India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Aug 31, 2020
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x-post from Xinjiang thread.
How Communist Chinese government/PLA treats its Muslim citizens:

Uyghurs in ‘re-education camps’ forced to eat pork on Fridays as China pushes to expand pig farms in Xinjiang
Sayragul Sautbay, a victim said that on every friday muslims were forced to eat pork at the camps, this is a part of the Chinese policy of ‘secularization’ in the Xinjiang region, which also includes plans to promote and expand pig farming.

Uyghurs in ‘re-education camps’ forced to eat pork on Fridays as China pushes to expand pig farms in Xinjiang
Sayragul Sautbay, a victim said that on every friday muslims were forced to eat pork at the camps, this is a part of the Chinese policy of ‘secularization’ in the Xinjiang region, which also includes plans to promote and expand pig farming.

The Uyghur Muslims in Chinese “re-education” camps are forced to eat pork every Friday, confirmed Sayragul Sautbay, who was one of the victims of the atrocities being committed by the Chinese government

The Uyghur Muslims in Chinese “re-education” camps are forced to eat pork every Friday, confirmed Sayragul Sautbay, who was one of the victims of the atrocities being committed by the Chinese government(AP)

The Uyghur Muslims in Chinese “re-education” camps are forced to eat pork every Friday, confirmed Sayragul Sautbay, who was one of the victims of the atrocities being committed by the Chinese government.
Speaking in an interview with Al Jazeera, Sayragul said, “Every Friday, we were forced to eat pork meat...They have intentionally chosen a day that is holy for the Muslims. And if you reject it, you would get a harsh punishment.”
She is a medical physician and an educator living in Sweden. Recently, she published a book giving insight into her ordeal, including witnessing beatings.
“I was feeling like I was a different person. All around me got dark. It was really difficult to accept,” Sautbay said.
Another such victim is Uyghur businesswoman Zumret Dawut, who was picked up in March 2018 in Urumqi.
For two months, Dawut said authorities questioned her links to Pakistan, her husband’s homeland. They questioned her as well about how many children she had, and whether or not they had studied religion and read the Quran, said Al Jazeera.
She further said that once she had to beg the camp’s male officers to allow her to go to the washroom. She was allowed to go while being handcuffed and the male officers followed her into the washroom.
Speaking on pork being served to the Uyghur Muslims in the camps, she said, “When you sit in a concentration camp, you do not decide whether to eat, or not to eat. To be alive, we had to eat the meat served to us.”
As per the documents available to Al Jazeera, agricultural development has also become a part of what German anthropologist and Uyghur scholar, Adrian Zenz, says is a policy of “secularisation”.
Citing documents and state-approved news articles, Zenz has reported that there is an “active” effort in the region to promote and expand pig farming.
In 2019, Xinjiang’s top administrator, Shohrat Zakir, had said that the Xinjiang region will be turned into a “pig-raising hub”.
The project is expected to occupy a 25,000-square-metre (82-square-foot) area in an industrial park in Kashgar’s Konaxahar county, renamed Shufu, according to the Chinese-language website, Sina, Al Jazeera reported.
It further reported that the deal was formally signed on April 23 this year.
“This is part of the attempt to completely eradicate the culture and religion of the people in Xinjiang,” Zenz told Al Jazeera.
“It is part of the strategy of secularisation, of turning the Uighurs secular and indoctrinating them to follow the communist party and become agnostic or atheist,” he added.
As the atrocities on the Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang region gain international attention, China has continued to defend its policies, claiming that the objective is to combat the “three evils of extremism, separatism and terrorism”.

Uyghur Muslims Forced To Attend Alcohol Drinking Centres
Mandatory Alcohol Drinking Training For #Uyghur Muslims Uyghur Muslims are forced to attend alcohol drinking centres and contests organised by the Chinese authorities. In these centres, they learn how to 'drink' alcohol. Refusing to drink alcohol is a sign of "extremism" according to the Chinese authorities and you could be sent to a concentration camp for "deradicalisation"! It's a campaign to humiliate and force Uyghurs to turn away from #Islam.
What is Erdogan the crusader still doing ?:troll:
Actually, it is really disturbing and horrible.
Why are the Uighurs not fighting back?


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Sep 7, 2015
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No missile is perfect , if even 8 missiles hit the target it will be great loss for enemy but issue is that those planes which remain unharmed will harm us real bad .
That's why 10 out of 10 missiles should hit the target .
No system on the planet has a P(k) (Probability of Kill) of 1, ie 100%. Even the P(k) of the S-400 is .9 to .95.


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Apr 13, 2013
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US approves sale of USD 90 mn worth of military equipment and services to India
WASHINGTON: The US has approved the sale of USD 90 million worth of military hardware and services in support of its fleet of C-130J Super Hercules military transport aircraft.
Among the requests made by India include aircraft consumables spares and repair/return parts; Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD) fire extinguisher cartridges; flare cartridges; Advanced Radar Warning Receiver shipset; 10 Lightweight Night Vision Binocular; 10 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggle; GPS; Electronic Warfare; instruments and lab equipment support. The estimated total amount is USD 90 million.

Read more at:


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Apr 13, 2013
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Brahmaputra Bridge will link Bhutan with Vietnam
NEW DELHI: The longest bridge over the Brahmaputra, which has been cleared for construction will become the lynchpin of a giant trans-Asian corridor that will connect landlocked Bhutan and Northeast India, with Dan Nang in Vietnam.

The joint foray is a fusion of India's 'Act East' policy and Japan's 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific' strategy.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Azerbaijan-Armenia war: Lessons for the military
This factor is in India’s favour in the Ladakh standoff scenario. The holding of Siachen heights, the Daulat Beg Oldie complex and further south towards Pangong-Tso,Chusul and Demchok almost makes an impregnable defence. By PLA attacking with drones only or even by indirect fire can cause some damage only. The ground position will have to be over-run by the PLA before they can claim any success. Thus, the stalemate continues, as the PLA is incapable of physical assault. Thus, clearly, the age-old principal of the traditional geostrategic calculus remains intact as an important rider.



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Feb 16, 2009
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Chinaman getting kicked out of US markets

House Passes China Delisting Bill. What That Means for NIO, Li Auto, and XPeng Stock.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Guys, watch this now!!!!


1. Graft
2. extra martial relations, lol

chinese commies using a strategy to remove a liability HU which couldnt handle the Wuhan properly nor handle the India china conflict properly.
For the past few months we have seen Gobar times getting humiliated very well across the globe..
china was also prodding USA and POTUS when he china could have handled their mouth piece differently.
in esssence Gober times was worse than Gafoora Sober.

I think Hu has outlived his shelf life for commies and Xi and they are using some ploy to kick him out or corner him. They all do...when commie core think someone they depend has become some figure in their midst.They chain them.
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