India-China 2020 Border conflict

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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Mirage 2000 iz love.. I hope we somehow manage to get some more of these from French. What a workhorse.. No wonder IAF loves them
Ya'll Nibbiars for me the real deal is Tejas they could potentially replace all the MIG 21 MIG 27 MIG 23 but again budget kitna deega 4 billion US dollar IAF budget. We could had 360 tejas for 20 billion US dollars but we lacks a startegic insight, paralized policy, Slow working PSU and limited IAF Capital Procument budget.
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Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Not wishing/replying to two well known figures who are opposed to CCP, one of who is a president is just simply that - Pandering to Chinese sensitivity or not to aggravate an already bad situation. No need to make any more 56D chess out of it. And yes, we need to pander to Taiwanese sensitivity since in order break out of this China kya sochega" syndrome
Your own PM is opposed to CCP too. His Holiness resides in India so let's keep that out. Why pander to one as opposed to other. Let them pander to us. They need us more as of now. Diplomacy it is, n thats chess.


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May 28, 2016
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What’s going on here.. are these Galwan KIAs. Also see PLA sissies crying. Text says on deployment to India border
You won't believe the translation, Chinese soldiers are cannon fodders. :pound:

Actual translation:
The People's Liberation Army sent to the China-India border couldn't help crying while singing in the car.
Think about it, too, after spending money to join the army, the plan was to plate a gold, change jobs to become a king, and now become cannon fodder.

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars for me the real deal is Tejas they could potentially replace all the MIG 21 MIG 27 MIG 23 but again budget kitna deega 4 billion US dollar IAF budget. We could had 360 tejas for 20 billion US dollars but we lacks a startegic insight, paralized policy, Slow working PSU and limited IAF Capital Procumentd budget.
The resources are never unlimited and the conditions never perfect. That's why planning and budgeting is fun and shitty at the same time. I would rather have the fun part and let the rest fly to the Chinese. We both belong to the same side. That's the winning side👍.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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No need to laugh about that.. This is the same logic Pakis apply on us. That they got balance.
Fact is China consider India a secondary level threat. Their main focus in on Navy & XI wants a blue water Navy like US I read somewhere for power projection. Their number of warships is increasing year after year.
Besides all the military modernization they've done is commendable. Ours is still under process. The 10 year MMS rule really pushed us back. Their MIC is in much better shape but our condition is well known on the forum.
PAF is a different story their entire fleet is vintage including the 2nd hand F16s which they bought in 1980 (only 18 of them are block 52)
And the JF17s are copy of mig21 which even PLAAF don’t use


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Jul 11, 2011
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You just can't now.. Unless China threat is now taken care of. There is genuine threat of losing DBO. If they are stuffed so are we. We are also digging in to prepare for peak winter.
Last time we did action in Kargil.. China managed to construct roads & infra on buffer zones & on its side. Now they are out there with their full Armada. Basically you have to take on China & push them first. Geopolitically it will more bigger than occupying PoK which can obviously be done later rather easily once we have full Rafale & S400 fleet.
DBO and cutting off Siachin is indeed emerging a viable option for China in View of China linking up CPEC to G-219 via GB - shaksagam. Chinese will attempt that by launching an offensive towards Murgo from Depsang. Why fight a battle of attrition by going towards DBO and getting stuck thre. If Murgo is gone, the DBO is gone.
That is how the SSN fell to the Chinese attacks in 1962 when the Chinese started at the southern flank cutting off DBO and DBO was withdrawn.

I am sure the Indian Army is quite aware of such Chinese designs and will orchestrate the battle in their favour.

However, it seems Chinese are not aimimg at such minor gains. Chinese objective is quite claer- "There can not be two tigers on the Hill",,, Let India accept that.


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Apr 16, 2015
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May 28, 2016
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I had posed a question in the forum which if solved will provide an answer to whatever China is doing.

What is the aim of China in Ladakh? What do they intend to achieve by doing whatever they have done, are doing and preparing to do?

Try and answer that and connect the military, territorial, diplomatic and political pieces together in answering that.

Things will fall in place.
What is the implications of Saksham valley? Because I read some article a while back that our generals are very specific of Siachin, in any condition, we cannot loose Siachen, to which I am thinking... Siachen sits right in the middle of the two, Akasai and Saksham valley.

If we see the strategic placement of two airbases up North 👉 Hotan and Xigaze, they are mean to keep an eye of a specific place, Siachin.

Its not just DS DBO, its Siachin, and I am not sure about the terrain of Saksham valley, but Siachin is the thorn in there garden.
Sep 5, 2020
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I don’t believe this ? Because if that happens Media will cover it 24*7
Old news. These are the ones on our side of the LAC on Pangong tso’s southern bank. No new occupatio. Indian Army has setup posts in areas on our side of the lac that can read monitor pla deployment. That’s all. No occupation of enemy positions whatsoever so far. We are still in a defensive offense strategy.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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read some of the replies too, especially from hongkongers.
The Melcchas are saying they are retiring troops from the service. They are wearing some kind of arms band that represent retiring soldiers does any one knew about this?

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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No need.
Their 3% is probably equal to our 10%

Wikipedia has a chart
China spends 1.9% of GDP on Military that is $260 billion.
India spends 2.4% of GDP on military that is $71 billion.

Chinese defense spending is targeted towards parity with US, India is to them what Kangladesh is to India, according to their arrogance.
And you believe when China says that they spends only 1.9% of their GDP on defense?!! :crazy: :crazy:

In my opinion they spend a heck more for sure..:dude:

I hear that many are saying China is this and China is that. One thing they are forgetting that China has created many myths around it. I wouldn't be surprised if many of its myth (which will include military hardware) is just an illusion. And also there is the fact of quality.:creepy::pound::pound::rofl:


And also many think that China is filled with patriots & CCP lovers who will fight any power to death. They are just wrong. Their hyper-nationalism is an another bubble just filled with bribes and loot money.

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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Imagine if the Chinese and Pakistanis were great friends of India. It would put far less strain on India. In comparison to the strain we are already undergoing economically because of these two, the current strain is an incremental one.

Even if Chinese learn mountain warfare, they have a logistics nightmare of having a single road from their heartland upto Xinjiang. Also digging in would be perceived as a weakness because they made the attacking move and then would be making the defensive move.

US is currently spending $50 billion on Afghanistan every year. One way forward would be for the US to give India $5 billion to $10 billion to handle Afghanistan and then spend the remaining on the Chinese front. With this money, India could afford to raise 2-3 divisions for Afghanistan and squeeze Pakistan from both ends.
You are blowing that logistics trumpet much beyond what it is.

With very good air, rail and road network there is no logistics problem in Tibet. Chinese have built an excellent network of road s in the border areas and all their forward posts and operational areas are well connected. Indian elites in the meanwhile were busy filling swiss bank and sovereign territory banks with scam money.

Now the Chinese can use entire Pakistan to ramp up their logistics. Rawalpindi and Islamabad are near to Ladakh via CPEC and G-219 and a very large military force can be maintained in Aksai China from Pakistan.

Four IN ships deployed on Chinese shores can not prevent what China is doing in Ladakh. It is of some consequences if it is a joint effort by quad.
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