IDF is a Pakistani Forum that Attacked DFI !

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On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
I agree with some of people here that there should be no castigation of the Indian members on fake forum for they might have joined there without knowing who is the 'owner' of the forum. But even after knowing that the Fake forum was run by a Pakistani and still want to continue there for few Username colors or moderator roles, then they are free to do so but they should remember that they are indirectly strengthening the hands of the enemy in spreading the propaganda even with you knowing it. If you don't believe me, then you shoudd read about the 'Fai' saga with his Kashmir Council which claimed to be independent but all along was funded and run by ISI paymasters and some Indians for the greed of traveling in business class and staying in 5-star hotels have worked against the Indian national interests and gave anti-India speeches and helped spread the Pakistani propaganda without them knowing that they were doing on behalf of Pakistan. I hope Indians who take their patriotism seriously will learn from this episode.


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Feb 17, 2009
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It is fake forum and here is another undeniable proof of the same.

Uploaded with

this page shows the calender where userID are mention it shows my ID with year as 2025, i never register on this ID still they have my user ID. Not only my id but ID of other members. Dont be surprise if any of you were member of real IDF in 2008 find your user ID in this site.

It appears that this Tariq Khan has hacked the real IDF in 2008 or was part of the team which hacked real IDF. They used the same data for this fake site.

Indians Please stay away from this fake Indian forum, they are playing fraud on you and making fool out of you.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Brother harsh comments that you see is for guys like this not for normal members who go there unknowingly.

11:29 PM coffeewithbenny: SB is not working it seems
me: yes. GA was moved to a diffrent server
and also defence videos .
coffeewithbenny: oh okie
me: its having some small configuration nissues
coffeewithbenny: why created the second forum?
11:30 PM me: its to create an INternational forum with mature discussion on
no more only Pakistan centric discussions
coffeewithbenny: so that means mods form other nationalities?
11:31 PM And i still see lot of negative threads on pakistan from oracle
me: yes if they are not into flaming and are mature people
coffeewithbenny: then why dont u invite members from that idle pakistan
talk.. it has some oldies like NEO and Darkstar
11:32 PM me: Initially we need to start from somewhere . Majority of
Pakistan related threads are due to OSAMA factor
coffeewithbenny: oh okie.. but the members are same in both..
11:33 PM me: As of now but we are trying to get many international members.
Many do lurk but are waiting for site to pick up.
coffeewithbenny: oh okie...
11:34 PM me: we are getting international traffic .
coffeewithbenny: i am planning to move from WDN network
me: We are always open for you . Your earlier position will be there for
you whenever you want.
11:35 PM ALso same position for connan as well on GA>
coffeewithbenny: i am interested in DFI only.. if there is any postion..
otherwise i am happy as a regular member there..

11:36 PM me: MOD slot is quite full on DFI unfortunately and It will be a
little difficult to promote someone as mod all of a sudden. I can get you
respected member status.
11:37 PM coffeewithbenny: its ok...
thing is that , the ownership issue is not yet settled in there
me: Benny Person like you can rise in matter of 2-3 months.
11:38 PM coffeewithbenny: i had a talk with jagjit.. that tariq guys account
is used by WDN it seems
11:39 PM me: Jagjit is happy with IDF?
11:40 PM coffeewithbenny: i dunno.. maybe that position as admin is
satisfactory.. but the thing is that the WDN or that Webmaster of PDF can
access the chatbox for moderators which is of concern of me..
i wasck so that t banned for raising questions but i made myself back so
that the platform is not used for propoganda
11:41 PM but it seems monetary benefits is the only motive
me: I always knew that tariq is a fake
coffeewithbenny: tariq is not a fake.. he is some low iq guy used by WM,
who is supposedlky a friend of him according to jagjit
11:42 PM me: yeah. I mean he is not an Indian
coffeewithbenny: its a possibility ...
i have talked about other alternatives

me: I think you dont know that many senior members and mods contribute
money in case its needed.
coffeewithbenny: like shifting the whole database to newer place away from
me: Even I contributed some money for last server upgrade.
11:43 PM You didnt spend much time here . I liked DFI because its open for
all senior members
Benny do you think they will allow that?
coffeewithbenny: nope ..
11:44 PM i was just suggesting .
thing is i cant spend time in both places.. co u already know i devote a
lot of time in forum when i am in
11:45 PM me: By both places you mean DFI and GAQ or DFI and IDF?
11:46 PM coffeewithbenny: DFI and IDF.. i can be only there in 1 place
if i shift from there obviosly they will ban me.
co i have given enough trouble to that tariq and WM
11:47 PM me: WM has real name of Ahsan?
coffeewithbenny: yup.. thats what i heard from jagjit
me: Benny one thing I can assure you that at DFI no one will backstab you.
11:48 PM coffeewithbenny: the contact numkber for IDF and PDF are same and i
asked that to WM in pdf yesterday
me: You can be mod on GA and a respected member on DFI . in any case I am
there as well as AV .
Till AV is there you need not worry about anything.
11:49 PM coffeewithbenny: ok anyway i will try getting members to here.. but
for that i have to be thrown out from there.. co i was repsonsible for most
members there...
jagjit is actually intersted in starting another forum..
me: If you want we will promote you as mod is a day or two.
11:50 PM coffeewithbenny: we talked about hijacking the IDF database from
WDN , but the thing is that the database password is still not given by
me: Benny DFI hasd huge plans and scope to grow.
11:51 PM we can start this
we palnned it for 2012 on vbulletin4
vbseo installed form start on dedicated box
coffeewithbenny: ok anyway i will spend time there in idf and check if i
can get some members for the time being..
11:52 PM i will contact when there is a change of plan
me: also a defence wiki and weekly magazine in pipeline
coffeewithbenny: ok
11:54 PM ok shash.. nice talking to u...
11:55 PM me: You can email me anytime you are ready . when a legend like you
leaves the forum many people will automaticall leave so I dont think ou need
to talk with anyone
coffeewithbenny: and one more thing.. pls stop calling me benny... thats
not my name,,,, call me Kris instead... that was what i was called while in
11:56 PM me: ok Kris
jaisi agya
coffeewithbenny: its actually the short form of Krishna, my real name
and just dont disclose that... to anyone...

