IDF is a Pakistani Forum that Attacked DFI !

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The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
I have no objections on your freedom but just wondering why an India should fill the pockets of an Paki owned forum when dont have enough traffic in DFI or BR! There is no point look at Indian banners in IDF filling an Pakistanis pocket.
India has the money to be magnanimous.

We are not quite paupers, are we?

Not that I know what is IDF nor care for it.


New Member
Mar 7, 2011
Don't agree to that. They're all spun heads, some permanently while others temporarily. The latter would come home sooner or later.

DoS is not a rocket science I understand, but whoever attacked DFI and IPF were seasoned guys. They did a massive and consistent DDoS for almost 4 weeks. Such attacks can't be a popcorn fantasy of some excited kids. Tt needs a) Skilled hackers, b) Continous funds and c) Constant motivation/direction from a powerful source.
You can go through the threads at DFI and BR to see all the proof laid already.

If you haven't noticed, we're under attack for the same amount of time too. DDoS is not rocket science but its also not sold on ebay. Its sort of hard to do it. Look you guys seem new at this. I remember when I first had to deal with massive attacks and felt the same way. At the end you DO need to spend an almost endless amount of money to protect yourself.


New Member
Oct 16, 2010
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First of all you know I always unban you :), unfortunately you've always found the ire of a mod at a time I've been super busy with well life. If you were banned for posting from the Quran and the Hadith, let me tell you theological debates have been banned from PDF and will remain so.

You're opening a can of worms by discussing belief systems. They are illogical, they are selective, they are all based upon faith. It's beyond discussion - except where you're discussing its social aspects.

The Quran said so, is nothing to be discussed on PDF or the Hadith narrates such an such is even less.

If you're talking about religious extremism, unfair treatment of minorities by Muslims these are all legitimate social topics. If you're saying "look the Prophet said this, how wrong or right it is"... then it has no place on the forum

No theology. Strictly. Surely a mod would have explained that before resorting to infractions.

Moreover the infraction system probably gets you more than anyone actually hitting the ban button on you.
Even my personal view is that defence forums should stick to that - defense or geo politics at the most. These can however be discussed at national/political/religious forums.
But while it seems perfectly fair from your POV, to gain better perspective you have to ponder over why others and I mean almost everyone wants to discuss Islam at PDF?
Its because no other society/state has been so obsessed with this religion or its twisted versions.
Nowhere is religious extremism such a strong Institution and literally a booming occupation.
Nowhere else it has spawned from being absorbed at individual practice to being enforced into the national character en masse.
Nowhere else it inspires the state policies towards outsiders.
Obviously everyone wants to know what the hell is so wrong after all....



The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009

You are still down it appears.

Tell me once it is up and I will do an Asim out there and I will be very livid if you do not show the same courtesy that we are showing you!


New Member
Mar 7, 2011
India has the money to be magnanimous.

We are not quite paupers, are we?

Not that I know what is IDF nor care for it.
What I want to know is what the heck is IPF? India-Pakistan forum? :D

Now that would be the be all end all of all forums. Or maybe :D

Nobody says elicits their accusation clearly but always seem to imply that PDF had something to do with it. I mean its ridiculous. We are not even catering to the same subject matter as this place, why should there be any rivalry between us?


New Member
Oct 16, 2010
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If you haven't noticed, we're under attack for the same amount of time too.
Who started all this mess?
DDoS is not rocket science but its also not sold on ebay. Its sort of hard to do it.
That is exactly why it can't be done without organized support backstage .. monetary and non monetary. Now looking at the way things happened, I can only count on my fingers the possible parties who had the motivation to go this far. Some obsessed souls they were and we've known since decades where they come from.

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New Member
Oct 16, 2010
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What I want to know is what the heck is IPF? India-Pakistan forum? :D
Now that would be the be all end all of all forums. Or maybe :D
haha .. yeah like PDF is Porky Donkey forum?
Now don't cry that this is getting ugly ... look at it again .. who started it ?



New Member
Mar 7, 2011

You are still down it appears.

