DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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People are so gullible

Making claims just like anything

how is barak ER same as XRSAM ?
Even a kid can point out the differences


images (2).jpeg

The generic form factor is similar but not identical

Most importantly count the no of fins


4 fore fins

4 mid fins

4 fins on rear of the booster

4 find on the jet vanes section extreme rear

XRSAM Total 16 fins

Barak 8 ER total 12 find

Barak booster does not does have an additional section consisting of close coupled jet vanes and fins .

XRSAM has it which was taken from AAD missile

It allows XRSAM superior agility and maneuverabilty during boost phase itself when the booster is firing .

Booster is generally used to gain altitude and some amout of lateral distance with very limited kinetic maneuvers.

However due to the addition of close cupled fins and jet vanes XRSAM will have superior performance interns of kinematic dynamics from the boost stage itself when the booster is firing .

In barak er booster is a liability if missile needs to engage in maneuvers .

However that limitation will be less in XRSAM due to the additional rear control section incorporated from AAD which allows entire XRSAM including booster to do maneuvers even outside the scope of barak er ( along with the booster attached )

Now i understand why anti caa had so many takers lol
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New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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400 series Google the pic...................

This image bears only a slight resemblance. But still we could see that it is no where same to what BEL is displaying.

On other hand it seems more like brownies are getting a show off from whities. Number of brownies exceed those of whities.


New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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DRDO reveals 350km XRSAM missile details

Hyderabad: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for the first time on Friday revealed the details of the XRSAM-IAF (eXtra Long Range Surface to Air Missile) to be developed by the Hyderabad-based Defence Research and Development Laboratories (DRDL).

The DRDO’s website stated that XRSAM-IAF is being developed for the Indian Air Force (IAF) as part of Missiles and Strategic Systems (MSS), and added that it will play a vital role in the missile defence system of the country. DRDO said that the XRSAM air missile weapon system will also be able to engage stealth fighters and ballistic missile in the terminal stage.

“The IAF has projected a requirement to induct Long Range Surface to Air Missile System to neutralise Aircraft at Extended Ranges of 250km, Sea Skimming Anti-Ship Missiles, AWACS at ranges of 350km, stealth fighters and ballistic missile in the terminal stage. The entire system shall be designed for transportability. IAF has accepted the configuration,” said DRDO on its website.

The XRSAM air missile weapon will have a range of 350km and will also come in canister-based, transportable truck-based launcher system.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation will begin trials in the next three years.
“We need something on these lines, but the missile is only part of the capability. For the ranges mentioned (250-350 km) it is unlikely that a missile will be able to carry its own sensors. A missile is not physically big enough to house the power required for such long-range. The missile will have to integrate with a ground-based long-range detection and tracking system. It may have the autonomous capability for ‘terminal guidance’ (last 30-40 km or so),” defence historian KS Nair told TOI.



New Member
May 15, 2015
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A missile is not physically big enough to house the power required for such long-range. The missile will have to integrate with a ground-based long-range detection and tracking system. It may have the autonomous capability for ‘terminal guidance’ (last 30-40 km or so),” defence historian KS Nair told TOI.
A standing ovation for our "defence-experts" :clap2:


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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PM to open DRDO’s 5 new labs run by young guns
Anantha Krishnan M January 01, 2020 07:25 PM IST

PM Modi is addressing defence top brass on August 24, 2014 where he expressed his desire to empower youth in R&D. (File Photo)
Bengaluru: Almost five years after Prime Minister Narendra Modi directed the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to involve youth in defence research related activities in a ‘big way,’ there seems to be finally some action on the front.

Military sources confirmed to Onmanorama on Monday that Modi will formally inaugurate five new laboratories remotely from Bengaluru tomorrow (January 2), which will be under the command of youngsters under the age of 35 years. Called as the DRDO Young Scientists Labs (DYSLs), these new establishments will be spread across five cities in India.

The new initiative will take off from Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), a DRDO arm that primarily looks into unmanned aerial systems, situated at New Thippsandhara, a hub of aerospace activities.

Key Areas

DRDO is said to have built the template of these new five labs based on the same lines as what the PM desired in 2014.

“The objective of these labs will be to empower young and outstanding scientific minds to develop national capabilities in key technology areas in defence,” an official said.

While DRDO officially refused to share any details of the event, sources say that the new labs have been set up keeping in mind future technologies that could be addressed by young and innovative minds.

Among the new 5 labs are: Artificial Intelligence (Bengaluru); Quantum Technologies (IIT Mumbai); Cognitive Technologies (IIT Chennai); Asymmetric Technologies (Kolkata) and Smart Materials (Hyderabad).

“These labs have been created to encourage innovation through empowerment of young leadership of DRDO,” says an official.

All scientists including the Directors selected for DYSLs are said to be below 35 years of age. The Directors have been selected by a committee chaired by Principal Scientific Advisor to Government of India.

When asked about the powers young Directors will exercise, the official said they will hold the same financial and administrative rights as compared to Directors of other DRDO labs.“Apex committees chaired by eminent academicians have been formed to guide the DYSLs on technical aspects,” the official added.

Speech effect

It was on August 24, 2014, while giving away the DRDO awards in Delhi, the PM suggested that at least five labs should be identified exclusively for innovation from young scientists up to the age of 35 years.

With the DRDO being in the firing line for project delays, failures and cost overruns often, the PM wanted to speedup up defence programmes.

