India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2016
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From what I read, it proved to be failure in both countries as they do not keep up and mostly just a compiled open source distros. I could be wrong....I hope it is as you said. Another difficult thing is hardware loopholes which is the reason why US is concerned about Chinese companies like Huawei
Russia seems to have their Elbrus chips with own OS for critical departments in other words mostly full stack
MS lobby puts a spoke in these wheels, govt contracts are a lot of $$$.
These distros are ofc developed by lazy PSUs like our CDAC here.
The Chinese have switched to using Qilin Linux which is an Ubuntu derivative, made by Canonical( that also make Ubuntu) and Windows, because they have a deal with MS with which they can inspect the source code of Windows, only country other than the US to have such an arrangement with MS.
Afaik all the IT hardware in US gov networks needs to be manufactured in America, so Huawei is more of a civilian networks issue i think.
Anyway the fact that Chongs manage to ez hack our govt is more on the incompetence and carelessness of the concerned groups like NIC rather than something specific like an OS or networking hardware.
Remember, the hack happened at NIC because someone clicked a link on an e-mail lmao :pound:

NIC like every Defense or IT PSU out there needs the stick.

Where are the vowels ??
Wiki says they do have vowels but it's like the "matras" in Devanagri script, with no independent forms like अ इ उ etc.


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Jun 2, 2015
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Also situation was made worse in Indras tenure with the KGB fully entering the picture. The union culture took it's roots in 1965 to 1975 and we are suffering ever since then.
Even now when the country is at the brink of war the OFB insists on going on a strike.

It will be a slow process but government needs to shift MIC to private sector. Signs are already here.
Godrej missile assembly line.
SSS and CBC Ammunition factory coming up in Mahrastra.
Active participation of Pvt companies in Tejas supply chain.
DRDO TOT to Pvt sector.
Corporatisation of OFB.

Final straw should be freedom of Research and Development between PVT and Gov labs.
Spot on. I think the Russian influence in the OFBs and DPSUs is so widespread that they are the primary instigators of the slowdowns in the local programs and also the opposition to any other Western entry either for supply of arms or technology. Because in the absence of any new domestic system or Western import or technology, the default choice where no inertia has to be overcome is the existing Russian licence produced equipment.


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Sep 10, 2020
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The issue of two-front war has been presented by the Services for last twenty years. Not only two but two and a half front war. But the bureaucrats, have been very averse to this idea, Bureaucracy by nature is a negatively reacting institution. Say no or not agreeing is their first reaction. The power of bureaucracy consist in "No" rather than "Yes".

MEA is in particular very coggy about the powers of diplomacy and always underestimate need of application of military power in obtaining national interests. By our education, nature of culture of our universities, lack of education in Military aspects of diplomacy and an overweighted differentiation between Civil and military that our bureaucrats seem to ravel in considering themselves as Gandhi peaceniks. Military is, on the other hand, considered as a necessary evil of state power needed to be kept subdued as if it is an unrestrained tiger ready to eat up its captors.

As compared to Western or Russian or Chinese diplomatic Corps our MEA Babus do not consider military power as an alternate or even an aid to diplomacy or the ultimate instrument of settlement when diplomacy fails. Diplomates other than those of India are an aide to the application of military power. MEA in India is an obstruction and debilitating agent towards the application of the military instrument.

When faced with the use of military instruments like JN Dikshit in Srilanka, they miserably fail as they themselves start acting as generals.

Look at the Chinese. The PLA is realist in engaging in multi front wars - Taiwan, Kora, Vietnam, Tibet, Xinjian, Mongolia and Russia besides SCS Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines besides internal security. Their diplomatic corps function as instrument of CCP and PLA. Indian diplomats on the contrary think they are Clives of India.
Even military attachees are not allowed to maintain personal contacts after he returns to India wheras Pakis as good at socialising through parties etc. We are way behind in Realpolictical diplomacy as merit is not rewarded but seniority is but slight changes have been made this year on how MEA divisions will work but our diplomatic crops is as smaller than Singapore and S Korea, just 750-780 people are there.


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May 28, 2016
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So a few days back some people here were conversating about the H6 bombers at Hotan and how will it be used, this gives some idea :

Source : View attachment 59556
We have already explored this strategy, read one of my post few pages back, about a report by RAND institute, its a pressure and power display tactic. H-6 are not coming out alone, they are accompanied by a squadron worth of defending jets.

Its a show to Prez of Taiwan that look, "we got no chill, and we can come by, fire some ALCM on your bases, and we go back, its nothing you can do except fall to our agreements".


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Sep 10, 2020
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In the last four days, Indian positions have witnessed a daily stream of Chinese combat medics evacuate small numbers of PLA troops from high altitude posts in the Fingers area on stretchers, a morbid reminder of the effects of rarefied air and extreme freezing conditions even during the day.

These conditions will get significantly worse with each passing day. The evacuated troops have been regularly replaced to maintain numbers at these forward posts, some of which are less than a kilometre from Indian positions.

Inki lanka lagni shuru ho gai, these chicoms will be frozen to death.

abhi vo oxygen tube waley videos resurface bhi hongey.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
shared the original article just below the post, the author of column has written 4 series books on India-Tibet-China
Cant find it.. may be because too many pages have rolled out.. would you mind if you can message me please. I see you limit your profile, so i cannot PM you.


New Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Inki lanka lagni shuru ho gai, these chicoms will be frozen to death.

abhi vo oxygen tube waley videos resurface bhi hongey.
They must have advance machines and technology to keep them self warm then why are not able to survive ?


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Apr 24, 2019
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Nepal and India relation is an interesting dynamics. When Nepal was governed by Dharmic people, India was governed by decadent people. Now, Nepal is governed by decadent people and India is governed by Dharmic people. So there never was an opportunity to form a union.
Oli now is claiming that Dehradun and Nanital are part of Greater Nepal. When will I get my Nepali Citizenship.


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Sep 8, 2019
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Taiwan president has greeted Modi on his birthday. Modi SHOULD thank her in return. Frack chinese sensibilities. Also Indian Amb. back in Delhi for Consultations.

And wtf



New Member
Feb 5, 2017
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this is intresting bit of news looks like Mr.Dhamsana has done good job while he was as pakis say RAA chief


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars The forwards area troops have extra stocks to meet requirements for more than 15 days, while those in the rear are equipped with an extra stock of more than a week. Also, the stocking is placed in a manner so that it reaches its point of need within 24 hours once the need is felt.

India's Ambassador to China Vikram Misri is in Delhi for consultations. US ambassador to China has already stepped down earlier. Strange happenings in regard to China. Corps Comd level talks are expected soon. China study group has met today in Delhi. PLA soldiers are having survivability issues in Ladakh winters. India will press PLA for disengagement & descalation in E Ladakh along LAC.

Frontal Assault.
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