Tell me once it is up and I will do an Asim out there and I will be very livid if you do not show the same courtesy that we are showing you!
You being a special guest will always have my courtesies. But as you said nobody gets banned here, while we ban a lot there.

I'm actually slightly sorry for doing an Asim here due to people like you and Tronics who have had to bear the brunt of my shenanigans. I actually only popped up to share my critique on the poster stating all 180 million Pakistanis are terrorists, but then this thread happened and my frown turned upside down with all the wonderful theories here.

I know, you know some of the things we do are down to a science and sometimes taking a center stage just cannot be helped. I told you once, you're Ray, its never going to be smooth sailing for you, but I'll help. Especially now that I know I'm in the same boat and it'll never be smooth sailing for me either.


New Member
Oct 16, 2010
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I actually only popped up to share my critique on the poster stating all 180 million Pakistanis are terrorists
Don't know about the post and its language but I don't agree to that theory. I'd start agreeing if they rather used the terms like majority and religious extremism .. instead of "all" and "terrorist".



New Member
Mar 7, 2011
Who started all this mess?
You guys are acting as if you guys are the first people on the internet to get DDoSed. DoS attempts are being made on us since forever. As you get bigger, there will be a lot more challenges too.

That is exactly why it can't be done without organized support backstage .. monetary and non monetary. Now looking at the way things happened, I can only count on my fingers the possible parties who had the motivation to go this far. Some obsessed souls they were and we've known since decades where they come from.

Like how many resources are needed, give me a dollar value and tell me how do you know how much money we have?


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
You guys are acting as if you guys are the first people on the internet to get DDoSed. DoS attempts are being made on us since forever. As you get bigger, there will be a lot more challenges too.

Like how many resources are needed, give me a dollar value and tell me how do you know how much money we have?
How does it matter?

Can we have your comments on other interesting threads?

Let us learn of Pakistan and not how you want to subvert or not the DFI.


New Member
Mar 7, 2011
Even my personal view is that defence forums should stick to that - defense or geo politics at the most. These can however be discussed at national/political/religious forums.
But while it seems perfectly fair from your POV, to gain better perspective you have to ponder over why others and I mean almost everyone wants to discuss Islam at PDF?

That I agree with, but at the same time I'm duty bound to try and correct something that's wrong and I have put in my efforts towards the same. One glance and you'd know what I'm talking about. Ok more than a glance maybe.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
You being a special guest will always have my courtesies. But as you said nobody gets banned here, while we ban a lot there.

I'm actually slightly sorry for doing an Asim here due to people like you and Tronics who have had to bear the brunt of my shenanigans. I actually only popped up to share my critique on the poster stating all 180 million Pakistanis are terrorists, but then this thread happened and my frown turned upside down with all the wonderful theories here.

I know, you know some of the things we do are down to a science and sometimes taking a center stage just cannot be helped. I told you once, you're Ray, its never going to be smooth sailing for you, but I'll help. Especially now that I know I'm in the same boat and it'll never be smooth sailing for me either.
What's so great and different about being Ray?

I am Tiki Tam Tam there.

Which is Polynesia for being a good chap!


New Member
Mar 7, 2011
How does it matter?

Can we have your comments on other interesting threads?

Let us learn of Pakistan and not how you want to subvert or not the DFI.
It's hard for me to talk to people who won't even address me with civility or lose the basic norms of a polite discussion. It's just one of those things where I draw the line and choose not to respond. I'm aggressive in my discussions, but not a badtameez fella. I can't resort to comment on anyone's parents' breeding habits as others have decided to do for me, nor can I respond to racial slurs like "Paki", nor "Mian", nor "uddin". It's not so much that the members are doing it, its just that this no reprimand policy of the management can't stand.

I mean the arguments I got from the management is that they don't consider Paki to be offensive, hence a globally accepted racial slur is okay. I mean what stops someone from referring to each other as "Kuttay ke bachay" next? After all a Kuttay ka bacha is a puppy and that's not offensive, rather cute.

I mean when you want to hide behind ridiculous childish semantics of insults, its just hard to envision yourself ever becoming part of a community where you will engage in lengthy debates. Something has to give, and I'm sure as hell not about to give anyone the right to insult me.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Last word Asim, don't you think you should control your religious freak out at your end?


