Global Think tank discussions on India & neighbourhood

south block

up your a**
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Feb 1, 2016
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Instead of destroying one more generation of Indians specially young Hindus with religious chauvinism & foreign people hate. ---- most retard Indians need be made aware of how global economic system works. ---- it's history. --- 3 great waves of globalization in modern times --- why dollar is world reserve currency. --- what is Quantative easing and how it's affects everything around the world from small things like increase in food prices to global wars and social upheavals throughout history. ---- they need to be taught that's it's there own govts and politician who are fooling them by keeping them financially illiterate, economically and socially stagnant with stupidity so few can benefit from the global Ponzi scheme.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Instead of destroying one more generation of Indians specially young Hindus with religious chauvinism & foreign people hate.
There is no textbook in school or their parents making them Xenophobic or against foreigners.

Abarahmics themselves are tempting them before their ultimate collapse.
need be made aware of how global economic system works. ---- it's history. -
Being done for 3 decades. That's why Indian economy grew 11 times throwing socialism away on deathbed.

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Only Indian RWs used to be skeptical about global media narrative on india,where we constantly questioned the intention of the said liberal media houses.

Meanwhile LW scoffed off our claims saying they are "unbiased coverage" based on " facts."

Well some people starting to notice the glitches in "matrix",

One reason the Indian Right feels Western/liberal media has it out for them. The only voices that get airtime/print space are fierce gov't critics. Sometimes making outlandish claims. How many pro-gov't opeds do you see in major papers? How many pro-gov't guests on Western news?

But if 99% of your coverage goes hard in one direction it raises some questions.

Another thing I would like to point out is,

Roy compared hindus with Nazis in DW (german public broadcaster)

Few months back,

IK said the exactly same thing with the same DW.

"Nazi ideology was built on hatred for minorities, the RSS ideology is also based on hatred for Muslims and other minorities, including Christians."

Well, That's an heck of an coincidence,if that was one....
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Mera Bharat mahan
New Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Only Indian RWs used to be skeptical about global media narrative on india,where we constantly questioned the intention of the said liberal media houses.

Meanwhile LW scoffed off our claims saying they are "unbiased coverage" based on " facts."

Well some people starting to notice the glitches in "matrix",

One reason the Indian Right feels Western/liberal media has it out for them. The only voices that get airtime/print space are fierce gov't critics. Sometimes making outlandish claims. How many pro-gov't opeds do you see in major papers? How many pro-gov't guests on Western news?

But if 99% of your coverage goes hard in one direction it raises some questions.

Another thing I would like to point out is,

Roy compared hindus with Nazis in DW (german public broadcaster)

Few months back,

IK said the exactly same thing with the same DW.

"Nazi ideology was built on hatred for minorities, the RSS ideology is also based on hatred for Muslims and other minorities, including Christians."

Well, That's an heck of an coincidence,if that was one....

Land of ostrich.
I sometimes feel that the krauts have weaponised their guilt.

Aise speaking of narrative I don't see it change anytime soon(15-20 years).It takes time to build a narrative and image.15 years ago Chinese faced similar problem.They got themselves in order and started purchasing tabloid and appeared tech savvy and there you go.Europeans have turned blind eye to Chinese takeover of European companies and political encroachment.Other thing is Chinese have executed all this with single minded focus,it has its own positives and negatives.We need to be ingenious and work our way up to influence narrative in the west and in the east as well(SEA).

Other thing,more like a sidenote:There was some diplomatic incident between Chinese and some Nordic country.The Chinese ambassador in a television interview said that your country is small compared to china and we can squash you(yup,on TV).

That's the kind of influence china has over Europe.



New Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Nice discussion on how China is operating wrt technology and what their actual economic goals are considering the same.

P. S. - Ignore the Chinese nuthugging, JNUtard professor in the panel.



New Member
May 15, 2020
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The United States et al, aka the "free world" is not a natural ally to India. If the U.S still pushes ahead with propping up india as a counter to china, it would be probably be left in quite an embarrasing position.

Why? Simply because India isn't a part of the free world, as much as it like to claim it is. The recent wave of dangerous populism is only a representative of the deep rooted feudal mindset within the populace.

