DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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This is a force multiplier for our defensive capabilities

DRDO laser threat detection and decoy system ( I used to hint about it since last 2/3 years )


This system provides full protection to any fixed or mobile assets within its coverage zone from laser guided bombs , PGMs etc by spoofing and decoying the same away from it's protected zone to hit a predetermined safe zone .



New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Just had 2 pegs and got to thinking what's the point in all these .

It's highly possible , the twitter guys might go against me because I pointed out their actions and in future might have a bone to pick with me . Like the coolant guy who never wastes an opportunity .

I go to the trouble of finding stuff and posting them here , and I didn't bargain for the extra shit that I am being forced to get involved in. I never signed up for this.

I can't be expected to keep pointing out everyone, then end up making enemies out of them in the bargain. They will definitely gang up against me if they find a common point . Nor can I overlook at how I am being short changed.

Many of the twitter guys have a monetary interest in all this stuff they do , so things won't change . That's a given. In the future , they will be literally at each other's throats.

And I do it for free so I have absolutely no interest in the extra trouble that comes along inadvertently or advertently.

Long story short I hereby quit posting stuff . It is not worth the effort. I have done my bit long time ago. More than my due infact .

Pride is generally a bad thing , but still i take pride in the belief that I have done more than anyone when it comes to indian defence stuff , both at national and international level. ( Anyone is free to disagree with that 😃 )

Anyways this time it is final

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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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New Member
Oct 13, 2010
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Just had 2 pegs and got to thinking what's the point in all these .

It's highly possible , the twitter guys might go against me because I pointed out their actions and in future might have a bone to pick with me . Like the coolant guy who never wastes an opportunity .

I go to the trouble of finding stuff and posting them here , and I didn't bargain for the extra shit that I am being forced to get involved in. I never signed up for this.

I can't be expected to keep pointing out everyone, then end up making enemies out of them in the bargain. They will definitely gang up against me if they find a common point . Nor can I overlook at how I am being short changed.

Many of the twitter guys have a monetary interest in all this stuff they do , so things won't change . That's a given. In the future , they will be literally at each other's throats.

And I do it for free so I have absolutely no interest in the extra trouble that comes along inadvertently or advertently.

Long story short I hereby quit posting stuff . It is not worth the effort. I have done my bit long time ago. More than my due infact .

Pride is generally a bad thing , but still i take pride in the belief that I have done more than anyone when it comes to indian defence stuff , both at national and international level. ( Anyone is free to disagree with that 😃 )

Anyways this time it is final

Post after reducing the resolution considerably and keep the hi-res photos to yourself.

If someone makes a claim of being the first at showing the pic, you can then present you hi-res to claim successful ownership. You then don't have to worry about watermarking.