New Member
Oct 16, 2010
Country flag
Like how many resources are needed, give me a dollar value and tell me how do you know how much money we have?
I've made no claims to know about your money and nor am I interested. I don't even know of the validity of your claim of being DDoS'ed and hence haven't commented on it as I also never visit PDF (perhaps never will). As for the dollar value I'm not the hacker who organized it, to know my exact billing rate and the infra cost.



New Member
Mar 7, 2011
I've made no claims to know about your money and nor am I interested. I don't even know of the validity of your claim of being DDoS'ed and hence haven't commented on it as I also never visit PDF (perhaps never will). As for the dollar value I'm not the hacker who organized it, to know my exact billing rate and the infra cost.

So basically back to square one, you feel it in your bones! PDF is not famous because its good, it has to be the freakin ISI that's behind it!

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
New Member
Aug 25, 2010
It's hard for me to talk to people who won't even address me with civility or lose the basic norms of a polite discussion. It's just one of those things where I draw the line and choose not to respond. I'm aggressive in my discussions, but not a badtameez fella. I can't resort to comment on anyone's parents' breeding habits as others have decided to do for me, nor can I respond to racial slurs like "Paki", nor "Mian", nor "uddin". It's not so much that the members are doing it, its just that this no reprimand policy of the management can't stand.

I mean the arguments I got from the management is that they don't consider Paki to be offensive, hence a globally accepted racial slur is okay. I mean what stops someone from referring to each other as "Kuttay ke bachay" next? After all a Kuttay ka bacha is a puppy and that's not offensive, rather cute.

I mean when you want to hide behind ridiculous childish semantics of insults, its just hard to envision yourself ever becoming part of a community where you will engage in lengthy debates. Something has to give, and I'm sure as hell not about to give anyone the right to insult me.
Neither paki nor mian not uddin is a slur.

well paki would be for any Indian not because of the racial undertones but being branded a pakistani is a stain no self respecting Indian can bear.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
It's hard for me to talk to people who won't even address me with civility or lose the basic norms of a polite discussion. It's just one of those things where I draw the line and choose not to respond. I'm aggressive in my discussions, but not a badtameez fella. I can't resort to comment on anyone's parents' breeding habits as others have decided to do for me, nor can I respond to racial slurs like "Paki", nor "Mian", nor "uddin". It's not so much that the members are doing it, its just that this no reprimand policy of the management can't stand.

I mean the arguments I got from the management is that they don't consider Paki to be offensive, hence a globally accepted racial slur is okay. I mean what stops someone from referring to each other as "Kuttay ke bachay" next? After all a Kuttay ka bacha is a puppy and that's not offensive, rather cute.

I mean when you want to hide behind ridiculous childish semantics of insults, its just hard to envision yourself ever becoming part of a community where you will engage in lengthy debates. Something has to give, and I'm sure as hell not about to give anyone the right to insult me.

why are you being naive?

where has there been civility and gentlemanly behaviour in a forum. It is full of punks. And you want civility?

do you really feel Paki is a slur? Must we go by what the British do? Paki, in the UK, includes all brown Joes, in case you did not know and that is why the 'I am an Indian" T shirts have become a rave!

a puppy in English is a cute thing, but then in Hindi and Urdu it is not, Likewise a Paki in England is a horrid thing, over here it is not!

Allow me in your forum and we will see healthy debates and I dare you and your chums to ban me at the first shot since I won't say anything bad,

I can never get over with the fact that you banned me on two occasions for quoting from the Koran/ Hadith as if the Koran was incorrect and wrong!!

I was once banned by your admin and once by santro. Have they no faith in the Quaran?

If you don't mind, I am not a Muslim, but do allow the fact that I have studied it and though I may not be able to recite it from memory, but for a non Muslim, I am not too shallow!

It may surprise you, but I know more than those callow youth who claim to be soldiers of Islam on your forum!

Nawaz Sharif is known as Mian Nawaz Sharif. Is that a cuss word?
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