DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Psychopathic Neighbour
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Jan 26, 2021
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@airstrike99 can you explain what makes a good tank .

And do we all building blocks for fmbt and gnmbt , and what are they ?

Like eo pod ,aps ( eg trophy system if Israel ) , smoothbore gun , autoloading of gun ,rcws , panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

Please add what we can add more to the tank and how many system we have .

I think rcws , eo pod , are developed what about others ?


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Aug 12, 2015
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This is all getting confused the future tank is NGMBT then many says arjun mk2 is also in work.are they the same or are we working on two different tanks and havent heard anything about arjun mk2 program since 2019
What is there to be confused so much?

Arjun Mk1, Mk1A, Mk2 are products. NGMBT is a concept. If you ask about Arjun Mk2, I personally believe that it would not happen.
IA would always prefer a Medium weight category tank over a heavy weight like Arjun. So the NGMBT program came in light. So under NGMBT program, they could name the tank as Arjun Mk2. Whatever work was happening on Mk2 is now Mk1A for which order has been placed recently.


Psychopathic Neighbour
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Jan 26, 2021
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What is there to be confused so much?

Arjun Mk1, Mk1A, Mk2 are products. NGMBT is a concept. If you ask about Arjun Mk2, I personally believe that it would not happen.
IA would always prefer a Medium weight category tank over a heavy weight like Arjun. So the NGMBT program came in light. So under NGMBT program, they could name the tank as Arjun Mk2. Whatever work was happening on Mk2 is now Mk1A for which order has been placed recently.
Is ngmbt or gnmbt and fmbt same ?


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
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Nov 22, 2020
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What is there to be confused so much?

Arjun Mk1, Mk1A, Mk2 are products. NGMBT is a concept. If you ask about Arjun Mk2, I personally believe that it would not happen.
IA would always prefer a Medium weight category tank over a heavy weight like Arjun. So the NGMBT program came in light. So under NGMBT program, they could name the tank as Arjun Mk2. Whatever work was happening on Mk2 is now Mk1A for which order has been placed recently.
Thanks this info makes it straight


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Feb 14, 2021
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army is unlikely to retire all T-72s until 2040. because 969 are being upgraded.

T-72 M1( steel armour) ----> T-72 M1(steel armour) + 300 meters thermal (night systems) + ERA MK1 = Ajeya MK1

T-72 M1(steel armour) + 3km israeli thermals + ERA MK2 + Kontakt 5 ERA ( TOT from 464 T-90S deal)
+ new powerful engine & transmission (TOT from 464 T-90S deal) = Ajeya MK2



New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Maybe this time a three star general with atleast 4 years of remainder service should be made incharge of NGMBT project, make him record every issue raised by IA and the response given by design & prototype team at DRDO & OFB.

also make him(his team) maintain a record of weight of every nut bolt & subcomponent which goes into the prototype, so that they don’t complain of weight later.

If the NGMBT project fails again, IA would be equally responsible.
army purposefully never does it.
it jus doesn't want to talk to DRDO about tanks. DRDO is asking about NGMBT but different generals are giving different responses.

some say they still want 4 crew tank. some say they want 3 crew tank similar to T-90 without too much fancy high tech. some say they want 2 crew tank with all high tech.

most of the doubts are clarified in this interview. also watch from 11:15


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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army purposefully never does it.
it jus doesn't want to talk to DRDO about tanks. DRDO is asking about NGMBT but different generals are giving different responses.

some say they still want 4 crew tank. some say they want 3 crew tank similar to T-90 without too much fancy high tech. some say they want 2 crew tank with all high tech.

most of the doubts are clarified in this interview. also watch from 11:15
4 crew tank is better, as psychological positive impact of it is big, you would want to be with more people when you want to go in a conflict, when you’re alone or less people around you, you feel nervous, just an observation.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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What is there to be confused so much?

