India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Apr 13, 2013
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Is India's military exercise with Kyrgyzstan part of its bigger outreach in Central Asia?

Seen in isolation, Khanjar-VIII, the name of the manoeuvres, may not mean much. But when clubbed with China's long shadow over the region, which has discomforted both Russia, the traditional heavyweight, and India, which is anxious that its deep cultural ties with Central Asia may soon be eroded under Beijing's influence, it acquires an altogether different meaning. It is apparent that China's push into Central Asia has alarmed both Moscow and New Delhi, opening the door for greater collaboration with each other.

This Russia-led military partnership includes Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Belarus, with Afghanistan and Serbia thrown in as observers. CSTO has a 20,000 strong Collective Rapid Reaction Force, including 4,000 troops earmarked for Central Asia to address emergent situations. The organisation also has a collective peacekeeping force, which includes an estimated 3,500 soldiers along with 800-plus civilian police officers.

Given Russia's anxieties about China, Moscow may not be averse to an Indian engagement in some form with the CSTO. Russia's fears run deep about China, a country that fought a border war with Russia in 1969. China also bonded with the Americans to bring down the former Soviet Union by supporting the anti-Soviet campaign in Afghanistan in the eighties. Of late, US sanctions and policy of "regime change" by the Atlantic Alliance have persuaded Moscow to strike a close relationship with China. But beneath the surface layers of mistrust continue to simmer.

It is therefore quite likely that the Russians are supporting India's participation in Khanjar-VIII with Kyrgyzstan, a fellow-CSTO member, to enrich a broader partnership that can stand up to China, which is rapidly expanding its pan-Eurasian influence under its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).


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May 31, 2020
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China seems to be making an asphalt road till the last point of Hotspring which they occupied and never went back.
Seems like it is an unspoken understanding now that we have accepted their demands.
is it the spot you posted about ? i think they call it as PP15.

Are you sure its ashpalt , i think its the road just look like that on sat images


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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is it the spot you posted about ? i think they call it as PP15.

Are you sure its ashpalt , i think its the road just look like that on sat images
Yep. The road seems like a black line, similar to what I have observed as asphalt roads. If you notice other roads around, they are not black, but lighter color of soil (faded orange-yellowish)
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