India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Jun 19, 2020
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I wonder whether we have got some long range air defence system in place to take care of those HQ bombers. There was speculation that the system we had got from a friendly country was an Israeli one. Wonder if it can take on bombers at range.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Most of the ex-generals seem to think DBO is well defended. If the Apaches can operate nearby, then the longbow FCR will make them potent against the Chinese tanks in Depsang. It would be good to get a few Arjun MBT there if possible - they are too heavy to be airlifted but maybe a few via road
Needs confirmation, but if I recall correctly issue with DBO is not that it can be physically occupied by PLA, here the issue is that it is in line of sight and fire from PLA arty .


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Jun 27, 2020
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Nahi hoga.
Sun Tchu ke chele want to subdue the enemy without fighting
Which they are succeeding at because the West still believes in the Washington Consensus meme, fears le 2nd Superpower and continues to appease China( Trumpian sanctions are a thorn in their side, but if they place sleepy Biden/Cummala on the throne, it's all over ).
War is bad for business interests and social engineering projects, so it will not happen.

You must understand that first world countries only see things in terms of business interests and social engineering projects, they are post-nationalism and do not care whether "some islands here and there" are taken over by China, in essence this is the same argument as "so what if we lost a land where not even a blade of grass grows", there is no value of national sovereignty

It IS an Indic script, they got it free with Buddhism i think.
Even the native scripts of south east asian countries were Indic, because they had Indian influence resulting in Hindu or Buddhist kingdoms.
WWII stared after the great depression.

whenever there will be severe economic turmoil, chances of war will increase manifolds due to various reasons.

due to this Wuhan virus, economic conditions will be very bad for at least next 5 years. it may even turn out to be worst than the great depression.

it will eventually lead to Chinese control over world economy and those are now controlling economic system, I don't think they will be eager to surrender their control.

now US economy (rather world economy) is based on Petro-dollar system. nobody will surrender that without a fight.

if we add BRI and Chinese expansinism to that mix, then we will find a situation more grievous.

Wuhan virus attack is an attack on humanity as well as on economic system.

situation looks grim to me. but hoping I'm wrong.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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The stories about India not patrolling Depsang up to LAC for many years may be being released by Chinese-influenced news outlets to make the loss of territory in Depsang to PLA more palatable to Indian public.
Yes but GOI is not making any noise about it neither Chinese PLA nor Global times. So situation is quite fluid there. Scarce information coming out from media is the only source so far.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Indian troops near Pangong lake F4 witness PLA medics daily evacuate several PLA troopers on stretchers to field hospitals from high altitude posts in the Fingers area due to hypothermia and other high altitude sicknesses.

Wolf Pack.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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India has done Taiwan a big favour by tying down 3-4 divisions in Ladakh. Has the Taiwanese president written a thank you note (and maybe a cheque) yet ? Hope talks are on to get the Taiwanese Mirage 2000 at a good rate
India doesn't recognize Taiwan.. So why would Taiwanese president say thank you? Besides majority of PLAAF & entire PLAN is on eastern seashore. It's not India but US carriers saving Taiwan's as* out there.
Sep 8, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars Indian troops near Pangong lake F4 witness PLA medics daily evacuate several PLA troopers on stretchers to field hospitals from high altitude posts in the Fingers area due to hypothermia and other high altitude sicknesses.

Wolf Pack.
Why tf we don't take pictures of them, coz then MDH laal mirch will be shoved right up Xi's ass.


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
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Guys, i know it's gobar times but this is some serious escalation.
Where are the experts from here who said SCS will not get HOT?

so much so they are willing to overlook SCS to try and explain PLA motivation for its force movement just through the lenses of India-china relationship.


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
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Why tf we don't take pictures of them, coz then MDH laal mirch will be shoved right up Xi's ass.
I bet if the roles were reversed, you would be having the videos leaked by PLA directly to NDTV's sources...

But IA wants to play by the honor code or maybe it is the babus who are blocking simple psy-op tricks and then go whinging when they become the butt of wilfull misinformation


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Jul 11, 2011
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On 2 front war

This should be answered by Political leadership and MoD. I was in attendance of a presentation on two front war. At the end of the discussion the Def Secy commented India will not fight any conventional war in next 2 decades atleast & thus Army should focus on proxy war in J&K.

Mil Generals were mocked by Diplomats, bureaucrats & politicians whenever they raised issue of 2 front war. Diplomats always thundered they will manage one front & mil must manage other front. Unfortunately we dont have Maneckshaw today who could ask questions from Political ldrs

The issue of two-front war has been presented by the Services for last twenty years. Not only two but two and a half front war. But the bureaucrats, have been very averse to this idea, Bureaucracy by nature is a negatively reacting institution. Say no or not agreeing is their first reaction. The power of bureaucracy consist in "No" rather than "Yes".

MEA is in particular very coggy about the powers of diplomacy and always underestimate need of application of military power in obtaining national interests. By our education, nature of culture of our universities, lack of education in Military aspects of diplomacy and an overweighted differentiation between Civil and military that our bureaucrats seem to ravel in considering themselves as Gandhi peaceniks. Military is, on the other hand, considered as a necessary evil of state power needed to be kept subdued as if it is an unrestrained tiger ready to eat up its captors.

As compared to Western or Russian or Chinese diplomatic Corps our MEA Babus do not consider military power as an alternate or even an aid to diplomacy or the ultimate instrument of settlement when diplomacy fails. Diplomates other than those of India are an aide to the application of military power. MEA in India is an obstruction and debilitating agent towards the application of the military instrument.

When faced with the use of military instruments like JN Dikshit in Srilanka, they miserably fail as they themselves start acting as generals.

Look at the Chinese. The PLA is realist in engaging in multi front wars - Taiwan, Kora, Vietnam, Tibet, Xinjian, Mongolia and Russia besides SCS Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines besides internal security. Their diplomatic corps function as instrument of CCP and PLA. Indian diplomats on the contrary think they are Clives of India.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
While the India-China standoff is being projected as a stalemate, several advantages have already accrued to India

1. With the forces on the border, the BRO can accelerate the infra building. Also the forces may lend a helping hand whenever possible. Since China has already been "offended", no fears of further offending China - India can build infra as close to LAC as it wants

2. The freedom to test all kinds of arms and ammunition in high altitude without the need for "strategic restraint" anymore

3. The increased appreciation of Andaman/Nicobar. Once the airfields are upgraded there and a dual use port comes up, the sea lanes will be under better control

4. The hyphenation of India with China and the de-hyphenation of India with Pakistan. In fact, this strengthens India's case for the UN seat and also the case for kicking out China from the UN.

5. The freedom for the government to increase the defence budget.

6. The removal of fence sitting for the Indian government. Acceleration of the quad.

7. Finally the imposing of a cost for China. While China was imposing a cost on us, they were getting a free run because of Indian reticence
Our full build up on borders puts Pak on high alert and forces them to divert more money to army when they are already on their knees servicing Chinese. I am not sure but I hope all this army mobilization helps locals and also Indian economy for procurement whereever possible with domestic supplies.
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