The Ethno/Religious populism needs to be fed with constant diet of a show down every now and then. That means a clash between groups, or killing or two. The united states would be required to explain it's position to the world regularly.

Moreover, I'm from Kishore Mehbubani camp that believes India should rather try to get along well with china rather than be an obstacle in her way. India receives it's highest amount of FDI from china (routed through singapore). India also gets the largest chunk of China's foreign investment (7% of it).

What India also needs to keep in mind is the basic lesson of geopolitics - Every man for himself. This is true especiially for the bigger nations who would throw the weaker under the bus at the drop of a hat. Remember that U.S de-recognized Taiwan in 1979 because they wanted China to be on their side against the soviets. Unfortunately, India (or rather the party in power) is mixing religion and politics. This is not going to end well for india because the U.S which is now supporting it, would use it against India when the time arrives.

Remember that Rambo 3 had a credit scene in the end that said "this movie is dedicated to the brave mujahideens of afghanista". Guess what the west did to the brave mujahideens when they no longer needed them?

I hope better sense prevails. People get along well with their own citizens rather than those showing friendship and love from far seas. Otherwise, sooner or later a lot of people from the subcontinent are going to be maligned for their country/culture/religion.


New Member
Apr 23, 2020
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Discussions have started on CCP ‘a role in Chinese virus.

But notice the question on India at 12:04 & the answer. The bias against India is alarming.

@13.45 How the hell can he compare India with Africa and Pakistan??!!
This western media has been maligning India's image for very long. We need to find a way to change this image in the global population.
On a side note, one of my American professors told me a few years back about his India visit- "I landed in New Delhi. I expected it to be like a third world country. But I was surprised to find the airport better than JFK". That's how ignorant people are about what's going on in India


New Member
May 15, 2020
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@13.45 How the hell can he compare India with Africa and Pakistan??!!
India's HDI rank is 129, right around that of Sub saharan africa, and not too far from Pakistan.

Most people in india do not have access to clean water. You probably live in your bubble.

This western media has been maligning India's image for very long. We need to find a way to change this image in the global population.
Maybe put that effort in actually lifting people out of poverty. Rather than headline management.

On a side note, one of my American professors told me a few years back about his India visit- "I landed in New Delhi. I expected it to be like a third world country. But I was surprised to find the airport better than JFK". That's how ignorant people are about what's going on in India
No body cares for a airport in the world. United states has a few trailer parks. That doesn't mean the whole country lives that way. People focus on the majority. Not the small picture you want them to focus on.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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The United States et al, aka the "free world" is not a natural ally to India.
United States and its allies are known as "free world" in their own world only. In most of world, they're same imperialist and fascist states with accumulated wealth, hounding country after country to halt their rise in name of arms control while themselves maintain too big stockpile.

As for Indo US relations, indeed "natural ally" is mere a diplomatic lotion. US has been pretty "undemocratically minded" in its diplomacy. It was openly even hostile to India in most of past century and has always been ally of undemocratic theocracies.
Any electoral country is democratic till it's not anti US, otherwise it's a majoritarian or elected autocracy etc.. Anything for justification.
Why? Simply because India isn't a part of the free world, as much as it like to claim it is.
India neither claims nor ever it's actions have represented anything like that. Left wing or right wing, for any average Indian nationalist or even neutral Indian thinker, USSR & PRC are oligarchies masquerading as communists and western countries are oligarchies masquerading to be democracies.

Challenge to run a true democracy does not come after genocide of native populations, looting people around world, accumulating wealth, building all the supply chains and securities and then opening the state saying "We are free". It most certainly lies in inheriting an entirely ruined state with its blood sucked, having a huge population to feed with limited resources, staggering diversity to a degree of a demographic nightmare to manage, facing foreign lobbies and agents in higher agencies, having 90% of land border covered by two hostile neighbors backed by global powers and still with aspirations to become a great power.

The "Indian democracy", "are they like us" is an initiative from western thinkers itself to see a counter weight to communist China. If India ever even really had tried actuated on any western proposals, we wouldn't have been in a loose knit and uncertain relationship today. India isn't their enemy. But was never an ally either.
So no, India never claimed membership of any "club" of self appointed "free countries". India loves to refer to itself as "world's largest democracy" in it's own context, not any hypehnation with western world.

