GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)


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Apr 14, 2020
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Anyone who says there is no external pressure on ISRO is living in bubble don't forget nambi narayan case,that how CIA tricked IB and delayed cryo development.
I smell a sabotage here,but less chances if not then isro should find out the issue and solve it because armed forces need the capability.
Failures do tend to happen even if you master the technology,rockets have many components and failure probability increases.
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Jun 27, 2020
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Stop this American are behind this sh*t every time. Total responsibility on ISRO and K Sivan to be exact.
We are falling behind all other countries seriously. Not even been able to master a cryogenic engine even after 2-3 decade of research and development.
A total revamp of management is needed in ISRO.

Tell this to the mod here. Utter Fanboy-ism of ISRO ignoring all the problems.
Standard answer to all the problems: "We are already working on it" period! no explanation no Transparency.
We have indeed mastered the Cryo tech. only 2 CE-7.5 engines failed till date. 1 failure doesn't mean our tech is lagging behind. Otherwise we wouldn't have Indigenously designed CE-20 which is a state of the engine, there is no other engine in the world with that capabilities. Would you say same thing about NASA that they haven't master solid rocket motor because the Solid booster was the reason behind Challenger shuttle disaster.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
We have indeed mastered the Cryo tech. only 2 CE-7.5 engines failed till date. 1 failure doesn't mean our tech is lagging behind. Otherwise we wouldn't have Indigenously designed CE-20 which is a state of the engine, there is no other engine in the world with that capabilities. Would you say same thing about NASA that they haven't master solid rocket motor because the Solid booster was the reason behind Challenger shuttle disaster.
CE-20 which is a state of the engine, there is no other engine in the world with that capabilities.
What it's that good?


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Jul 29, 2018
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We should not judge ISRO too harshly for this failure.
Everybody knows that the Covid 19 pandemic hit many families and organisations hard. The Indian Railways lost probably lives of hundreds of employees.

Do we have figures for casualties in ISRO?.Even a single loss in a family hits hard.
Maybe some ISRO scientists and technicians also succumbed. It will have an impact on morale at least in the short term.

Just imagine, the scientists and engineers working while wearing face masks and gloves and maintaining safe distance of 1-2 metres from each other. Can they or you yourself work at 100%. efficiency in the given circumstances.

I am sure that there would have been a temporary loss of momentum in the activities of ISRO. Before Covid 19 was not ISRO performing well.

They are also humans. Let's give them some time to return to pre Covid work levels.
(Assuming that there is no 3rd wave and Covid is on the way out) Probably ISRO should get its act together first and not be in too much of a hurry to execute launches. A delay of a few months is not a disaster.

And we should remember that there were launch failures in other countries including the USA in the year 2021.So we are not alone.
Sep 5, 2020
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No. It doesn't take more than a few minutes to google and read about Procedure Qualification Records (POR) and industrial QA practices.

It also doesn't take very long to open and read history of respective space programs around the world.

I am an engineer in pressure systems, steels and welding technology. I have worked on boilers, piping and headers (tubed piping manifolds which are useful on rocket launch pads too) for steel plants, chemical and nuke reactors, shells (for artillery ammunition), installation of power plants, metal forming and welding.

I have never worked in cryogenics specifically though and only have theoretical knowledge. I became an intern when was just 17 years old. I have once got chance to visit VSSC though. But only visited.

They just don't act. And that's why personal opinions of uneducated Pakistani and Bangladeshi teens has turned them into memes in Indian circles.

They end up with, "We are going to conquer yindus" with no specific references.

But you need to have basic knowledge of rocketry.

Problem lies with you that you haven't. ISRO's overall time period of progress is good since they caught with starting in 90s but China, Japan and France started in 70s. They were ahead in 90s of what we are today and have only moved slowly. Asian Space Race started in 2000s only and India caught up quickly to reach in league of major ones.

US and USSR were exceptional because of cold war budgets and slowed down thereafter.

Also, rocket launch frequency and satellite manufacturing depends upon industrial capacity and budgets. Who makes progress how swift is reflected by increment in capacity and addition of capabilities.

