Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2012
I already said that some of sticky threads are bad for attracting foreign members.

You can post this sorts of photo in stupid & funny or in joke thread. No need of a sticky.
Feb 16, 2009
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Aug 2012

3rd gen=4th gen in western world
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Feb 16, 2009
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Senior Member Join Date
Aug 2012

extraction does not increase production so far you have BS'd in every post
from your link- Pakistan capability:

The Khushab plutonium production reactor could produce 10-15 kg of plutonium annually, or enough material for 2 to 3 bombs.
i Am talking yellow cake uranium


Tihar Jail
Aug 22, 2012
Pakistan version of superheroes:

Superman = TalibMullah
SpiderMan = MakkadMullah
IronMan = SisaPilayaMullah
BatMan = ChamadMullah
CatWomen = BurkaBilli
Wonder Women = Ginnat-e-Begam


Regular Member
Mar 27, 2011
Pakistan version of superheroes:

Superman = TalibMullah
SpiderMan = MakkadMullah
IronMan = SisaPilayaMullah
BatMan = ChamadMullah
CatWomen = BurkaBilli
Wonder Women = Ginnat-e-Begam

Hulk = MotaMullah


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Paki's on Water car invention

"How can Pervez Hoodbhoy write this article without inspecting the car? Even in courts people are innocent till proved guilty and Hoodbhoy uses bad words to call Engineer Agha a fraud etc. Hoodbhoy probably feels a lowly engineer cannot do what scientists with big big words, with big degrees can do.
If a Pakistani engineer has shown the second law of thermodynamics as wrong and written a third law of thermodynamics making water car possible, why do we do self loathing and instead not praise and appreciate him and give him full support? This is the difference between Pakistan and west, we are not proud of our heros and confident of their abilities."

"Why people are against Agha's effort? Just because he is from backward area and province and his ethnicity is not similar to our REKNOWNED scientists (read punjabi)!!"

"Slum from Khairpur's polytechnic institute is still better than giants from world's best educational institutes!"
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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
Pakistani producers gear up against Indian films

The Pakistan Film Producers Association has asked the federal government to make a 90 per cent cut in the screening of Indian movies to give a boost to the domestic film industry.



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Jan 9, 2012
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Aug 2007
@home whatt???
10106 times

Re: Vijay Diwas - the Day when Pakistan surrendered to INDIA

the title should be changed-

It was Pakistan Eastern Command- Not Pakistan- Big Difference- and wishful wet dream of some over enthusiastic low life indian-

typikal paki ,rape bardasht nahi hota:pound::pound::pound:


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
I got this

"Mujh se mat puch mere mehboob ki sadgi ka andaz
Nazre Bhi mujh parr thi aur parda bhi mujhse"

:p :p



Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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:rofl:A paki on IA ordering 350 helicopters:

"haha y u bharath want mroe hekicoperts > u ssacred of pakistan army and naby and airforve?> u buy plains and helikcoperts for yu are scared by d majar and genaral of pakistan army and airforcve and navy hahah

cowwwwwww cowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

"Bharat wants to start the arms race again instaed of feeding the 440,000,000 million people in India below the poverty line. There are poor people in Pakistan too, but at least US Aid has projects for them. India does not spend any money on the poor plus its ego is too big to take aid, so the Indian poor get the double whamy"

"dud soory but da popolution u siad is xtra biger and dey dont have the poploation dis bigg i use nd it sayis dat bharath populotion is not 44000000 millians pleez rite yor statimint"

"hahah anoter bharathi wo cant speek egnlish rape is donefor woomans and not of languges haha maybe u shud go to rushkin bond googling rushkin bond says he is bharathi when luking rushkinbond he luksing foranar hahaha i m shoked but ur child teecher dont tell you dat rape is of womans and not for enghlish hahah coww cowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

"haha u shud larn to type i m tyre now nd cant do da rushkin bond agan bt u cn use ur moose in ur hand(choooha hahahahha) nd look up in da page becuz in my dickshionary der is no word louuuuuuuuulllllll hahaha"

Enjoy the english.:rofl:


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
:rofl:A paki on IA ordering 350 helicopters:

