Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2019
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My proposal would be, give up the nukes.

Denuclearisation of Pakistan should be the ultimate goal.
They won't.
We have to put proposal such a way that they will accept it and later they shouldn't be able to backtrack from it .
Even if they agree to give up nuke, what's the guarantee that they won't make it again?

Hence asking for land which is sparse in population and borders india is way better choice as they won't be able to betray us

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Ajk is useless.
Filled with k2a and densely populated
We can ask for fraction of GB which will be acceptable to china, it will add sharda peeth as well as some natural defence as the area is full of mountains
We don't really want AJK or POK

It is a question of Posturing

Make them say that LOC as a Border is acceptable to them

But in India , if we have to Declare Victory , we need to have Some Land Transferred to us with minimum inflow of People

The idea is to make Pakistan Army BEG for peace

Once that happens , Civil war will break out automatically


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2019
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We don't really want AJK or POK

It is a question of Posturing

Make them say that LOC as a Border is acceptable to them

But in India , if we have to Declare Victory , we need to have Some Land Transferred to us with minimum inflow of People

The idea is to make Pakistan Army BEG for peace

Once that happens , Civil war will break out automatically
Yes I agree we need some minimal land transfer to make it our victory.
Even some dessert land from sindh would work, both desert or mountains from GB would add to natural defence of our country.


Senior Member
Nov 29, 2011
My proposal would be, give up the nukes.

Denuclearisation of Pakistan should be the ultimate goal.
They are not going to give up their nukes voluntarily. If they do that then the political party that is in power when this happens and the army would loose all their credibility and would in all probably get lynched by the public.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2019
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They are not going to give up their nukes voluntarily. If they do that then the political party that is in power when this happens and the army would loose all their credibility and would in all probably get lynched by the public.
We do have their nuclear installation list to verify.
But I doubt they won't make it again


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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The Pakis never write anything positive about RSS or Modi despite neither speaking anything negative about the muslims. Such is the brainwashing. I'm not surprised, just disappointed.

But what really makes me cringe are the spineless Indians who state "I hate Modi but..." before writing anything positive about India. None of them have the balls to question the reality of Modi and RSS. They just suck the crap that's the western and ISI propaganda.

"Modi did this and that in 2002." What were you expecting when hindus were burnt in trains first? Literally burnt to death! Motherfuckers forget this but feel emotional about dead muslims. As if Hindus just woke up one day and decided violence. The most hypocritical, cowardly and eunuch people pakis are.

"Modi is minority opress—" "Since Modi came to power, bee—" Modi never said anything against muslims or minorities. No policies discriminate...except the minority welfare policies, which is discrimination against majority! There has been no recorded or documented evidence that Modi did anything oppressive against muslims.

Indian apologists need to be roasted to the point they'll either shut the f up online or grow a spine.

Pakis on reddit lack any introspection on their prejudice against Modi and RSS. That mindset is precisely why their state is sinking into the quicksand of debt, terrorism and polarization, flailing helplessly trying to grab whatever little branches of IMF, grants and loans it could to stop itself from drowning. Even if it luckily grabs these quick fixes, they could only delay the inevitable.

All crises before this in Pakistan majorly affected only one of the limbs: Army, Politics, Economy, Civil Society. Now, all four limbs are in a limbo and things are only getting worse.

Army created enemies on east and west, swallowed budget.
Politics are paralyzed thanks to Niazi.
Economy is unraveling in what could only be described as deindustrialization.
Civil Society is increasingly hating the very army

Kashmir Banega Pakistan? Nah! Pakistan banega Kashmir!


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
The train of you learning at our expense has left the station way back. The Hindu widows and orphans will spit on us if we ever made peace with you.

Your atrocities on Hindus and normalized hate against us will never be ignored.

You bet on some scoundrels in India; who would vouch for your peace overtures are badly exposed and running naked on streets. Bollywood snakes and media thugs on your payroll are being hit where it hurts.

You have no friends in India.

Denounce your state's affiliation to Islam, deradicalize your population, apologies for your attacks and sabotage against India and wait till we enforce the Nehru-Liaquat pact by bringing (converting) down the Mulsim population to the same percentage of Hindus in Pakistan.

Maybe we will talk about some truce after that.
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Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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View attachment 189843
I didn't expect that they will admit to learn their lesson so soon.
Public calls for peace indicates a good chance that there may be some terrorist attack which is about to happen. Even when China talks peace it's the same thing. When they call for war it's usually just blustering and a hint that they don't actually want war but desire to negotiate.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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Never trust a muslim offering peace, especially if it's a Pakistani convert. They're just doing Takiya and they're proud of it. Don't show a shred of mercy. Don't feel sympathy for the weak and helpless on their side.

The same 'helpless' women instill jihadi into their sons and become jihadist making factories.

The same 'weak' elderly were once vehement islamists hating India and wishing it and its people death.

The 'oh so innocent' children are the ones who are being brainwashed to hate India right from primary school.

And even if anyone is innocent, they must be shown no mercy.

A nation's citizens must bear its destiny!

Pakistanis must be crushed. No mercy. No peace talks.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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Shehbaz wants peace with India now

Hehehe, saara strategic depth ghus gaya bund wich

Its an unintended consequence of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Pakis used to mint money from US and it's allies in the name of WoT against Taliban. The dollars Americans paid were used to keep the economy afloat. Since the US has withdrawn from Afghanistan they need not pay the Pakistanis, dollars to fight the Talibanis. With US alms drying up the Pakis could not sustain and have collapsed within a year and half of time. Meanwhile India has grown ahead and become even stronger economically.


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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But what really makes me cringe are the spineless Indians who state "I hate Modi but..." before writing anything positive about India. None of them have the balls to question the reality of Modi and RSS. They just suck the crap that's the western and ISI propaganda.

"Modi did this and that in 2002." What were you expecting when hindus were burnt in trains first? Literally burnt to death! Motherfuckers forget this but feel emotional about dead muslims. As if Hindus just woke up one day and decided violence. The most hypocritical, cowardly and eunuch people pakis are.
The first para, there is some progress when the Aman ki tamasha line has gotten stale and has no takers now apart from the comments section of Coke studio and Nusrat fateh ali khan songs on youtube. Instead the narrative now is that Modi has nothing else to show for his work so has to raise the Pak bogey to milk votes lol.

As for 2002, it's been proven since that he tried his best infact to quell the riots which later took place. It was an incident when Hindus across party lines put across their differences on the ground and gave it back with interest. This includes many Congress leaders and ground workers too.

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