India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 17, 2021
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I really dont think so, China Study Groups under MEA has seriously misled Modi and GoI since 2014.

Left-leaning officers do exists in MEA.
Not only do they exist in MEA, they also sit on UPSC interview boards and then make sure they select left-leaning candidates. A typical upsc board will have a couple of these MEA babus, as well as some professors from JNU type universities. The selected ones then attend lectures of guess whom? The same leftists all over again! :facepalm:

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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Not only do they exist in MEA, they also sit on UPSC interview boards and then make sure they select left-leaning candidates. A typical upsc board will have a couple of these MEA babus, as well as some professors from JNU type universities. The selected ones then attend lectures of guess whom? The same leftists all over again! :facepalm:
Then ve a leftist , I can convincingly argue that , how language is harmful to women's self confidence and how patriarchy is responsible for the subservient status women are accorded in historical texts because all authors etc were male they allowed their sexist thoughts to creep in the writings and its a vicious cycle of women oppression as these same writings ultimately contribute to patriarchal language which in turn leads to gendering of work.
We know gender is a social construct and not a biological one , we teach boys and girls to do things differently that's why they behave like they behave.
If gender neutral language is taught to children from child hood , then we can surely dismantle this artificial construct of gender, let the children explore them selves.

Kaisa laga bro , laga ki nai Ekdum pakka leftist librandu ki tarah?

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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Or porkislayer ji , you want me to argue about marriage is a oppressive institution for women and how this oppression is propagated by urban middle class families who are prey to capitalism and how capitalism objectifies women's bodies but does not give them equally importance as sexual partners ?


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May 28, 2016
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Indeed, what I said is very simple. The actual operation is much more complicated. Automatic frequency hopping can resist interference, but the jamming system can also follow FM. Modern jammers can counter high-speed frequency modulation, spread spectrum, code division multiple access, and sensor fusion. , Active and passive switching and other anti-jamming system capabilities
If FM was that easier, USAF would've figured that out by now. Yet, they still can't penetrate Syria properly. They have to tell the Russians that look we are going to bomb some sites, so you better off shut your jamming systems so that your batteries remain safe and our pilots get to reach home later. And so there are many discrepancies to your theory.

1. Consider a EA-18G, the jammer on the EA-18G Growler is the AN/ALQ-99 which operates on S-band. For an EA-18G to do a burn-through to an S400 battery (radar complex operates on S band but newer versions are rumored to use L-band as well) which include powerful radar complex, it has to be close to 70-90 miles to do that.


2. To facilitate more effective jamming, another approach is to fire an anti-radiation missiles such as HARM or MALD decoying system, which keeps the S400 radar complex busy. Which the USAF has well thought off, but again that has to be done in close proximity and for a considerable amount of time. A bait and fetch tactic requires half of EA-18G squadron to be performing the bait, while the other fire off these weapon packages but that also means, giving enemy your location as soon as you start on jamming. They all will be lit up like Christmas trees, so that is for sure that some pilots are not going to go home that day ever again.

3. The whole point of S400 battery is to provide another "layer of air space denial". So theoretically, you have to throw an entire squadron worth of EA-18G to do that, which is not going to scale properly in an actual battle, where they would be detected at 400Km to 500Km range by other batteries. Then they will have to split there jamming to incoming interceptor squadrons and air to ground jamming, so your whole "force multiplier" thing becomes less effective already.

4. USAF understood this, so they threw there AEW suite to F35, which can theoretically close in that gap and get near to an S400 battery. But now you are dealing with too few F35s. Think of this, why the rumored 6th gen fighter jet of USAF is based of an objective called Penetrating Counter Air (PCA).

5. Another school of thought is that to do an effective jamming, you require enough computational power and energy to continue that burn-through rate, which is difficult to perform in a hostile and contested airspace. Typically ground based radar complex have no issues with sizes and power output, so air-to-ground jamming is already discounted. HS-FM, Spread spectrum, code-division "multiplexing" looks cool in animation but is not that simple.

6. Engaging an enemy squadron of EA-18Gs can be thought of buying time, in S400s case, it also another means to keep the enemy busy, until the cavalry arrives. S400 was never thought of as "the force that can make pilots shit in there pants", but to keep a wall in front of enemy forces that will require a lot of time to do the jamming, and time is worst enemy for a fighter-pilot who was trained to shoot and scoot.


