Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Raliv galiv ya chaliv
Armenians heard it again in 2020....
Even Kerala was going to hear in 2010s.

Kerala was almost going out of control in 2010s but to alertness of our security agencies tsunami that was developing in Kerala was stopped and was transported to middle East and afghanistan

People in Kerala might don't know about this.
Kerala was saved from big disaster that was developing that's to because of our agencies and Ajit doval
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Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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Even Kerala was going to hear in 2010s.

Kerala was almost going out of control in 2010s but to alertness of our security agencies tsunami that was developing in Kerala was stopped and was transported to middle East and afghanistan

People in Kerala might don't know about this.
Kerala was saved from big disaster that was developing that's to because of our agencies and Ajit doval


Senior Member
Nov 17, 2017
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After some time Hindus in that mars colony will develop a liberal Kida and will change their constitution to accomodate poor migrants from backward region on earth.

This move will be lauded by everyone and those who oppose this move will be labelled right wing, fascist, extremists, Nazis.

The western colony on moon will stand in support of their Martian Hindu brothers showing courage against hate. Intergalactic social media will trend hashtags in support.

Slowly Muslim population on mars Hindu colony will increase and they will demand a new secular constitution. There will be minority quota for muslims who had to suffer hardships because of evil Hindu Brahmin patriarchy. Because of inequality some misguided youth will blow up some Hindu oppressors which will be seen as an isolated act of terror that has no religion.

After few more decades whatever left of Hindus will be forced to migrate from Mars base to Pluto base because of a minor law and order issue. They will spend their life like a refugee on Pluto. 30 years later on pluto, a movie will be made called Mars files. This movie will be labelled false narrative to devide communal harmony.

Meanwhile Hindus on Pluto will vote for Pluto Adami Party for free electricity and free water.

End of the story.
Nigga you have written a great Sci Fi short story ( plot kinda matches "The Expanse ) . You should try your talents in writing :clap2::clap2:


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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I have question.
Why every radicalized muslim fighter turns up landing in middle East or afghanistan?
ends up killing his own muslim brothers for Islam
my second question is why every IS fighter is from Kerala?
even ISIS ideology is widespread in various states of india but IS recruit fighter only from Kerala

They can do damage in Kerala Or any other part of country. At last he is fighting for Islam and everyone is kafir for him
Even muslims of Kerala have already done massacre in past.

Whole tsunami in Kerala was turned into middle East.
Just like porki did in 1990s whole drama of islamic Revolution from iran and afghanistan was turned into kashmir and whole of porkistan was saved from sharia law
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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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all jokes aside , based on my personal experience , only religion that will exist in 100 years is Islam .

dont know about how it is where u live , but among my circle of friends - Christians , Hindus and Muslims . only Muslims are "Muslims" through out the year , Christians and Hindus are "Christians and Hindus" only during major festivals.

again , this is just my personal experience .
Not really.
The recent rejuvenation of islamic fundamentalism was merely fuelled by petrodollar.
It'll die soon and it's collapse will be swift and glorious.

Same goes for Christianity.

Strict adherence (i.e the only form of adherence recognized in abrahamic religions) is infeasible in modern times.

Don't worry, we'll all be here to witness it.
@ me in 10 years when apostasy is widespread among the offsprings of current muzz youth and they're moaning and bitching about how they didn't see it coming.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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India is a brand
The most cunning thing Indians did in 1947 was laying claim on the brand of India, which is only popular in the west by the British
But India or Hind generally denotes modern day Punjab and North India
Imagine westerners flocking to eat "Bharatya" food ?!
Nonsense. BHARATVARSH existed 2200 yrs before the britfags.
India Indica Indos Indoi Hindu Hindi Hinduvaan Jambudveepa Aryavarta Hodu Tianzhu India Al Hind Hodu Five Indies etc etc etc in their respective tongues .

Sindhu is a river flowing towards from further east that is our river. From tibetan plateu side. And what is tibet known for ? Again Hindus there. Not to mention a chutiya gulam porkystani @karakorum is using that Indian name top joke.

Sindhu is not your river it just happens to flow into illegal porkystan . The reason you filthy gulam porkystani existence is because of cuckversion not some historic legacy. You happen to live in what is called illegal porkystan is just because you got cuckverted you bastard stock being a fatherless bastard.

Onto that karakoram part the word Karakoram itself carries great legacy of BHARAT.

Olmo Lungring is located in the Karakoram mountains of the Bharat.


"India which is in shape quadrilateral, has it's eastern & western side bounded by the great sea"

Keeping asides all the chronology of our Kings just as per this single citation of greeks. There is arabs one too.

Greeks refered entire Indian country ruled by BHARTIYA Indian emperor (Chandragupta Maurya). In fact, they described the boundaries of the country as 28,000 stadia (east-west), 32,000 stadia (north-south)

, another greek writer from the 3rd century referred to Chandragupta Maurya as "The King of the Indians"

(Sandrokotton) = CHANDRAGUPTA.




Yahudi also mention about peacocks trade during solomon .They have identified Ophir with Abhira kingdom of Gujrat India.


The greek knowledge of all of BHARAT was so marvelous that they even called that city of Mathura declared it be holiest.

The city of MATHURA was so uniquely sacred in BHARAT that this fact was not lost even upon the Ancient Greeks. Ptolemy in his Geographia in the century ad called MATHURA "The City* of the Gods" Below is a 1482 ad manuscript of Geographia (translated into Latin).


Indians always had the claim we have all the dynasties ruling even the arabs acknowledge this is arab knowledge of India not to forget the fact that Al masudi called "Kandahar is the country of Rajputs" - Al Masudi (Most famous arabic scholar 935 ad.)


I am not
But I know of Indus Pakistan
Good guy
Chinese bhosda keeps menstruating from arse the chuddak raand ;)

ndians on odd days: Pakis are Indians who ran away and formed a country.....Akhand Bharat muah

Indians on even days: WTF do they deserve the legacy of India?
Gaand mara chutiye gulam porkystani 1 author historian ka reference nahi hai porkystan "Indian" mooslame league ki gaand ka keeda tha which was excreted in 1947.

We have all the irrefutable archaeological evidence to prove our ownership on the land which has temporarily occupied by filthy inbred.

Mask of BHAGWAAN BHAIRAVA from the ancient Gandhara region 440ad ;)


I have not even discussed the chronology of Bhartiya kings yet.

You have no kings nothing no artifacts we have all the artifacts that prove we predate you filthy gulam Chinese bhosde.

Waise tu us william jones ko toh janta hoyga na jiska lund chusta tha gutter mein tu porkystani.

Even that the brits officials noted...



Senior Member
Oct 15, 2021
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Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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ITT .. Indians justifying the English name India and the sanskrit Bharat to a guy who's country's name is an acronym. The Stan in Pakistan comes from balochistan .. i hope pakistan drops the Stan when Balochistan gets independent and becomes Paki for real.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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ITT .. Indians justifying the English name India and the sanskrit Bharat to a guy who's country's name is an acronym. The Stan in Pakistan comes from balochistan .. i hope pakistan drops the Stan when Balochistan gets independent and becomes Paki for real.
Gaand maarne aur justify mein fark samjhiye.

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