India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Apr 13, 2013
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As per my sarkar , every thing will be come at right time.Thing will be crystal clear in few days or month

Mahadev is my sarkar .
Thank you!
I was sooo worried...everything will come at the right time...wooow..thats soo relieving..Phew!! I was scared what if it comes at the time when I ran out of potato chips!
In a few days or months...Bloody brilliant...extremely reassuring.! thenks!
You by any chance write horoscope in news papers!


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Jan 17, 2019
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Fun Fact, Uyghurs are "punished" this way because they refuse to be part of China, there exists a muslim community in China called the Hui, these are the results of intermarriage between Arab and Persian traders with Han women, and Han converts, being Han offshoots, they speak Mandarin/Cantonese as their native tongue, and identify more with Hans than anyone else.
These Huis are in effect pets of the CCP, so CCP allows them to keep their religious practices without interference.

Lol @ Pakis, either they be good ghulams to chinks or be exterminated like Uyghur turkis
There's a lesson in there for India - though not 100% implementable - aspects of it are certainly instructive.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Once the PLA spends this winter in Ladakh.. and have their as*@ frozen.. I am pretty sure, they will rope in Pakistani cannon fodder next season to do the winter sentry duties.. Pakistani corner plot Gernails might have already drawn a detailed multi million dollar plan, and might already be selling it to the chinks in Beijing..
:rofl: pakis for sentry duty!
Our army is hammering pakis on an hourly basis on LC ..and pussy china choosing pakis for sentry duty.
thats very logical for china to take help from those pakis whom we hammer every hour.and from those pakis who have lost all wars with India..
Xis war planners should be given award for such brilliant brain farts.
Them chinese have shown that when they mixed paki soldiers in chinese uniforms at the conflict points.
With generations of hammering from Indian arillery..paki DNA has fear for India embedded in it ..chemically! :D

secondly...handing sentry duty to pak will make it easy for paki sentry to smuggle terrorists into china easy where each pakis hate china to the core and the love for china is only for the money and from the fear of attack from India.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Something I have been pondering over the past few days.. Despite an economic slump, the Modi govt. has not gone for a bing bang fiscal stimulus, inspite of everyone including the supreme court telling it to do so.. Why? Is the gov. keeping the powder dry for a war with China..? Here, I refer to a scenario where China attacks us ,not the other way round..
Maybe GOI will go for a big stimulus package in December when severe winter and snowfall have marked the end of the campaign season along the LAC.


New Member
Oct 11, 2020
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Something I have been pondering over the past few days.. Despite an economic slump, the Modi govt. has not gone for a bing bang fiscal stimulus, inspite of everyone including the supreme court telling it to do so.. Why? Is the gov. keeping the powder dry for a war with China..? Here, I refer to a scenario where China attacks us ,not the other way round..
Maybe GOI will go for a big stimulus package in December when severe winter and snowfall have marked the end of the campaign season along the LAC.
They kind of are doing a sooooooort of stimulus for Govt Employees announced just recently, in place of LTC travel you can instead buy stuff and the govt will compensate a part of it. Don't ask me the exact details for I'm not a govt employee but it's like you get 1.3L reimbursement if you spend 2.72L. Still very unclear on the details and the amount and spending depends on number of family members and things like that.

It's not a free cheque but it's something to get the economy going if it works. Our FM isn't the sharpest tool in the shed though so I don't know if it will work.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Something I have been pondering over the past few days.. Despite an economic slump, the Modi govt. has not gone for a bing bang fiscal stimulus, inspite of everyone including the supreme court telling it to do so.. Why? Is the gov. keeping the powder dry for a war with China..? Here, I refer to a scenario where China attacks us ,not the other way round..
Maybe GOI will go for a big stimulus package in December when severe winter and snowfall have marked the end of the campaign season along the LAC.
Or sarkar just doesn't have paisa to infuse and doesn't want to go with a katora to the global bankster organizations like IMF or World Bank 🤷

My personal theory was they were going to put a big chunk of paisa for an MIC push, R&D, equipment, facilities, engineers, workers, university tie ups, ToT all cost a huge sum of money.


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Sep 7, 2015
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What is the criteria to be a member of hooomon rights commission.
Be one of te worst hoooman right violata.

Yo nibba

Unfortunately, the procedure isn't transparent. It's a secret vote and counted secretly too. So China has used its influence by dishing out cash and other goodies to ensure it gets in with its harem member, Porkistan.

UNHRC is a farce of galactic proportions that even the US has withdrawn from this farcical lame duck organization. Now be ready for the Porkies to bring out so called HR violations in Kashmir every other day never mind the massive HR violations happening in Pak itself as well as China. India should withdraw too like the US. Let the barking dogs bark till they are hoarse.
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