11:57 PM me: sure . dont worry
coffeewithbenny: okie buddy take care..
me: Tc . see you around.
His concerns about my posting. Do I create news?

Trying to be happy feet? Pompous, bigot.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
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I cant believe we are tolerating this kind of attitude from the members! I dont care, DFI has been harmed, anybody supporting IDF/ in any manner should be stomped down. What is it with this much mercy, did they show mercy during the DDOS attack?


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
I cant believe we are tolerating this kind of attitude from the members! I dont care, DFI has been harmed, anybody supporting IDF/ in any manner should be stomped down. What is it with this much mercy, did they show mercy during the DDOS attack?
Kinda' portraying the difference between us and them and some ignorant Indians.

Let there be no qualms about it, DDOS is not rocket science. And patience certainly has limits.


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Feb 17, 2009
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Counts on Hacking and copyright infringement
JP is right file a criminal complaint, LF can do it he is US national and member here
send him to jail AV. just give his IP, BR must have it when he come to chat on the fake Indian website thread. Give all the proof of the same to FBI, lets send this guy behind bars.

US like Pakistani in their state prison, we can all imagine what will happen to him.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
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I agree with some of people here that there should be no castigation of the Indian members on fake forum for they might have joined there without knowing who is the 'owner' of the forum. But even after knowing that the Fake forum was run by a Pakistani and still want to continue there for few Username colors or moderator roles, then they are free to do so but they should remember that they are indirectly strengthening the hands of the enemy in spreading the propaganda even with you knowing it. If you don't believe me, then you shoudd read about the 'Fai' saga with his Kashmir Council which claimed to be independent but all along was funded and run by ISI paymasters and some Indians for the greed of traveling in business class and staying in 5-star hotels have worked against the Indian national interests and gave anti-India speeches and helped spread the Pakistani propaganda without them knowing that they were doing on behalf of Pakistan. I hope Indians who take their patriotism seriously will learn from this episode.

We actively ban people who post on IDF from this day forth.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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We actively ban people who post on IDF from this day forth.
Kindly don't make this rule. Today only i registered as member here. :rolleyes:

From today onwards, I am active member of DFI. I will have close eye on IDF too.


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Feb 16, 2009
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To be very frank, I don't know who is Tariq. He said he is Indian and always post Pro-Indian post. he will be replying soon about nationality then only i can be sure. 90% Mods/Admins/Senior/Elite/Think Tank are Indians.
You just said Tariq was an Indian and you know what he owns and you are defending him/his fourm isn't that contradictory??


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
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For what joy, so that they permanently move to IDF? :confused:

Just keep up the propaganda against them till their site completely cuts off its Pakistani connections (if that ever happens).
Let them, even after they know what that site is all about, and then still goes to post there, active there, to raise money directly or indirectly to attack our site ( You can use chicom support to pak , or US support to Pak parlance ); then they are off no use to us or the nation, just like arundhati roy. Its my personal opinion. Any active Indian member from IDF and Def.Pk should be persona non-grata over here, and that should be made public here with a sticky.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
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You just said Tariq was an Indian and you know what he owns and you are defending him/his fourm isn't that contradictory??
Why are you letting this tamasha continue? Indians have to choose sides. It is that simple. Why are we propagating the stereotype of the argumentative and back stabbing Indians, they are cancer, cut them off.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
There's no need to ask those paindabad guys who, what, where Tariq Khan= Ahsaan=Yankmaster of PDF=Agnostic_Muslim is, was.

There is no reason why we should give explanations more than what is already being provided. This is no information booth and RTI doesn't work in here.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Ban is not the proper way. Indeed, Members have their own limitation.

I was always active member on many defence forum except this one. If I will be banned, What i will do ? I will move back to few forum where i am Senior member.

But today, I registered here and now i will be active here. JanjaWeed also active here. Bangalorean is also active on IDF and here too. There are also few more members like T-Shering here. Soon, 75% members of IDF will also be on DFI. Even if all members will leave IDF, Still many new people will always come due to "India".

I always had some concern about IDF as Pakistani, but i never said or asked anything. Soon, I came to know by BR.

To be very frank, I always considered Tariq as Indian (The way he post not any other reason). . Jagjitnatt is an Indian (No Doubt about that, I am tracking him for last 1-2 years almost).

Bottom line is IDF will continue to move until there is "I" India. 75% Members comes from PDF and 25% from Google.

"IF" IDF is a Pakistani site, members should stop surfing "PDF". It's not only Anti-Indian but by going there it also promotes many other things like CDF, IrDF and IDF (if it is Pakistani Site). One can check IDF, I asked 50% concerned question alone to Tariq and he replied. Others are banned.
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