India-China 2020 Border conflict

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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Such stories are interesting but mostly false.
Puranic stories are fiction.
You should read Kalhana's records on Kashmir.. King Lalitaditya united all hill tribes of J&K & created a unstoppable force, that even Arabs feared him. Chinese Tang Dynasty records call him a powerful king & an ally. He is probably last Greatest Hindu King North India produced & never lost a battle. I have also come to know about him recently. He is the one who built famous Martand temple in Kashmir.


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Sep 13, 2020
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Also, if Chinese were "in for the long haul," they give the Indian government justification to spend billions on upgrading/building border infrastructure unopposed by the Indian domestic political opposition; and more than this, China ends up incentivizing India to build and grow a domestic military industrial complex to keep costs low (vs. foreign hardware procurements). China wouldn't want this.

Therefore I think they're not in this for the long haul, but to cook instant ramen. They've thrown the world into chaos with WuFlu, and now want to take advantage of the chaos to move up in the world order by doing "superpower-ish" things, so that Xi gets to make his pee stain on Beijing indelible.
Long haul puts water on the "China is superpower" theory. Superpowers dont go to borders and wait and wait.
US did not put troops on Iraq border, they went in.

It is okay for India to wait and wait, we are not claiming to be a super power. We never claimed we could finish a war in 2 hours the way the Chinese did.


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Jul 11, 2011
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You should read Kalhana's records on Kashmir.. King Lalitaditya united all hill tribes of J&K & created a unstoppable force, that even Arabs feared him. Chinese Tang Dynasty records call him a powerful king & an ally. He is probably last Greatest Hindu King North India produced & never lost a battle. I have also come to know about him recently. He is the one who built famous Martand temple in Kashmir.
Garg is a die-hard Arya Samaji with blinkers on.. For him, anything after Vedas is all Mythya. Though I bet he does not know what Vedas are all about.


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Dec 12, 2015
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It is ganga for those that beleive in it for others its just water flowing. Whatever rocks your boat :cool:
What we believe is important. Rishi always said that even dharm should pass the test of common sense. Human don't fly - so Hanuman cannot fly. But Hanuman can fly in an airplane.

When we start believing falsehoods the social harmony goes for a toss. As anybody can believe anything and result is chaos.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Lot of discussion here on treaties/agreements and how China backstabbed.

Firstly, treaties are generally workable between equals. Treaties between unequal is always at the disadvantage of the weaker side or why should there be treaty/agreement at all.

Treaties are good in so afar as those are enforceable. Lack of enforceability renders any agreement useless not even worth the papers.

Treaty is only a temporary state to manage equilibrium and will be broken the moment the weaker side gains strength to break it.

Please let me know those treaties which India has signed after 1947 that is standing and working well. Hardly any - including Simal Agreement. Only the Indus Water Treaty continues because of our establishment's love for Muslim votes.

The five border treaties China signed with India were always at China's advantage, and China has now thrown those away to convey that China will enforce far worse treaties on India by the might of PLA.

The international system is not governed by the Indian laws of Trots and Easements. Nor do they follow :

रघुकुल रीत सदा चल आई, प्राण जाई पर वचन न जाई |

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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@Hellfire @Bhadra Please elaborate us about effectiveness of Tube Artillery in high attitude and also whether we deployed such thing on same number as they deployed...
Chinese Rocket Artillery definately have the numbers advantage & we can't match them here.
We are heavily reliant on M777 ULH & Bofors which are battle tested. We do have some Pinaka MBRLs though but not in great numbers.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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LMFAO :pound: :rofl: :crying:
At home, however, some believe the nation’s over-protected young boys are becoming physically and emotionally weak — leaving China facing what is being called a "crisis of masculinity."


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
LMFAO :pound: :rofl: :crying:
At home, however, some believe the nation’s over-protected young boys are becoming physically and emotionally weak — leaving China facing what is being called a "crisis of masculinity."
Can unnecessary pampering really lead to this?
China is restructuring their armed forces to field permanent commissioned officers, this might be one of the reasons.


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Oct 11, 2017
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LMFAO :pound: :rofl: :crying:
At home, however, some believe the nation’s over-protected young boys are becoming physically and emotionally weak — leaving China facing what is being called a "crisis of masculinity."
I guess "toxic masculinity" is not useless after all!



The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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China Has No Intention To Fight Either "Cold War" Or "Hot War": Xi Jinping

President Xi Jinping also said that China will continue to narrow the differences and resolve disputes with others through negotations, in comments that came in the backdrop of the tense military standoff between Chinese and Indian armies in eastern Ladakh for over four months.


bullet points and summarization of his speech
  • China will never seek hegemony, expansion, or sphere of influence
  • Beijing has no intention to fight either a "Cold War" or a "hot war" with any country.
  • China will continue to narrow the differences and resolve disputes with others through negotiations.
  • Communist Party of China and the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese military, said his country will not pursue development behind closed doors.
  • Rather, we aim to foster, over time, a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other.
  • Facing the virus, we should enhance solidarity and get this through together.
  • follow the guidance of science, give full play to the leading role of the World Health Organization, and launch a joint international response to beat this pandemic.
  • "To pursue a beggar-thy-neighbor policy or just watch from a safe distance when others are in danger will eventually land one in the same trouble faced by others," he said.
  • We should reject attempts to build blocs to keep others out and oppose a zero-sum approach.
  • We should see each other as members of the same big family, pursue win-win cooperation, and rise above ideological disputes and do not fall into the trap of "clash of civilizations," he said.
  • More importantly, he said one should respect a country's "independent choice of development path and model.
  • The world is diverse in nature, and we should turn this diversity into a constant source of inspiration driving human advancement. ensure that human civilizations remain colorful and diversified, Xi said
  • finally - "As we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world: China," he said.

BC he is now speaking like Gautama Buddha :pound: :pound: :pound:

I will follow up in another post and explain how the world interprets his speech:pound::pound::pound::pound:



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Sep 13, 2020
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While we debate India vs China, it is useful to look at the contours of alliances and how it is shaping the world.

US-India-Israel alliance is reshaping the middle east. The UAE is establishing relations with Israel. Other middle east countries will all in line sooner than later. In the Pacific, US-India-Japan-Taiwan-Australia alliance will dominate the oceans.

The China-Pakistan-North Korea alliance is not strong enough technologically. US is shooing away Chinese students from graduate positions as these students double up as spies. In 10-15 years, Chinese tech advancement will slow down and Indian advancement will speed up.

Russia is a wild card but is well counter balanced by Europe
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