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May 28, 2016
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Not related to border:-

World Bank discontinues ‘Doing Business’ Report after investigation reveals connivance of top executives in boosting China’s rankings

View attachment 110470
Well folks that's what happens when you have enough money to keep the WHO and WB at bay! 🤷‍♂️


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May 28, 2016
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China is indulging in Psycho-warfare.

First they get to release reports in media that, China is conducting night drills in Tibet, than next China builds airbases near LAC.

Every top military in the world conducts night drills, India do it on regular basis that too in high altitudes. Nothing new in it.

But no one talking about why 4 WTC Cmdrs were replaced in 1 year? why they brought in the new WTC cmdr who is also a Vietnam war veteran? It seems that there is a gap between Expectations and Perfomance from the Chinese PLA.

One should also consider the fact that why China conducts regular exercises. There has been multiple issues of Chinese weapon systems and their ability to operate at very high altitudes and thats why these new weapon systems are been constantly tested in these altitudes.
To train an in-experience force, you have to simulate war-time conditions. This is not Psy-Ops, it called "pre-conditioning". Take the example of Taiwan airspace raids. The bomber fleet along with SU27s are gradually increasing in numbers. Why is the question here?

The simplest reason I could think off, is to keep the enemy on heightened alertness, while this heightens the sensitivity, it also help pre-condition pilots to not flee from an air-battle, and so on D-day most of the pilots won't be reaching home ever again on the PLAF side, yet its is required to gain airspace deniel over Taiwan but with losses, and you cannot win the war without them, so preconditioning trains the pilots to cool-off some steam. Air squadron moral is always required during battle.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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This is on the Taiwan front, must be a record!

These are just threats, a warning to keep Taiwan under constant pressure and fear.

No sane country flies its AWACS into enemy territory. It's just a message that says, "Look, we are so powerful we can fly into your airspace unchallenged, fear and obey us".

If someday PLA planes hover over our borders, what will GOI do then? Can't even say ''It's about perceptions anymore". Lol, where will you give Chai biscuit in the air?
We will scramble ours, and the enemy aircraft will be challenged. Depending upon threat perception and availability, ground-based SAMs might be used to target enemy aircraft if they cross the LAC.
If they try any hostile action, they will be engaged with reinforcements.

But surprisingly, unlike PLAGF, PLAAF has largely maintained a big distance from our CAPs and LACs in general, maybe they don't want to show their tricks up their sleeve, or they are not confident enough in engaging IAF.
PAF has been more proactive in countering our CAPs than PLAAF.


Tihar Jail
Oct 18, 2020
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These are just threats, a warning to keep Taiwan under constant pressure and fear.

No sane country flies its AWACS into enemy territory. It's just a message that says, "Look, we are so powerful we can fly into your airspace unchallenged, fear and obey us".

We will scramble ours, and the enemy aircraft will be challenged. Depending upon threat perception and availability, ground-based SAMs might be used to target enemy aircraft if they cross the LAC.
If they try any hostile action, they will be engaged with reinforcements.

But surprisingly, unlike PLAGF, PLAAF has largely maintained a big distance from our CAPs and LACs in general, maybe they don't want to show their tricks up their sleeve, or they are not confident enough in engaging IAF.
PAF has been more proactive in countering our CAPs than PLAAF.
Would it be a better option to provoke them by violating their air space, set a trap, lure them and shoot down a PLAAF jet in our airspace. Will be a massive score against the adversary. We can tell the world we shot down enemy jet that violated our airspace


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Would it be a better option to provoke them by violating their air space, set a trap, lure them and shoot down a PLAAF jet in our airspace. Will be a massive score against the adversary. We can tell the world we shot down enemy jet that violated our airspace
Pakis did this stunt on 27th Feb and unfortunately we were at the receiving end.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
Chinkis won't probably go all guns blazing and carpet bombing against Taiwan. They might use a matrix of actions- economic coercion, naval blockades, internal dissent, some elements within the Taiwanese military, and some limited military action targeted at taking out leaders of Taiwan. But if they bomb the country like the WW2 times, then they will lose a lot more even if they are able to occupy the island (frankly, I don't believe Muricans will come to their rescue. Economic sanctions and stuff might happen).

PRC needs TSMC more than we do.
Yeah but can't they just build ours here and now we will share profits with them these fks will die before forming and alliance with us we will get nothing like always if goi is smart they will set these fabs first and do something else later otherwise only china will dominate this and we would have missed the bus
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