Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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I feel IMF condition for bailout is that Chutiya Pakis have to sell 2000 tanks to UKraine/NATO and downsize the military.. That's why Bhosadi wallas want a peace Treaty with India before making the jump..

Because, you don't want to get into a fight with the Taliban, while there are Indian tank divisions salivating on the eastern border..


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2021
I hope better sense prevails. Kashmir is not an issue for India anymore, terrorism is.
Pakistan finds distractions whenever it's in shit, their 70+ years of history is nothing but history of distractions. Now Kashmir is being used as a distraction again, even though NOTHING will come out of it even if it's solved. Trade with India will not help Poliostan to escape a default.

Pakistan is weak rn, it knows it will only get weaker. It will be absolutely stupid for anyone from our side to sit with them now, and not later when they are bankrupt. We've done a lot of mistakes in the past. Hope we are not going to repeat them, keeping in mind the fact this public wailing of Pakistan is NOT a proof that they've mend their ways.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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I hope better sense prevails. Kashmir is not an issue for India anymore, terrorism is.
Pakistan finds distractions whenever it's in shit, their 70+ years of history is nothing but history of distractions. Now Kashmir is being used as a distraction again, even though NOTHING will come out of it even if it's solved. Trade with India will not help Poliostan to escape a default.

Pakistan is weak rn, it knows it will only get weaker. It will be absolutely stupid for anyone from our side to sit with them now, and not later when they are bankrupt. We've done a lot of mistakes in the past. Hope we are not going to repeat them, keeping in mind the fact this public wailing of Pakistan is NOT a proof that they've mend their ways.
Agreed. However, if we do get a chance to milk them, why not take it? ONLY IF it really benefits us.

Lord Darklord

Regular Member
Aug 13, 2017
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There, it lasted all of 2 hours:
Negotiations with India not possible until reversal of ‘illegal action’ on occupied Kashmir, PMO clarifies
Also, I don't understand how Pak PM's words were portrayed as Pakistan wanting peace with India. It was kind of a lame attempt to bring Kashmir into the front page of Middle Eastern media after UAE refused to entertain it, I feel. Look at his words from the original interview:
“In Kashmir, flagrant human rights violations are taking place day in and day out.”

The PM said India had usurped any semblance of autonomy, given to the Kashmiris according to Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, as the autonomy was revoked in August 2019.

Minorities in India were being persecuted, he said, adding that India must stop this to give a message to the world that the country was ready for meaningful talks.
Also the threat of nuclear war:
He said, “We are nuclear powers, armed to the teeth and if God forbid a war breaks out who will live to tell what happened.”

Just a regular Pak PM interview, with an eye catchy headline. Read it, forget it, move on.
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The Juggernaut

Senior Member
Feb 24, 2018
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Guys, until now we were joking. But, soon it will turn serious, many will not like it.
In next 2 months there will be blood. There will be large scale riot and mayhem on Paki streets.

Our government will not react or even bother say a 'letter' until a lot of violence happened on ground. Even then they will only talk about suffering of Indian citizens living POKs, which will further incite the separatist feeling.
Many in India will accuse Modi a dictator, facist, for being insensitive to Paki.

Real bad days are ahead for Pakistan.

yesterday, I saw a paki video where, " a old person was crying for the sake of one bori aata, that he had 12 children in his home hungry yearning for basic roti." I was unsure what to feel about it. What do you think guys of such videos?

The Juggernaut

Senior Member
Feb 24, 2018
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There, it lasted all of 2 hours:
Negotiations with India not possible until reversal of ‘illegal action’ on occupied Kashmir, PMO clarifies
Also, I don't understand how Pak PM's words were portrayed as Pakistan wanting peace with India. It was kind of a lame attempt to bring Kashmir into the front page of Middle Eastern media after UAE refused to entertain it, I feel. Look at his words from the original interview:

Also the threat of nuclear war:

Just a regular Pak PM interview, with an eye catchy headline. Read it, forget it, move on.
Full article was published in Arabic, some part were begging to India was published here, while some were for Pakistani consumption, which were critical to India.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2015
Guys, until now we were joking. But, soon it will turn serious, many will not like it.
In next 2 months there will be blood. There will be large scale riot and mayhem on Paki streets.

Our government will not react or even bother say a 'letter' until a lot of violence happened on ground. Even then they will only talk about suffering of Indian citizens living POKs, which will further incite the separatist feeling.
Many in India will accuse Modi a dictator, facist, for being insensitive to Paki.

Real bad days are ahead for Pakistan.

yesterday, I saw a paki video where, " a old person was crying for the sake of one bori aata, that he had 12 children in his home hungry yearning for basic roti." I was unsure what to feel about it. What do you think guys of such videos?
Not an iota of pity,
unless they are Hindus, then I wish we did something only to help them.

Otherwise, all I will be doing is scratch my balls.


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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Guys, until now we were joking. But, soon it will turn serious, many will not like it.
In next 2 months there will be blood. There will be large scale riot and mayhem on Paki streets.

Our government will not react or even bother say a 'letter' until a lot of violence happened on ground. Even then they will only talk about suffering of Indian citizens living POKs, which will further incite the separatist feeling.
Many in India will accuse Modi a dictator, facist, for being insensitive to Paki.

Real bad days are ahead for Pakistan.

yesterday, I saw a paki video where, " a old person was crying for the sake of one bori aata, that he had 12 children in his home hungry yearning for basic roti." I was unsure what to feel about it. What do you think guys of such videos?
Who knows? We may even step in to stabilise the situation there, with enough distance and plausible deniability obviously. One of the wargame scenarios the Intelligence establishment takes into account of an invasion of Pakistan is how it will destabilise the region and the responsibility it will present on us too to find a way to rehabilitate refugees. One can't just ignore it.
It can be argued since we have 'ignored' them they've been hurt more. Previously even when there were cfvs there was some modicum of trade which they no doubt benefitted from more than we did. I can't even remember any news headline since Sushma Swaraj died that some Pakistani got a medical visa to get treated in India.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Madarsachhaap logic of pakeets, post the same article 2 times saying 3 Indian soldiers met with an accident and add them up to 3+3=6 and then post a thread with "6 Indian solders killed in Indian Kashmir" as title :rofl.
View attachment 189195
lol madarsachhap triggered, and in the process of venting out frustration he throws out much more garbage out of his keyboards...

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