"haha y u bharath want mroe hekicoperts > u ssacred of pakistan army and naby and airforve?> u buy plains and helikcoperts for yu are scared by d majar and genaral of pakistan army and airforcve and navy hahah

cowwwwwww cowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

"Bharat wants to start the arms race again instaed of feeding the 440,000,000 million people in India below the poverty line. There are poor people in Pakistan too, but at least US Aid has projects for them. India does not spend any money on the poor plus its ego is too big to take aid, so the Indian poor get the double whamy"

"dud soory but da popolution u siad is xtra biger and dey dont have the poploation dis bigg i use nd it sayis dat bharath populotion is not 44000000 millians pleez rite yor statimint"

"hahah anoter bharathi wo cant speek egnlish rape is donefor woomans and not of languges haha maybe u shud go to rushkin bond googling rushkin bond says he is bharathi when luking rushkinbond he luksing foranar hahaha i m shoked but ur child teecher dont tell you dat rape is of womans and not for enghlish hahah coww cowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

"haha u shud larn to type i m tyre now nd cant do da rushkin bond agan bt u cn use ur moose in ur hand(choooha hahahahha) nd look up in da page becuz in my dickshionary der is no word louuuuuuuuulllllll hahaha"

Enjoy the english.:rofl:
totala paki.........


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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A Paki with alias as PureAryan is posting some magical crap

"The constitutional name of a country located between Pakistan and Bangladesh is Bharat.

No pakistani who has some knowledge of ancient pakistan will ever call bharat as India, India is the name given to people of Indus Valley which is in Pakistan by greeks.

The Greeks called the people of Ganga Valley as Ganderites"

"Indus is in Pakistan, And our founder objected to Bharti leaders when they took the name India, No amount of bharti propaganda can change the fact that ancient India lies in Pakistan"

"I dont care if any bharti believes it or not, but i do know several pakistanis believe india is our heritage and we will never let our history hijacked by any country.

If you bhartis had cared to read any biography of aleaxander you would not ask these nonsensical question, my professors here are convinced so is everyone in Pakistan that ganga valley had always been our enemy ever since aryan migration.

You people are just making a joke of yourself by stealing our history why dont you people call yourself Ganghians after ganga, why dont you people speak hindi instead of urdu, why do you people follow pakistani cultures.
You are obsessed with pakistanis thats it"

"I have hundreds of history books I give facts with actual quotes from a plethora of history books if you had read my posts on Bharat stealing our name India thread you wouldn't have said that"

"It doesn't takes a history buff to figure it out india comes from indus and our founding fathers protested to bharti leaders to change the name but to know avail"

"kanishka was not an indian he was central asian, he ruled less than 1/4 of bharat area from Peshawar, Pakistan was not part of Bharat but Central Asia

The Mauryans were punjabis from Taxilla not from maghda

Western and Pakistani historians have rejected any Gupta, pala empire ruling pakistan, it only exists in Bharti txtbook

Akbar-Aurangzeb were turkic-mongol in origin Pakistan was not part of Bharat but Central Asia

Final Note: except the 100 year rule of Mauryans Pakistan and Bharat were never united until muslims came, When they came we were part of Central Asia not Bharat"

"King Maurya was Pakistani Punjabi which ruled bharati people for few centuries admit it that you have been ruled by pakistanis many times, you are not going to lose your dignity."

"The only reason you have been holding Kashmir for years is because American wants you to hold Kashmir, Bharat has been a puppet of USA ever its creation, USA gave weapons to Bharat after it got thrashed by China, US imposed sanction on pakistan during 65 war so pakistan would be beaten easily by the soviets supplied weapons to Bharat. American didn't come to help in East Pakistan when they promised they would. Americans lifted all sanctions after bharat tested its nuclear weapon but for pakistan it wasn't until pakistan helped them invade Afghanistan. Americans only helps pakistan when they need us but they have been helping bharat directly or indirectly ever since its creation.

And i dont have to tell you about the muslim power your history is available all over internet, 1000 year muslim rule is still evident in Bharat in the form Taj MAhal, Red Fort and Fatehpur SIkri. In the past 1000 year history you have defeated muslim only once and that through deceit, doesn't mean you will also succeed this time.
Mark my words history will repeat itself, the green flags will flutter over the Red Fort, Soon!!!!!"