Democratic nationalism in Indian context is antipathic to western version.
The recent wave of dangerous populism is only a representative of the deep rooted feudal mindset within the populace.
Western population is no less feudal or religious than Indians. And in fact, is even more extremist in nature, just sitting humbled stability of security of wealth for some period what won't live long after relative erosion of western wealth.

Principally, Indian "religions" are about culture, are monotheistic, polytheistic and atheistic and extremely tolerant in nature. Instances of clashes between any Indian religions are too insignificant in both numbers and duration themselves.

If western leftists have crazy communists, western right is equally full of neo nazis as well. So, everything in their politics is justified. Same doesn't apply here in east. Definition of religion in Asia Pacific is different from that in middleast and Europe. We aren't obliged to have a sky daddy God and not threatened to be burnt in hell for it.

Moving ahead from their heritage and from nation to states, foundation of most western countries (including USA) was over white supremacy and white nationalism contrary to diverse and liberal state of India. Their founding fathers disgusted other races and deprived them first to finish their populations before implementing "democracies". Even their national slogan remains "In God, We believe", reminding us what their foundation was.

WW2 ended up with demise of lot of great powers and 21st century will be marking rise of lot others. So nationalisms everywhere due to closing gaps of powers, will revive in their native forms. And western nationalisms are far more vitriolic and ugly in nature.
The Ethno/Religious populism needs to be fed with constant diet of a show down every now and then. That means a clash between groups, or killing or two.
In particular case of India, the group(s) involved in conflict are cause of conflict everywhere in world and have their institutions funded from beyond India's frontiers.
There is absolutely no issue with Indian religions at least for conflict.
Otherwise, sooner or later a lot of people from the subcontinent are going to be maligned for their country/culture/religion.
As if they already weren't. Blatant misinterpretation and misrepresentation of foreign cultures and portrayal of savages as reformers, is an essential characteristic and tool of western establishments to keep their people in bubble of superiority.
Unfortunately, India (or rather the party in power) is mixing religion and politics.
I would appreciate it now if you elaborate and exemplify this particular ignorant rant prevalent these days? How exactly they mixed religion with politics? By forcing foreign religions as well to reform or proposing same laws for everyone?
India's HDI rank is 129, right around that of Sub saharan africa, and not too far from Pakistan.
No sure what you are trying to say.
Pakistani and Sub Sharan Africa's HDIs are 0.56 and 0.54 against India's 0.65. It's quite a good gap. Former low income/very early lower middile income countries while later one is close to graduation as upper middile income country.
Over that, India's HDI and other indicator sources are improving much faster yet while there's a competition between population growth and GDP growths in Pakistan and Africa, keeping their ranks stagnant or negative for decades.
Maybe put that effort in actually lifting people out of poverty. Rather than headline management.
Pulling down from 21% to 5% in 8 years isn't bad IMO.
Most people in india do not have access to clean water. You probably live in your bubble.
No body cares for a airport in the world. United states has a few trailer parks. That doesn't mean the whole country lives that way. People focus on the majority. Not the small picture you want them to focus on
Bubble part applies on you better. You're a direct reflection of standard ignorance on any street of a north Atlantic country.
"Most people in india do not have access to clean water."

LOL, I mean where did you get that?

India's representation in western juvenile is concentrated to pictures captured by BBC/CNN from India's remotest areas and those even from previous decades.

India isn't a great place to live in yeah. But it isn't a bloody "third world nation" contrary to coverage it gets. Average Indian populated landscpae looks like more of that of Southeast Asia.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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@13.45 How the hell can he compare India with Africa and Pakistan??!!
This western media has been maligning India's image for very long. We need to find a way to change this image in the global population.
On a side note, one of my American professors told me a few years back about his India visit- "I landed in New Delhi. I expected it to be like a third world country. But I was surprised to find the airport better than JFK". That's how ignorant people are about what's going on in India
Perception takes time and effort to change. This generation of American middle aged people grew up reading in schools that india is utterly poor.
Next generation which is going to schools now will read that India is 3rd largest economy in world.

