DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
New Member
Nov 22, 2020
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DRDO should develop NGMBT specially seeing this RFI and should be tailor made for it.but if indian army doesn't want it we cant do nothing.

t 90s

Tihar Jail
May 28, 2021
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That thing will be a pain in ass. It can protect the crew but the tank will be immoblised.DRDO should develop GNMBT and participate in tender
any tank hit on a turret with modern sabot will either be dead or out of battle period. There is no video game counter firing.army is not going to wait another 40 years for another disaster. T 72 need a replacement fast and there are no alternatives.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
New Member
Nov 22, 2020
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any tank hit on a turret with modern sabot will either be dead or out of battle period. There is no video game counter firing.army is not going to weight another 40 years for another disaster. T 72 need a replacement fast and there are no alternatives.
If NGMBT doesnt materialise we have to go for k2 as they can make a indian varient with L&T or my favorite batmobile.not armata one even ruskies dont know what to do.

t 90s

Tihar Jail
May 28, 2021
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No import is going to be done mark my words within 2-3 yrs NGMBT will be rolled out then you can say good bye to your fantasy dreams along with rest other dalals.
You should not get your hopes high my brother and i am no dalal.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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any tank hit on a turret with modern sabot will either be dead or out of battle period. There is no video game counter firing.army is not going to wait another 40 years for another disaster. T 72 need a replacement fast and there are no alternatives.
there is a better alternative. army could order theatre wise tanks instead of one general tank.
the concept of one general tank, when you have various extreme terrains is an extremely stupid idea.

new arjun 55 or 60 ton version for entire western sector. and new light tank for entire north and north eastern sector.
easy process. no need Tin can 14


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Watch the video from 6:15 onwards to know why the design is the way it is.
to know why the design is the way it is.
did he invent or make these tanks. to know why is it that way??? from a lawyer?? gtfo man. you are just a larper. that wants to create some turmoil in DFI. you think people here are some kind of idiots??

they support arjun also to promote local R&D and manufacturing. we don't need some so called " best tank"
we just need a capable tank. just wait till FRCV gets killed the 3rd time.
you didn't know did ya. army tried for T-14 in 2015, 2017. both times it failed. this time it will fail even harder.

because MOD keeps on increasing TOT requirements, which russia doesn't want to accept.

the reason why T-90S got into is because the govt during those times was left oriented. and the defence ministers suck*d so bad.

FRCV won't go anywhere. rhenmetaall, uralvagonzavod, hyundai rotem & defence development agency. none of them will share any technology and FRCV will fail. :troll:

not so dravidian

New Member
Feb 3, 2021
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Army has shown concern which DRDO hasn't dealt with & what are those concerns, well weight 18 tone vs 15 for ATHOS, rate of fire , higher cost ( cost 11 cr for Athos vs 16 cr for ATGAS ). Quality is not that great either.
1. Saying weight is an issue is nothing but straight jumla.
all the mobile bridge systems that r deployed are 70 ton class.


BLT is a fast and reliable bridge laying system built on track chassis. It is capable of launching a 20m/22m long bridge with a width of 4m within 5 minutes on any wet on dry obstacles. The launching mechanism is supported by hydraulic system for launching and retrieval operations. It has a separate auxiliary engine for contingencies.

  • Load class: 70 ton
  • Microprocessor based control system
  • In-built safety features
  • Gap measuring instrument and bridge marker rods
  • Bridge can be fully decked with the help of panels
  • Smoke Grenade Discharger
  • Fire Fighting System for safety of the vehicle
  • Air Defence Machine Gun for the safety of the crew
if army wants, they can even move an fully loaded arjun mk1a with that bridge! (68 ton)
2. quality issue

plz understand TATA and Kalyani are not OFB

as for all the incidents that happened, mostly it was OFB's faulty ammo
except the the recent which was due to fast firing, the shell slightly misplaced, which caused the barrel brust

3. price: ATAGS is the only zone 7 capable gun. that's why the xtra weight

as for price, DRDO, TATA and Kalyani can reduce profit to some extend if they want

NO argument aganist ATAGS hold here

only thing is that OFB wants to eat the whole pie!

Global Defence

