IDF is a Pakistani Forum that Attacked DFI !

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New Member
May 10, 2010
I fail to understand that what the hell PDF admins are doing here ? This thread was about IDF which was supposed to be separate from PDF as per them and Mr Ahsan aka Tariq Khan . This is just strengthening our point that those two are same .


Bye bye DFI
New Member
Aug 3, 2010
Karthic - "p" word is mild compared to what is hurled around. "Effin" - translate that into Hindi/Urdu/whatever language you please, and tell me is that a decent word. Would you use it socially? It's not even being filtered!
I am having running battles about the usage of Hindi an you are asking me to transalate something into Hindi.:D

That being said I am just a member and I will not comment on matters regarding moderation/administration.

Just wanted to set the record straight when you said this fora is not upto the "standards".
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New Member
Mar 13, 2010
I fail to understand that what the hell PDF admins are doing here ? This thread was about IDF which was supposed to be separate from PDF as per them and Mr Ahsan aka Tariq Khan . This is just strengthening our point that those two are same .
You just nailed and hammered it hard SHASH2K2.
WHATS THE reason??
WHY pdf admin and other members are here to support IDF??
Wasnt its the seperate forum for Indians??
But now i am sure its not and presence of admin of pdf is what proves it.


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Mar 24, 2009
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Lol @ ISI agents, argument.

Did you guys ever stop to think that the reason behind our success may just lie in the fact that we have a good base-work, a commitment to high ideals and we simply work too hard?

I don't know if being thought of as a freakin spy is a compliment or an insult. Either we are so good that its unbelievable that we can be anything but a spy - or that you think us being good has nothing to do with it, its just our spy training. What?

Get real guys, we started from scratch. There are hundreds on this forum and elsewhere who know me since I was an undergrad and how our teams were actually formed and how we navigated through in competing with all the big names of the time.

I'm not being arrogant about it, but I tell my team and have told you guys too that you're a well run forum, however we are the bigger forum. We don't need to get into illegal activities. These sort of theories always exist whenever a cyber-crime happens. Over the years experience will teach you not to liberally divulge suspicions and create festive inter-forum cyber rivalries. If you have any proof, quietly approach the relevant authorities. Goto Lawyers and various legal teams - we have too, and you will get a lot of similar advice along these lines.

With that said, I'll say this once. You should know, this is not our style. Moreover as compared to some other Indian forums out there, DFI has my respect.
Commitment to high ideals? Means terrorism right?

Ideals are what DFI was and is based on. So much so that our fellow Indians went after the staff and its policy of being too liberal and non biased. Someone even called me an RSS guy when some heated debate which according to one section of members was too right wing but we allowed it because all sorts of views are accepted provided its within forum rules both stated and some unstated but well known and acknowledged by members here.

Do you think the kind of posts that you and elmo have posted would have survived in defpk if it was posted by Indians against you? Come up with good points and you will blossom here. Money is not the criteria for the admins here so anything other than what is acceptable is deleted. On the contrary, on defpk i hear that you make them smell coffee and you get booted. I too was called a troll on defpk when i once came there and well participated in a thread on nuke power for pakistan. I came up with some facts and figures and links. That was good to be labelled troll. Anyways i had just gone there to have a look after one of the defpk guy came here and insisted i do. I have seen how trolls from both sides survive. Precisely what this thread has shown that its all about money for defpk. trolls attract more trolls which means eyeball, which means ad money. Chain reaction.

The use of the P word seems to have got pakistani members worked up, but then they themselves use it.

And about the illegal part, wait till the result of the RTI comes around.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Which other forum?

This is a first - no one finds that acceptable.

Yusuf - it's not only the slurs, everyone over here is involved in some action whenever they post - from "laying" to "doing" or to some body/anatomical reference that i dont even have a parallel to.

Given the imaginative person I am, reading the posts here are akin to crossing a minefield - the images that come up!
Elmoji, then it is a better idea not to cross that mine-field. :)
Asimji, good morning. How's the weather in Pakistan. Let's chill chill!


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
i know its quit un-imeginable for few other forum's members to digest the the reason and impect created by other geniun Indian forum against IDf is created a quite a storm in Indian web forumers, and this is what makes some worried.