Arjun Mk1, Mk1A, Mk2 are products. NGMBT is a concept. If you ask about Arjun Mk2, I personally believe that it would not happen.
IA would always prefer a Medium weight category tank over a heavy weight like Arjun. So the NGMBT program came in light. So under NGMBT program, they could name the tank as Arjun Mk2. Whatever work was happening on Mk2 is now Mk1A for which order has been placed recently.
thats nonsense. they have clearly and officially asked for a heavy 4 man crew tank to pitch it against M1 A1 abrams. ( intelligence stated that pakistan could have gotten M1A1 abrams in the 90's and 2000's)

If you ask about Arjun Mk2, I personally believe that it would not happen.
personal opinions need not be equal to real life scenarios.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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4 crew tank is better, as psychological positive impact of it is big, you would want to be with more people when you want to go in a conflict, when you’re alone or less people around you, you feel nervous, just an observation.
yes. heavy armoured tanks give beastly motivation to the crew to go all out. it happened in ww2, wars during cold war periods etc.


Psychopathic Neighbour
New Member
Jan 26, 2021
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thats nonsense. they have clearly and officially asked for a heavy 4 man crew tank to pitch it against M1 A1 abrams. ( intelligence stated that pakistan could have gotten M1A1 abrams in the 90's and 2000's)

personal opinions need not be equal to real life scenarios.
Fmbt with 2 men crew should be the way to go , we would have ooints to criticize army and if mod put it down in their throats , they would be getting a good machine ,put mfd , sensors with help of tonbo , aps , decoys , a futuristic armour of composite ,thermal sights , a new 1500 hp engine ,rcws , a more capable turret fully automatic ,it isn't hard to make for drdo ,and give them that fucking radar , who asks for a radar on it , give them a aesa on it .


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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@airstrike99 can you explain what makes a good tank .

And do we all building blocks for fmbt and gnmbt , and what are they ?

Like eo pod ,aps ( eg trophy system if Israel ) , smoothbore gun , autoloading of gun ,rcws , panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

Please add what we can add more to the tank and how many system we have .

I think rcws , eo pod , are developed what about others ?
1) basically MOD has a scientific advisor( right now sathis reddy) and an army advisor.
2) army gives requirements for its tasks.( defensive or offensive . depends on govt and defence minister)

parrikar " army's importance declined because there are no wars with pakistan right now"
dude literally wanted to go to wars with pak. all those surgical strikes were pushed by parrikar.

he even said we would pay taliban and baloch rebels to conduct proxy war in balochistan and other regions.
best def minister.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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@airstrike99 can you explain what makes a good tank .

And do we all building blocks for fmbt and gnmbt , and what are they ?

Like eo pod ,aps ( eg trophy system if Israel ) , smoothbore gun , autoloading of gun ,rcws , panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

Please add what we can add more to the tank and how many system we have .

I think rcws , eo pod , are developed what about others ?
coming to your question.

modern tanks.

two types of designs " inside out, outside in"

arjun is outside in. T-90, 72 are inside out.

basically 72, 90 is built from keeping the tankers size in mind and then the exteriors are designed. all bridge requirements are built based on tank not the other way around.

for arjun. army already restricted its outside size, weight etc. basically they want a tank that could fit on rails to go to war against M1A1 abrams if paks procure it.

so arjun design is outside in. thats a very wrong approach from the side of army.
hence DRDO designed new rail cars and army did not like it.
for arjun


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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@airstrike99 can you explain what makes a good tank .

And do we all building blocks for fmbt and gnmbt , and what are they ?

Like eo pod ,aps ( eg trophy system if Israel ) , smoothbore gun , autoloading of gun ,rcws , panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

Please add what we can add more to the tank and how many system we have .

I think rcws , eo pod , are developed what about others ?
1) a tank can't do everything.
2) its purpose is to break through trenches and regions with heavy artillery, where infantry can't go
3)its gun should be able to kill enemy ground vehicles( all types)
4) in modern scenario, bunker destruction is a must, in case if you don't have an extra self propelled guns along with your tank.

in my view these are the basic and important requirements that a tank should have.

things such as " having high powered lasers to shoot down drones, fire ATGMS onto helicopters and aircrafts, AI etc are just add on"

of course, you could have an electro thermal gun or electro magnetic gun instead of standard gun. these are realistic things.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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@airstrike99 can you explain what makes a good tank .

And do we all building blocks for fmbt and gnmbt , and what are they ?