How come you know that only this scientist is right guy there and others are not? Have you interviewed or at least got to read appraisal reports of any of ISRO employees? I am at least capable of studying dimensions, mechanical properties, tolerances and NDT of engine if I can be given drawings unlike you, you don't need to mock me. All humans are capable of working and have similar minds. Research is a hit and trial thing and not continous upgrades of an internet strategy game with certain results.

Your problem lies with approach and misinterpretation. Nobody says ISRO is no. 1 or doesn't need catch up but your poetic ideas of improvement aren't better than humanities student writing in likes of Dainik Bhaskar. It is quite easy for you ridicule all the hardwok of enginners and associates engaged in F10 launch and somehow advocate to replace them with foreign "talent" (as if you have done some kind of assessment with their quality control).

Since your point of view starts from, "Vro, Indian dogs don't hapoliticians vro. Western dogs keep it clean vro. Indians dog do s*x openly vro. They pee on tires of my car vro!" and you rely on news articles and OpEds for your confirmation bias, nobody can help you.

Your mind is in some different world with some different approach which makes you think ridiculing Indian scientific community just like an uneducated journalist thinks ridiculing any politician kinda makes you cool. Both don't know anything.
I hear you but it is you have made outrageous claims like “overseas Indians are dumb…”. Your dismissal of foreign talent does not augur well. We have had foreign coaches for almost all of our Olympic athletes as Indian coaches are not exposed to highly competitive areas. Same with rocketry - in many areas we have just not been exposed to. Overseas Indians or others can bring in that exposure to quicken R&D and push the program forward. Most big Indian companies do this. For example, M&M uses an Italian firm Fincantieri for its design. It is childish to claim that this means mocking Indian engineers.
‘Once again you are saying that you have to be an ISRO insider to comment on ISRO’s performance. I don’t think that’s the case.
Your qualifications are not suitable for rocketry decisions either. I have an engineering background too, btw. Aerospace is a very different field. And 60-70% of aerospace R&D happens in the west and. Japan - as these countries can afford to. Several Indian PhDs have played a big role in these countries. And the time is ripe to tap them for expertise. Our economy now allows us to pay big money to people for their assistance, without the jhola lefties complaining “people have nothing to eat and we are launching rockets”.
Also, you are attributing things to me that I never said - like replace Indian talent. I only said ISRO’s top leadership should gracefully resign from their leadership jobs as you don’t have to be rocket scientists to be in leadership jobs. I am all about adding more overseas Indian talent talent that has deep exposure to aerospace. We can afford to now. In any case I am sure the government is already thinking along these lines. This government is a practical government and they welcome foreign investors and expertise.


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Mar 7, 2019
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Why are we even gloating over CE 20. The only reason other countries don't have it because they don't need it. They have extremely powerful 1st and 2nd stages thus making it unnecessary for them to make such a powerful Cryo engine.
Anyway ISRO has a good track record, but I think they definitely need some new foresight in the department, frankly I can't comment much on it as I am not as knowledgeable as those guys but the overall attitude seems a bit lackluster from others POV, no aggressive marketing, no other way of getting talent except for the shitty government exams. I can go on and on about pathetic governance but I have no plans on being a Karen yet.
Sep 5, 2020
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May 30, 2020
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Today's failure will adversely affect NISAR project...Nisar is already running late now this..Good thing is Sivan anyways going out in Jan 22..I have high hopes from Somnath sir to lead Isro next Don't know why mudi baba gave sivan extension...And hope isro leadership grows maturity to accept failure and not make clownish statements like Mission is 98% success after Chandrayaan 2 debacle


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Sep 9, 2020
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Today's failure will adversely affect NISAR project...Nisar is already running late now this..Good thing is Sivan anyways going out in Jan 22..I have high hopes from Somnath sir to lead Isro next Don't know why mudi baba gave sivan extension...And hope isro leadership grows maturity to accept failure and not make clownish statements like Mission is 98% success after Chandrayaan 2 debacle
Might be Mudi wants to give Sivan great exists with some successful launches but that doesn't happen.