That's how perception changes.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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The United States et al, aka the "free world" is not a natural ally to India. If the U.S still pushes ahead with propping up india as a counter to china, it would be probably be left in quite an embarrasing position.
Why don't china stop supporting Pakistan then? How does your Kishore madhubani explains Chinese support for Pakistan terrorism and activities in pok.

And if populism is so bad why do Chinese populist are suppresing uighur? Explain that in detail before lecturing India first.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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The United States et al, aka the "free world" is not a natural ally to India. If the U.S still pushes ahead with propping up india as a counter to china, it would be probably be left in quite an embarrasing position.

Why? Simply because India isn't a part of the free world, as much as it like to claim it is. The recent wave of dangerous populism is only a representative of the deep rooted feudal mindset within the populace.

The Ethno/Religious populism needs to be fed with constant diet of a show down every now and then. That means a clash between groups, or killing or two. The united states would be required to explain it's position to the world regularly.

Moreover, I'm from Kishore Mehbubani camp that believes India should rather try to get along well with china rather than be an obstacle in her way. India receives it's highest amount of FDI from china (routed through singapore). India also gets the largest chunk of China's foreign investment (7% of it).

What India also needs to keep in mind is the basic lesson of geopolitics - Every man for himself. This is true especiially for the bigger nations who would throw the weaker under the bus at the drop of a hat. Remember that U.S de-recognized Taiwan in 1979 because they wanted China to be on their side against the soviets. Unfortunately, India (or rather the party in power) is mixing religion and politics. This is not going to end well for india because the U.S which is now supporting it, would use it against India when the time arrives.

Remember that Rambo 3 had a credit scene in the end that said "this movie is dedicated to the brave mujahideens of afghanista". Guess what the west did to the brave mujahideens when they no longer needed them?

I hope better sense prevails. People get along well with their own citizens rather than those showing friendship and love from far seas. Otherwise, sooner or later a lot of people from the subcontinent are going to be maligned for their country/culture/religion.
cursory look at your Kishore Madhubani seems to indicate, he is in the China camp.

you are going to have fun at DFI...


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
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@Yusuf's piece on ORF. This paragraph is relevant for "people in China camp". The whole article is good.

Non-alignment or being a swing state makes sense if the gains to be derived from either side are equal. China will not be to India, what the Soviet Union was. In the post COVID-19 world, India will have to make a disruptive choice — of alignment.

China doesn't have much to offer. Except debt trap diplomacy probably

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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@Yusuf's piece on ORF. This paragraph is relevant for "people in China camp". The whole article is good.

China doesn't have much to offer. Except debt trap diplomacy probably

Any relationship we make with us is comes under purview of us congress n senate.(specifically foreign affairs committee and intelligence Committee, I'm not going to talk about the Human rights committes)

We know for fact,these committee's are infiltrated by indophobic representatives like ilhan omar.
Even Republican senators like graham is against Indian position on kashmir.

Such committes will scrutinize our domestic affairs often lead to concession in our part.

Existing relationship is ample enough to meet our future needs.


New Member
Apr 24, 2019
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@13.45 How the hell can he compare India with Africa and Pakistan??!!
This western media has been maligning India's image for very long. We need to find a way to change this image in the global population.
On a side note, one of my American professors told me a few years back about his India visit- "I landed in New Delhi. I expected it to be like a third world country. But I was surprised to find the airport better than JFK". That's how ignorant people are about what's going on in India
I read somewhere that western media started maliging India's image after 1971 India-Pakistan war. Nixon was not happy with Indira Gandhi due to Bangladesh getting liberated and Pakistan losing. In 70's and 80's propaganda was in its peak.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Lots of people I grew up with fought in Afghanistan. Good people. When they came back they all said the same thing: Pakistan is backing our enemies.

When I first got to DC I asked everyone I met: Does nobody see this double game?

The response:

"Oh yeah, we know. Everyone knows."

Kya fayada, people in favour of supporting pak outweigh Outrank people Wanting to punish pak in DC.