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
@ AsimAquil
i know the quality and base is ok, but do you know why some of Indian defence news websites are banning the news linking with WDN server and sites.?
Voilation of COPY-WRITE law. And thats is also one of the major why other Indian forums are against IDf and in web world the information shereing with out the permission of copywrite and without giving due creadit to publish is a crime.
Now is this the way a so called high standered forum of yours work.


Bye bye DFI
New Member
Aug 3, 2010
Haha the shit is hitting the roof....carry on laddies.:D


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
[hl]This thread is not about discussing other forums, this is about fake Indian forum. So please refrain discussing about them and please don't compare DFI to such intolerant troll forums[/hl]


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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I fail to understand that what the hell PDF admins are doing here ? This thread was about IDF which was supposed to be separate from PDF as per them and Mr Ahsan aka Tariq Khan .
Serving their master........................... what else.............................


New Member
Dec 21, 2009
A particular webmaster of a particular forum based in USA will have the FBI knocking his doors soon


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
This thread has been hijacked and deviated. It is losing its focus and purpose. Congrats pakis...


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Paki actually means 'pure' and 'clean' in Urdu the country's main spoken language. Pakistan translates to the word 'Pureland'. Obviously racists don't realise this and somewhere down the line they have assumed it is them who have created the word/term during the so called 'paki bashing' period in the 80's when 1st generation south asians in the UK were targeted for racial abuse.
Native Pakistani people actually don't take offense to the word as explained above and also to the fact that similary it's like calling someone a Brit, Scot, Aussie, Yank, etc.., although some don't think it's a PC concept to do so.

You see the word is not the problem, it's the use of it, from whom and in which context.

SO much for the big hulla , this above is from urban dictionary

Secondly the ruling i stated clearly mentions that the word PAKI when used by BRITS against an asian could be termed racial depending ont he use of the skin color to denote a persons origin but the word in itself is never racial in anyway.

those who want to do more research dig it up and do more research i am the least interested.

The forum DFI as a whole gives respect to each and every individual irrespective of country or religion , we are an INDIAN forum and we know how to show respect , if people take it otherwise and try to dig up issues then you can point out a flaw in every line , every word or whatever.

The use of the word PAKI on dfi is not on terms to insult but to denote pakistanis in general and with mutual respect, we never appreciate any member being insulted on lines of religion or country , thats not the policy of DFI

Those on the high moral ground thumping cheats lay exposed with their modus operandi of opening an INDIAN Defence forum for reasons and motives which are napak.


New Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Which other forum?

This is a first - no one finds that acceptable.

Yusuf - it's not only the slurs, everyone over here is involved in some action whenever they post - from "laying" to "doing" or to some body/anatomical reference that i dont even have a parallel to.

Given the imaginative person I am, reading the posts here are akin to crossing a minefield - the images that come up!
Elmo: On, under the 'Mehfil Pakistan' section, there was a big discussion in the "Miscellaneous thread" about this, more than once. Look up the posts of a certain Siamu Maharaj, and Oogabooga there. Also, there was a complete dedicated thread about this once, created by a now-banned user called "Indusriver".

Bottomline: the consensus was that people living in the US/Canada need not feel offended by "Paki". Only a Brit using the word can be considered offensive. Oh wait, I said "Brit" - does that make me racist now? :confused:

EDIT: And by the way, your own forum had users like PakiZeeshan, Pakithis, Pakithat, Paki* and so on. Remember?

Now, let us talk about the F word and other general "slurs"

My personal opinion here:

Elmo and Asim - this is the 21st century, and whether you like it or not, whether you accept it or not, most Indian and Paki youngsters use such language freely and liberally in their conversations, even with friends. Have you seen the movie "Delhi Belly"? The language used in the movie is precisely the way college crowd communicates in India, and I'm sure even in Pakistan!!

Using the F word or other abuse to express strong emotions or to emphasize arguments, is NOT something that should be "banned". Using such words against another user is bad though, and needs to be curtailed. If I say, "These criminals are such Behanchods", that is all right, but saying that "Asim Aquil is a BC" is not acceptable.
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New Member
Feb 19, 2009
[hl]guys get few things straight:

do not attempt to hijack or derail the thread at all which has been attempted systematically, steer clear off that or you will have the complete post deleted, no matter if the minuscule attempt gets made of doing that.

words like "paki" are not up for debate here, live with it, you cant, none of our problems, you think its a racial slur, we cant help it because we dont see it as one nor does it get used as one, its your inferiority complex that has got the better of you, sort out your complexes. heck the biggest possible abuse in india is the word "pakistani", so have you stopped calling your selves as one? i guess not, move on!

you have issue with the moderation, put in a PM to the mods, they will sort it out, again not for discussion here.

making comparisons with x,y,z wont help either.

you have got to make your position clear on IDF, do it, but stick to that. you deviate and you lose the post and all the effort put in goes down the drain, so stick to the topic at hand.[/hl]


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May 28, 2011
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One of You tried to attack me in it backfired miserably.


