After all that we have done to dig out so far, dont be surprised if we prove this for you as well.
To be fair Yusuf, you haven't dug out much that is not obvious.
Let me list main points that you have raised so far, please feel free to add if I missed any point --
# IDF is linked with PDF.
# IDF/PDF owners are same guy.
# IDF/PDF are responsible for DDOSING you.
# WDN uses their revenue to fund ISI.
Now for someone like me who's availing the service of various forums in interweb, above points mean zilch as long as I'm getting quality service and decent ecosystem to interact with people of various nationality. Moreover you are holding people like us responsible for the shit-storm and juvenile forum war, when actually we are being subjected to and getting used by your(here you refers to forum owners in general) petty politics behind the curtain.
Creation of IDF certainly was a clever move by PDF and if they able to chip in the forum to curtail your popularity, that was indeed a good business move and a valid one as nowhere did they deny that IDF, PDF and other forums are under a common consortium aka WDN. I'd not bother about the nationality of WDN owner just as I don't bother who run Google, Microsoft or Huawei for that matter. Yes I'd not trust WDN with my personal information.
As far as DDOS is concerned, the only way to implicate PDF/IDF admins is to gather proof and go to the relevant authority, some screen grabs don''t mean anything, this I'm saying not because I'm sympathetic to PDF guys but I'm trying to be very rational about the whole thing.