir comes from sage Kashyapa and Kanyakumari comes from the goddess Parvati - both important elements of Hinduism. The Pandits of Kashmir chant the exact same Vedas in the exact same order of words as in any other part of India. And across India we revel in Ramayana and Mahabharata. All of these make us a nation.

Has India been a sovereign state - as defined by common political systems - all the time? No. In fact, none of the major countries of today existed as a nation state a few centuries ago. The concept of a nation state is only about 3 centuries old. There have been rise and fall of empires that have ruled a chunk of the country. Sometimes the political union was made and other times it was unmade. That was true for every other civilization. They just differ on how long they have stayed together in political terms.

While country and nation are fairly static entities, a state is a very fluid entity. Even 70 years ago, we didn’t have many parts of present day India as part of the present political union. We added Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagadh, Manipur, Tripura, Goa and Sikkim to our political union. Just because the union increased in size since 1947, mean that our union changed in character? We added Sikkim only in the 1970s and Siachen glacier in 1980s. Does that mean our state didn’t exist before then?

For most of Indian history, the political union was not very important. The nation was united more by social systems than political systems. Whoever rules at the top has always been skating at the surface.

A good answer I have saved for people to understand the concept of Bharat.
Civilizational states of ancient era were different from the Western/Abrahamic concept of states. It is usually the liberal morons who don't get the conceptual difference between the two. Even as late as 18th century, the Maratha Empire always aimed for complete control of "poorna Bharatvarsha" that included everything from Afghanistan to Myanmar (as was India's actual size). The Marathas, Sikhs and Gurkhas also had an unsaid 'cordial' understandingg, as all of them were opposed to the Islamic invaders.

Bharata always had different kingdoms and kings would fight each other, but only for political control - not for changing culture and faith.

Someone living in Vanga (Bengal) never felt out of place when worshipping a holy place in Sikkim (when we were a kingdom). Similarly, a Tamil Hindu worshipping in the Himalayas would never have felt "foreign" even though the king of that Himalayan state was different from his own.

That was how civilizational states existed. The same was with China's various Han, Shang, Tang, Qing etc. dynasties and dozens of small warlords.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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at this stage leaving the territory is going to be a huge curse for us. the'll be taken back by the chinese... keeping the troops in numbers also going to cost us a lot...what to do 🤨
cost becomes irrelevant here, Protecting national security and sovereignty tops every other parameter.

in case cost is that much of a concern, military deployment also pumps money in the local economy where the troops are deployed. Troop deployment has a consumption economy cycle on its own scale.


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Anyone wondering why he suddenly started writing pro-India articles ?

The arrest of the Chini mole journalist seems to have worked as an excellent warning to these snakes.
Chellaney was never opposed to India. I have read him extensively over the last decade. His criticism is largely towards the soft-handed approach that we have when it comes to dealing with our enemies. In fact, he was one of the only ruthless critics of the Congress government in all the border incursions, regardless of the intruding country.

He is unabashedly caustic (and they should) about the choice of his criticism, but it is actually constructive and more aligned to the thought process that most of us have here while discussing defence issues - to be more assertive, fearless and focused on using the proverbial knife instead of just demonstrating it.

The traitor arrested was in possession of documents that fall under OSA. Unforgivable under any circumstance.

As for arrests of traitors in the media, the recent pick-up of Aakar Patel and Prashant Kanojia are the real orders to "fall in line".

Chellaney? Nope not him.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Things are on a knife edge in Depsang Plains... There are rumours going on in twitter that Indian Army has warned PLA that any attempt to mob or threaten Indian positions will be met with open fire.
At the moment IA is still unable to access beyond Y Junction.


New Member
Jul 22, 2020
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Things are on a knife edge in Depsang Plains... There are rumours going on in twitter that Indian Army has warned PLA that any attempt to mob or threaten Indian positions will be met with open fire.
At the moment IA is still unable to access beyond Y Junction.
No don't this thread is already dead.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Civilizational states of ancient era were different from the Western/Abrahamic concept of states. It is usually the liberal morons who don't get the conceptual difference between the two. Even as late as 18th century, the Maratha Empire always aimed for complete control of "poorna Bharatvarsha" that included everything from Afghanistan to Myanmar (as was India's actual size). The Marathas, Sikhs and Gurkhas also had an unsaid 'cordial' understandingg, as all of them were opposed to the Islamic invaders.

Bharata always had different kingdoms and kings would fight each other, but only for political control - not for changing culture and faith.

Someone living in Vanga (Bengal) never felt out of place when worshipping a holy place in Sikkim (when we were a kingdom). Similarly, a Tamil Hindu worshipping in the Himalayas would never have felt "foreign" even though the king of that Himalayan state was different from his own.

That was how civilizational states existed. The same was with China's various Han, Shang, Tang, Qing etc. dynasties and dozens of small warlords.
That is not a "concept".Goras regularly conflate Nation and State together.
Nation is a unit made up of blood relations, common languages/ dialects spoken, common religious/cultural practices, common history of tribes etc.
State is a political unit, with army, administration, the actual political leadership, currency etc.
In gora subconscious, both are the same thing, even "aberrations" like Germany and Italy who have been unified States only 100-200 years ago, before that there were all individual kingdoms or city states.
Or places like Greece which were under 600 years of Ottoman rule.
Or Spain/Portugal that were under Arab Muslim rule for 800 years, and only in 15th century did they start self-rule

The meme of nO InDiA bEfOrE 1947/ BeFoRE BRiTisH is promoted by colonial apologist Gora Acadaemics( or ones on Paki payroll like the Audrey Truschke type ) or the Congressi/Secular establishment here to promote the "Idea of India" i.e India wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Congress party/Secular/Socialist Republic, India is an artificial "Idea" and not an organic and living Nation that will has existed since 5000 years.

You can destroy as many states as you like, but destroying a nation is hard, a nation lives as long as the people that it consists of live, and haven't forgotten their history, languages, cultural practices etc etc.

Sorry for OT derail, pls no delete, move to appropriate thread instead, no more OT from me now.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Anyone wondering why he suddenly started writing pro-India articles ?

The arrest of the Chini mole journalist seems to have worked as an excellent warning to these snakes.
Snakes are still snakes tho, they ought be slaughtered without a second thought because if the snake finds you in a compromising position again it will strike
BJP better purge some journalists who have been in beds with CPC or any other foreign interests.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
To Give u guys a little perspective of how DBO actually looks like.

We landed our first aircraft there in 1962 itself but never managed to Put Asphalt on it due to Chinese aggression and Logistics constraints.

As u can see there is still space for Expanding the base so that it can accompany c 17 and even Fighter jets. A helicopter base will go in a long way to aid our assault in the deep corners of North Kashmir.

The Second road to DBO is meant to counter the chocking of Y junction.

The base at Thoise can also be expanded to accompany fighter jet just need some hardened bunkers and for jets, weapons, fuels and we are good to go.

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