India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Jointly being developed by HAL and BAE, the Advanced Hawk Mk132 has seven wing stations for mounting weapons/missiles/bombs and reconnaissance equipment. These weapons need to be integrated with the avionics of the aircraft.

View attachment 59378

Whether these Advanced Hawks have been operationalized is unknown! If not, it should be expedited for CAS ops especially against the Chinese dingos in Ladakh!
Unveiled @Aeroindia2017

The aircraft also offers combat capabilities. It is being displayed at the show with an extensive range of weapons, including MBDA Brimstone and AMRAAM missiles and the Raytheon Paveway IV bomb. The Advanced Hawk can also carry a Rafael Litening targeting pod, as well as a radar warning receiver and countermeasure dispensing system.

We are flying a derivative of Hawk 100 series which does not have an option of a gun pod. Hawk 200 does have an option of gunpod.


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Oct 11, 2017
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'A Bolder And Better Indian Army Flopped Xi’s Plans, Now His Future Is At Risk'

  • Previously, Indian leaders, psychologically paralysed by their loss in the 1962 border war with China, played only defence. This meant that Beijing had gotten accustomed to getting its way in disputed territory.
Gordon G Chang, in an opinion article for Newsweek, has argued that with the “failed high-profile incursions” of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) at the Indic-China border, Xi jinping had risked his future.
Chang said that the aggressive moves of the PLA, whose architect is Xi, had unexpectedly “flopped”, and resulted in a decrease in Xi’s capacity to intimidate anyone.

"Ruler Xi Jinping, already roiling the Communist Party with a "rectification" campaign and mass persecution of foes, has risked his future with recent high-profile incursions into Indian-controlled territory.”
Chang said that traditionally the Indian leaders, "psychologically paralysed by their loss in the 1962 border war with China, played only defence”. This meant that Beijing had gotten accustomed to getting its way in disputed territory.

“Paralyzed no more,” he writes. The Indian soldiers fought back after the Galwan valley clash and inflicted substantial casualty on the Chinese side. Moreover, recently, for the first time in a half-century, India carried out an offensive against China, taking back high ground the Chinese recently grabbed.
“China's forces were surprised when Indian troops mounted their attempt to retake strategic high points. Stunned Chinese soldiers retreated.”

“China's subsequent efforts to counter the Indian moves proved ineffective. At least for the moment, India's troops, in the southernmost of the three areas of conflict, are in control of territory once in Chinese hands.”
India's troops are displaying newfound boldness. India has effectively ditched these rules intended to limit casualties, said Chang. He quoted Cleo Paskal of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies as saying, “The game has changed..You can say the Indians are more aggressive or more aggressively defensive, but they are in fact bolder and better."

Xi is under pressure to demonstrate the capabilities of its ground force. In its last major engagement was in 1979, in the effort to "teach Vietnam a lesson", China failed miserably.

Xi needs "a victory" and could force further conflict in Ladakh. However, given the rapid buildup of Indian forces and their high state of readiness, Xi is not assured of the success that he craves and needs, Chang quoted Jayadeva Ranade, a former senior Indian intelligence official and now the head of the New Delhi-based Centre for China Analysis and Strategy.

Chang said that the setbacks in Ladakh mean Xi will almost surely purge elements of the military, and therefore, the PLA leaders would have little choice but to undertake offensive military actions to avoid becoming a victim of Xi's internal terror.

In a highly politicised military, the Ladakh failures give Xi an excuse to pick up the pace of replacing adversaries in the armed forces with loyal elements.

Xi has been on a power centralisation spree for the past many years.
“Other nations will take notice that China's military is deficient..the failure to push around the Indian military means Xi's ability to intimidate anyone is much reduced.”

“Unfortunately, it looks like China's leader, who had looked invincible, now has something to prove. As a result, he appears absolutely determined to make his point by launching another attempt to break India apart,” said Chang.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
I wonder why so much water in the tunnel? And with no drainage, it's going to screw up the road!
Pretty common in tunnels anywhere. Handling water is biggest challenge in tunnel. If you look around on tunnel, its all concrete and water is distributed around to other side...

In any hill.. u will find thousand of small water streams converging to form bigger streams....