:rofl: One real sick mofo who claims to be studying in Australia. Jahil Paki.


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Aug 21, 2010
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Pakistan the ''Failed State'' :flypig:, excel in pseudo-history. On wonder they are the :basanti: of the ARAB and the West.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Pakistan the ''Failed State'' :flypig:, excel in pseudo-history. On wonder they are the :basanti: of the ARAB and the West.
Are my eyes deceiving me or am I really seeing our honourable member from Lucknow finally positing his/her reaction to Paki stupidity in this thread?

May I assume a tacit endorsement of the purpose of this thread?


Oct 16, 2010
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"I have hundreds of history books I give facts with actual quotes from a plethora of history books if you had read my posts on Bharat stealing our name India thread you wouldn't have said that"
And yet you don't quote from any :dude: ... get a life !!


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
A Paki with alias as PureAryan is posting some magical crap

"The constitutional name of a country located between Pakistan and Bangladesh is Bharat.

No pakistani who has some knowledge of ancient pakistan will ever call bharat as India, India is the name given to people of Indus Valley which is in Pakistan by greeks.

The Greeks called the people of Ganga Valley as Ganderites"

"Indus is in Pakistan, And our founder objected to Bharti leaders when they took the name India, No amount of bharti propaganda can change the fact that ancient India lies in Pakistan"

"I dont care if any bharti believes it or not, but i do know several pakistanis believe india is our heritage and we will never let our history hijacked by any country.

If you bhartis had cared to read any biography of aleaxander you would not ask these nonsensical question, my professors here are convinced so is everyone in Pakistan that ganga valley had always been our enemy ever since aryan migration.

You people are just making a joke of yourself by stealing our history why dont you people call yourself Ganghians after ganga, why dont you people speak hindi instead of urdu, why do you people follow pakistani cultures.
You are obsessed with pakistanis thats it"

"I have hundreds of history books I give facts with actual quotes from a plethora of history books if you had read my posts on Bharat stealing our name India thread you wouldn't have said that"

"It doesn't takes a history buff to figure it out india comes from indus and our founding fathers protested to bharti leaders to change the name but to know avail"

"kanishka was not an indian he was central asian, he ruled less than 1/4 of bharat area from Peshawar, Pakistan was not part of Bharat but Central Asia

The Mauryans were punjabis from Taxilla not from maghda

Western and Pakistani historians have rejected any Gupta, pala empire ruling pakistan, it only exists in Bharti txtbook

Akbar-Aurangzeb were turkic-mongol in origin Pakistan was not part of Bharat but Central Asia

Final Note: except the 100 year rule of Mauryans Pakistan and Bharat were never united until muslims came, When they came we were part of Central Asia not Bharat"

"King Maurya was Pakistani Punjabi which ruled bharati people for few centuries admit it that you have been ruled by pakistanis many times, you are not going to lose your dignity."

"The only reason you have been holding Kashmir for years is because American wants you to hold Kashmir, Bharat has been a puppet of USA ever its creation, USA gave weapons to Bharat after it got thrashed by China, US imposed sanction on pakistan during 65 war so pakistan would be beaten easily by the soviets supplied weapons to Bharat. American didn't come to help in East Pakistan when they promised they would. Americans lifted all sanctions after bharat tested its nuclear weapon but for pakistan it wasn't until pakistan helped them invade Afghanistan. Americans only helps pakistan when they need us but they have been helping bharat directly or indirectly ever since its creation.

And i dont have to tell you about the muslim power your history is available all over internet, 1000 year muslim rule is still evident in Bharat in the form Taj MAhal, Red Fort and Fatehpur SIkri. In the past 1000 year history you have defeated muslim only once and that through deceit, doesn't mean you will also succeed this time.
Mark my words history will repeat itself, the green flags will flutter over the Red Fort, Soon!!!!!"

:rofl: One real sick mofo who claims to be studying in Australia. Jahil Paki.

his holliness :taunt::taunt::taunt:

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