India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Xi Jinping Is Risking Everything For Success In Ladakh’

Surya Gangadharan

September 10, 2020

NEW DELHI: China’s President Xi Jinping appears driven by some messianic zeal about his country’s “rejuvenation”, a goal which he outlined six years ago and which appears to have lost ground in eastern Ladakh. But don’t expect him to throw in the towel, warns Jayadeva Ranade, former spook and head of the Centre for China Analysis & Strategy. In an exclusive chat with StratNews Global, Ranade believes Xi will try and force a conclusion on his terms in Ladakh, and India will have to wait and watch for it, and if possible, nip it in the bud.

There may have been a degree of overconfidence in the Chinese move on India, he says, and it speaks poorly of their planning and their understanding of India, that they came off worse during clashes in the Galwan Valley three months ago. Again, they failed to anticipate the Indian move to secure key heights, and Xi Jinping has lost face. This is not to say his position is in danger, he has purged many rivals to secure his job but he needs to show success to the Commnist Party. This is where he has failed so far.

Ranade suspects the PLA will make its move before long, perhaps after the current talks get over in Moscow. He’s taking a risk. If the PLA is defeated, the party elders may tell the president to lie low until his current (and second) term ends in 2023. It will spell finish to his dream of a third term (given that term limits were abolished for him) and he will be considerably weakened, and could possibly see many of his policies reversed.

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तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Guys, IA occupying all dominating heights in F4 is all right, but what about patrolling till F8 which we used to do before apr 2020 ? If stalemate persists then unless we evict the chinks, we would have lost territory from F4 to F8 isn't it ? So its imperative that we have to take the initiative and start the limited offensive else I am sorry to say we would have lost more territory ? Please let me know if this assessment is wrong .


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Jun 17, 2020
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The Chinese are in a quagmire of their own making. With the ever increasing pressure by the Indian side and the surging opposition from within the CCP ranks, Xi cannot afford to lose face. As is his wont, he will double down on the already discredited military maneuvers along the LAC. China will have to fire the first shot before the onset of brutal Ladakhi winter. If reports are to be believed, the local commanders who failed to preempt the Indian ops have been removed and possibly sent to re-education camps. Xi and his loyalists are now directly in-charge of the tactical Chinese response to the Indian moves. Think about it for a minute. The only people in the Chinese dictator's close circles are his Yes Men. The naysayers or the saner elements have been brutally purged. Xi might be an effective ruler or a superb war planner under normal conditions but that is not the case today. Powerful neighbours and the world's only superpower is at the Middle Kingdom's throat. With his mind already preoccupied with multi-dimensional distractions, there is a high probability of Xi making an earth-shattering error of judgement. It is no more a question of if but only when and where. Our men are going to slaughter their boys in the hundreds of thousands.


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Dec 25, 2016
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Basically he is trying to toe the line which obviously govt wants to project that we didn't cross the LAC . that desi american moron was trying to set a bait to get response and it was ignored , he wanted to prove that we are aggressor and nitin set it right by saying now we didn't cross .

Nitin is Govt mouthpiece. He is saying we don't have helmet & black top

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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1. Operations are still ongoing. (That does not mean that there is a firefight/fistfight/scuffle/capture always - for those who read too much into small things)
2. Lot of points where own moves to achieve a relative advantage vis-a-vis PLA, have been successful. At some places - not.
3. Yesterday, what did not make news in the MSM/SM (apparently as I have not come across any news on it) IAF conducted a massive air exercise, perhaps the biggest in recent times as far as I can remember for the past 4 - 5 years, simulating a collusive threat with high frequency sorties & CAPs & simulated combat against both airforces. I believe NOTAM was issued for it and there were quite a few civil flight disruptions as a result of it.
4. This air exercise was concomitant with Indian consolidation of newly held locations/points, so, the air exercise can perhaps be termed as a dissuasive posturing (?)
5. Strict orders on release of info over past 24 hours, so, I do not foresee any major "Breaking News" unless it is pure fiction being peddled. Maybe some odd tidbit of information may still leak.
6. Maneuvering by PLA was on last night, which was 'persuaded' not to get out of hand by own troops. So, a relatively peaceful night.

Regarding black top.
My info says it is under our control and that is why the attempts to dislodge Indian troops.

If it was not, PLA would not be in a panic over the new positions as Black Top dominates Gurung Hill and can always be used to over run the position.

From hellfire.


New Member
Apr 6, 2019
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Guys, IA occupying all dominating heights in F4 is all right, but what about patrolling till F8 which we used to do before apr 2020 ? If stalemate persists then unless we evict the chinks, we would have lost territory from F4 to F8 isn't it ? So its imperative that we have to take the initiative and start the limited offensive else I am sorry to say we would have lost more territory ? Please let me know if this assessment is wrong .
Yes IA patrolled F4-F8 only when PLA allowed but it was a Grey area road built by PLA till F4 not occupied by any one. Now PLA moved till F4 and IA asking them to back off till F8 that is April Status Quo. Also IA as advanced beyond our claimed LAC in south Bank and dominate PLA occupying Heights
We have gained some territory which we never held during/after 1962 War but lost grey area F4-F8 patrolling...
Now we're dominating F4-F5 ridge lines so slowly moving towards our objective that is reaching F8.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Guys, IA occupying all dominating heights in F4 is all right, but what about patrolling till F8 which we used to do before apr 2020 ? If stalemate persists then unless we evict the chinks, we would have lost territory from F4 to F8 isn't it ? So its imperative that we have to take the initiative and start the limited offensive else I am sorry to say we would have lost more territory ? Please let me know if this assessment is wrong .
Yes lol, however going for a full guns blazing "remove the chinks" operation runs the risk of escalation by cheenis into proper war.
So now our side is doing brinkmanship, clambering on hills surrounding the areas they have occupied, trying to take over fingers they have occupied, piece by piece, to see their reaction.
High-energy direct actions to re-take all the fingers will lead to escalation, so what we are now doing is the 5000 year old tradition of salami slicing and gauging their reaction.
We poking them with a stick basically, just as they have been doing all these years.
If they do wage war on us without "just cause", it will be a pain for them if US/EU throws their lot behind us.

what do you mean by this :nono::nono::nono:
It means that Pakis,Chinis, 60 IQ goras all have such an image of the IA.
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