No, it is absolutely not simple as that.
F-15C structure G-limit is 7.33G, F-16 fbw G limit is 9G, yet F-15 will run circle around F-16 at high altitude.
Or F-14 structure G limit is 6.5G, F-16 G limit is 9G, guess which one have higher ITR and STR? You think it would be the one with higher structure limit? absolutely wrong.
Aircraft agility in general can be divided into several criterias:
1- Instantaneous turn rate (ITR)
2- Sustained turn rate (STR)
3- Acceleration rate
4- Pitch rate
5- Roll rate
6- Post stall maneuver (sort of like very low speed nose pointing)
For an aircraft, there are 3 kind of forces that are most important:
Thrust: pretty self explanatory, created by engine, varied with speed and altitude (air density)
Lift: normally generated by wing (and body if the aircraft is at a positive angle of attack)
To estimate lift, there is this equation
lift = 0.5*Cl*reference wing area*air density*speed^2
CL = lift coefficient, varied with speed and angle of attack
This is the reason why using wing loading as a criteria is actually very dumb if you don't know the actual lift coefficient.
Drag: created by the interaction of the airframe with the air
To estimate drag there is this equation
drag = 0.5*Cd*reference wing area*air density*speed^2
Cd = drag coefficient, varied with speed and angle of attack
in general, higher AoA lead to higher Cl and Cd, up until stall point.
Back to the criterias, i mentioned earlier:
Max G pulled is decided solely by lift/weight, which mean the more lift you can generate, the more G you can pull. Drag and thrust aren't actually important here. At high altitude, air density is lower, which mean the lift generated is reduced, as you can easily deduce from the equation above. So at higher altitude max G you can pull will reduce no matter what your structure limit is
Max G sustained is decided not only by lift and weight but also drag and thrust. Basically, not only that you have to generate enough lift, you need to generate enough thrust to counter the drag that come with that lift. Sustained G reduce even quicker than max G pulled with altitude. Basically, low air density of altitude will reduce your lift, and also your thurst ( unless your aircraft use rocket engine).
Acceleration rate = (Thrust-drag)/Mass and
not thrust/weight, people like to talk about thurst/weight value because it is simple and easy to understand but in fact doesn't actually give you the acceleration rate.
Pitch rate: is how fast your aircraft can pint it's nose, it is very different from a turn because you change the AoA rather than the direction of travel
Roll rate: sort of like how fast you can spin, it important to pull away from bandit at your 6. In general, the more mass concentrated at the center, the faster you can roll so single engine aircraft such as F-16 can roll much faster than twin engine aircraft like F-15
Post stall maneuver: basically nose pointing while your aircraft go so slow that it can't turn or pitch normally. Useful to force and overshot then counter but not very useful when adversary have more than one aircraft. In general, aircraft with TVC is obviously best at post stall, followed by aircraft with V tail because their tail can "bite" into airflow at high AoA. Single vertical tail aircraft such as F-16 or Typhoon are very bad at high AoA
In short, structure G limit is not the deciding factor for agility, not even close.
There is compromise so you can't have the same RCS value from all direction. But that doesn't mean a stealth aircraft can't be made stealthy around 360 degrees azimuth. Because of the Doppler effect and side lobes clutter, RCS = 10 dBsm at the frontal is very different from 10 dBsm at the side or aft. It is acceptable for stealth platform to have extremely high side RCS because side reflection blends with ground clutter much easier