New Member
Nov 4, 2009
@ thakur - ritesh: fair enough, but why delete my posts and let their responses be? It's only fair that they get deleted as well.


Phat Cat
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Feb 23, 2009
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In short, gala daba ke kehto ho ke uff kyun karte ho. Ok I won't insist that Paki is an offensive word - just think it. Mera kya jaata hai, raho badtameez.

IDF has nothing to do with us, we can only crack a chuckle on the bizzaro theories. IDF, Paki, this n that, are of little consequence to me. I however would appreciate if DFI remains cordial with and the other issue was of the banner and I've made enough appeals on that as well.

Still you want no change, no problem - nahi toh na sahi.
Man up is all I can say. I'd prefer if our members appear as "badtameez" rather than "intiha pasand" or "dehastgardh".

IDF has nothing to do with you and Pakistan has nothing to do with terrorism. And our spoof ad is endangering the lives of millions of Pakistanis and is the height of our inhumanity. Got it, Sir.

As for DFI, we are cordial with people whom we respect.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Main points to consider regarding fake Indian forum which SR71 has cleverly side stepped or gave a very ordinary answer. Here are some points for SR71 to ponder over and give some clear answers if he really believes that fake Indian forum is not fake and is genuine.

1) Why would an Indian try to host an Indian Defence Forum on a Pakistani server when there are millions of cheap options available to host a website, be it a shared hosting or VPS. Some plans just start from 4-5 dollars/month. And a person who can afford a VBulletin license of $200/year can easily afford that much on the host.

2) How can any right thinking Indian would go to a Pakistani to host a Indian Defence Forum. That itself is a big betrayal. Its like an American going to a Russian to host his website. Give me a break please.

3) Why would money earned on the Indian defense forum should go to Pakistanis. I mean don't any one see a big conflict of interest. Anyone with a small pea brain would stand up and start doubting such motives. But alas some false flaggers or Indiots are convinced that its an Indian defense forum with 100% Indian written over it.

4) Even if a Indian forum is hosted on a Pakistani forum why the eff the design, the css, the wordings describing the forum, the sub-sections in the forum all are identical to the Pakistani forum. Is Tariq brain dead or he doesn't know shit about themes when there are hundred of free theme templates available to use. But no, it looks like an exact replica of the pakistani forum.

5) Why Tariq Khan, an alleged Indian would buy the domains of turkey defense or Australia defense. What is it in it for him? Why didn't he just stuck to Indian Defence Forum. Why are all these forums hosted on one effing single dedicated server. If not for earning money what else?

6) Why is Tariq khan inflating the members number of by using a original IDF database hacked by Pakistanis. Who gave him the right to do so?. It is downright criminal. Any right thinking Indian wouldn't do it or the least he would do is to take the permission of the owner of the original IDF.

7) Why did Tariq Khan closed shout box, visitor messaging, PMing, banning the questioning posters when he was asked about the true colors of the fake Indian forum. Simply because he couldn't handle the onslaught of questioning his integrity. Instead of coming clean he tried to muzzle the voices.

8) Even Jagjit natt and spark at various stages accepted that they are not sure about this forum. Why would any prominent member of that fake forum would do that (of course if not for some positions on fake forum).

9) Even now he says that fake forum is hosted on a different server. Then why the eff it still residing with same host providers (Wired Tree) when there are millions of host providers providing the same service.

10) Why would DFI get attacked the moment we started exposing this fake forum on BRF and here. When DFI was down and IPF has continued the exposing of fake forum, even a little known IPF gets attacked. Any idiot with average IQ would know why they attacked DFI and IPF and timing just shows that who would have done that.

So please SR71 and other indiots of fake forum, answer these questions/queries with some reason. We can forgive a Paki for being a Paki but not an Indian trying to be a Paki.

These are the core issues on this thread that everybody is missing so henceforth this are the only points discussed here
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