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Oct 11, 2017
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The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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quite surprisingly well written article. worth a read guys. i am pasting some extracts

Indo-China conflict: What’s in it for Pakistan?

Pakistan is likely to push for more Chinese equipment in the coming times despite its economic challenges. It will also continue to escalate the nuclear threat to push for the Kashmir agenda and attract global attention
Although Beijing has maintained a No First Use nuclear doctrine, it supplied complete nuclear weapon technology and delivery systems to Pakistan. Islamabad has been more confident in conducting the covert war against India after it acquired nuclear weapons (1987), and it continues to rationalise the First Use nuclear doctrine and project a low nuclear threshold.

While Pakistan will continue to try to intensify its proxy war and anti-India propaganda, at this point, it is likely to be inclined to exercise three options. Firstly, Pakistan would highlight its posture of victimhood and strengthen the narrative of its capability and willingness to defeat India’s strategy.
Chinese weapon exports to Pakistan started in the mid-1960s and have grown at an accelerated pace in the last two decades. Although the relationship commenced as a pure military alliance, it eventually flourished at the diplomatic and economic levels. Beijing has been making regular attempts to serve Pakistan’s Kashmir agenda by raising the issue of Kashmir at the United Nations Security Council. There have been a number of discomforting occasions where China extended its support to Pakistan and countered India’s moves to question and deter Pakistan’s strategy of terrorism. At present, Beijing is portraying Pakistan as a successful model of Chinese alliance to other smaller nations and, in a virtual meeting in July, China asked Nepal and Afghanistan to be like “iron brother” Pakistan.
China is celebrating two centenary celebrations (Liang Ge Yibai Nian) by aiming to achieve two goals; “build a moderately prosperous society in all respects” by 2021 and become a “major world power with pioneering global influence” by 2049.

read full article at


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Oct 11, 2017
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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Great Analysis by retd. Major general

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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ministry of surface transport
Eeh?!!, what was the problem with ministry of transport? To increase efficiency they create this mini departments under departments but it only goes on increase more layers and they justify too it.
Will it not increase time for execution? One ministry of transport and one or two signatures are enough, man.


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Dec 12, 2015
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From where the money will come for them , MoD has still stuck to the Elbi ATMOs 1500 Artillery, no extra orders for ATAGs, ALH, Vajra, WhAP, FICV, or any private firms then why they will invest if no orders has been made. Even the 12.5 billion US Dollars is not enough for the Domestic Capital Procuments.
India can spend 40-50 B USD from reserves on emergency military procurement.
India can also divert money from social/welfare programs. It will have side effects but anything possible in emergency.
India can always print money. Not a bad thing when USA will have a deficit exceeding 30% of GDP this year.
National defence is paramount. Money has no value if country itself is in danger.


New Member
May 28, 2016
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Those bombers needs to be checked, logistic supply lines are along DS-DBO road. Whats the status of SAMs in Laddakh? (Refrain posting classified intel, such as location)

I heard Hemraj is deployed for battle picture, surveillance and jamming.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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India can spend 40-50 B USD from reserves on emergency military procurement.
India can also divert money from social/welfare programs. It will have side effects but anything possible in emergency.
India can always print money.
Emergency or not we need to have a constant budget for the Military Capital Procumenta until we spend more than 20 Billion Us Dollars nothing could be procured in large numbers be it domestic or foreign. To spend only 4 billion us dollars towards the IAF. 5.5 billion dollars towards the IA and 3 billion dollars towards the IN is a peanut amount compared to the other nations with a similar defence budget even the russia and japan spend more than us on the capital procuments even the nations with a smaller budget spends a similar amount to us.

See tha Paks budget they spend 30 percent on the capital procuments how simple the MILBUS take the job of providing others services to its personnels so more budget is dedicated towards the capital procuments. When I talked about it I got a hostile answers. In a nation where we cant we think about militray running it's own businesses for it's own welfare and support how can we think about even when the welfare support provided from the defence budget is nothing but a hogwash. The facilities are in poor states the level of services is low insurances is low so are there returns.

We need a constant and sufficient increases in every annual budget for a steady line of capital procuments. The emergency increase in the budget is absolutely of no use to the domestic firms as most of the orders will be spent of the foreign equipments.
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