Like eo pod ,aps ( eg trophy system if Israel ) , smoothbore gun , autoloading of gun ,rcws , panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

Please add what we can add more to the tank and how many system we have .

I think rcws , eo pod , are developed what about others ?
rifled gun vs smoothbore gun :-

HESH rounds don't exist for smooth bore guns, so tanks with smooth bore guns have to use HEAT rounds( for concrete bunkers) and HE rounds (for thin bunkers). HESH is cheaper than HEAT,HE

you can have same penetrating power APFSDS for both. but rifled barrel wears down quickly than smooth bore.

you can fire standard old ww2, cold war styled HEAT shells and HE shells with rifled, but need fin stabilised HEAT and HE for smooth bore.

HESH, old style HEAT, HE are much cheaper than fin stabilised HEAT,HE
can fire any round which is based on standard shells.
for example mortar shells,
thermobaric bombs ( can literally vaporise humans in open air regions),
PCB round which is (a mixture of anti material + HE)

however rifled gun cost >> smoothbore gun cost.

ammunition to be used depends on what kind of enemies you face and gun depends on what kind of ammunition you use.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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@airstrike99 can you explain what makes a good tank .

And do we all building blocks for fmbt and gnmbt , and what are they ?

Like eo pod ,aps ( eg trophy system if Israel ) , smoothbore gun , autoloading of gun ,rcws , panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

Please add what we can add more to the tank and how many system we have .

I think rcws , eo pod , are developed what about others ?
autoloading of main gun (yes or no)?

autoloader tanks weight less due to 3 crew, compact size compared to 4 crew or 5 crewed tanks(in case of ww2 and pre cold war)

once autoloader is jammed or destroyed by 30 or 40 mm AA guns from the side or ground attack aircraft's auto cannons from the top, the tank is useless, except to scare infantry away with its size and coaxial guns and 12.7 mm guns.

manual loading. even if one dies due to side shots form 40mm guns the other could take over atleast. no jamming possible. but what is the probability that you won't see the enemy 40mm gun on the side? because tanks move in regiments 50-65. so unrealistic for side shots

only thing is ground attack aircraft. if top armour is not atleast 40mm RHA steel, the tank is dead.
the 12.7 mm AA guns on tanks can't do anything to a close support ground attack aircrafts.

so if you are ok with heavy tanks, manual is the "best option". if heavy tanks are strict no no, autoloader is the best.

don't go for manual loading with light or medium tanks. bad option.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
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@airstrike99 can you explain what makes a good tank .

And do we all building blocks for fmbt and gnmbt , and what are they ?

Like eo pod ,aps ( eg trophy system if Israel ) , smoothbore gun , autoloading of gun ,rcws , panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

Please add what we can add more to the tank and how many system we have .

I think rcws , eo pod , are developed what about others ?

1)money matters
2) you rarely get to use AA gun against infrantry. they won't even come closer just as they see tanks.
also showing tank main gun on them is a huge psychological pressure on infantry (that wants to use RPGs with eff range of some 300 m -700m )

it also works with 120mm or 125mm guns :troll:

3) RCWS useful against visible helicopter and drones. there are no radars for RCWS. a helicopter can fire at a tank from 10-20km. you wont even know that there is a heli unless you have radars like T-14 armata( AESA radars to be fitted on it) if you have separate equipment for them, RCWS is useless.
4) its however useful against close support attack aircraft. they don't use some fancy costly missiles used by helis. they straight up use auto cannons or throws bombs from close. befor a tank can run away.
so in such scenarios RCWS is useful.

panaromic view , good armour , laser , decoy launching etc .

panaromic view is a must, laser range finder is a must because you don't want to spend too much time on finding distance between to the enemy.

for example

but also has disadvantages if the enemy has laser detection systems. they will know someone is seeing them. also they will know the direction of laser
this is how tank laser finds distance. people assume that laser must be pointy all the time, well no. it could be made to spread( a bit not too much), which gives accurate distances than a point. because misplacing a point on target is easy.
the doppler effect in reflected laser beams can tell you its range and its velocity with which its moving


decoys are a must. existed since ww2.