“The PM wanted DRDO to keep pace with the world, where technology has become the key driver of defence products. He had then asked DRDO to visualize, anticipate, and eventually set the agenda for the global defence community, which was a tough ask,” says a Ministry of Defence official.

Sources say the PM’s idea found some impetus in 2018 and the DRDO was finally ready in 2019 March to launch the new labs.

“The general elections came in between and launch was delayed,” says an official.

The first official word on the five labs came out in October 2019 when Principal Secretary to Prime Minister P K Mishra gave a glimpse of DRDO’s plans.

To a query if the new system would create any hierarchy rift within DRDO, the official claimed that it has been running smoothly so far.

(The writer is an independent aerospace and defence journalist, who blogs at Tarmak007 and tweets @writetake.)



New Member
Jan 31, 2019
PM to open DRDO’s 5 new labs run by young guns
Anantha Krishnan M January 01, 2020 07:25 PM IST

PM Modi is addressing defence top brass on August 24, 2014 where he expressed his desire to empower youth in R&D. (File Photo)
Bengaluru: Almost five years after Prime Minister Narendra Modi directed the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to involve youth in defence research related activities in a ‘big way,’ there seems to be finally some action on the front.

Military sources confirmed to Onmanorama on Monday that Modi will formally inaugurate five new laboratories remotely from Bengaluru tomorrow (January 2), which will be under the command of youngsters under the age of 35 years. Called as the DRDO Young Scientists Labs (DYSLs), these new establishments will be spread across five cities in India.

The new initiative will take off from Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), a DRDO arm that primarily looks into unmanned aerial systems, situated at New Thippsandhara, a hub of aerospace activities.

Key Areas

DRDO is said to have built the template of these new five labs based on the same lines as what the PM desired in 2014.

“The objective of these labs will be to empower young and outstanding scientific minds to develop national capabilities in key technology areas in defence,” an official said.

While DRDO officially refused to share any details of the event, sources say that the new labs have been set up keeping in mind future technologies that could be addressed by young and innovative minds.

Among the new 5 labs are: Artificial Intelligence (Bengaluru); Quantum Technologies (IIT Mumbai); Cognitive Technologies (IIT Chennai); Asymmetric Technologies (Kolkata) and Smart Materials (Hyderabad).

“These labs have been created to encourage innovation through empowerment of young leadership of DRDO,” says an official.

All scientists including the Directors selected for DYSLs are said to be below 35 years of age. The Directors have been selected by a committee chaired by Principal Scientific Advisor to Government of India.

When asked about the powers young Directors will exercise, the official said they will hold the same financial and administrative rights as compared to Directors of other DRDO labs.“Apex committees chaired by eminent academicians have been formed to guide the DYSLs on technical aspects,” the official added.

Speech effect

It was on August 24, 2014, while giving away the DRDO awards in Delhi, the PM suggested that at least five labs should be identified exclusively for innovation from young scientists up to the age of 35 years.

With the DRDO being in the firing line for project delays, failures and cost overruns often, the PM wanted to speedup up defence programmes.

“The PM wanted DRDO to keep pace with the world, where technology has become the key driver of defence products. He had then asked DRDO to visualize, anticipate, and eventually set the agenda for the global defence community, which was a tough ask,” says a Ministry of Defence official.

Sources say the PM’s idea found some impetus in 2018 and the DRDO was finally ready in 2019 March to launch the new labs.

“The general elections came in between and launch was delayed,” says an official.

The first official word on the five labs came out in October 2019 when Principal Secretary to Prime Minister P K Mishra gave a glimpse of DRDO’s plans.

To a query if the new system would create any hierarchy rift within DRDO, the official claimed that it has been running smoothly so far.

(The writer is an independent aerospace and defence journalist, who blogs at Tarmak007 and tweets @writetake.)

Excellent not only labs but DRDO also needs an increase in funding.

The amount of technologies DRDO can make under this small budget already shows how good they can be with a larger budget at the same time keeping these youngsters away from politics of the older people would have other benefits too.

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Excellent not only labs but DRDO also needs an increase in funding.

The amount of technologies DRDO can make under this small budget already shows how good they can be with a larger budget at the same time keeping these youngsters away from politics of the older people would have other benefits too.
DRDO has seen good increase in funding over the past few years..

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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I do hope those 5 new labs don't have any reservations.
Yes, directors must be given choice to make the decisions because it is the team they are leading that will deliver the results.
This is the Modi after he said to diplomats "aapne mere paanch saal nasht kar diye aur paach saal nasht nahi hone doonga" something like this only.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Army chief and vice-chief are fully behind indigenous weapons soooo hit jobs can go from one ear to another ear.
And also if INDIA WANT TO BECOME REALLY SOMETHING then atags, tejas and more in the line SHOULD COME.
Look like there is NO PROUD left in ourselves if we go for import and import.
Battles and Wars require comparative superiority in quality as also quantity. Moreover, it requires weapons in hand rather than on perpetual drawing boards.
The business of an R&D organisation and manufacturing factory is to meet requirements of the consumer rather than dictate what, where, how and when such requirements are to be met, how much and at what price the consumer will pay and that how much one should also wait till banana falls from the tree.

Trade unionism has no role in the business of wars.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Yes, directors must be given choice to make the decisions because it is the team they are leading that will deliver the results.
This is the Modi after he said to diplomats "aapne mere paanch saal nasht kar diye aur paach saal nasht nahi hone doonga" something like this only.
Aur aap ne Indian Defense Forces ke 60 saal nast kar diye..... aur kitna karoge.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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DODOs can be a source for learning some sanskrit names and then defaming and vallifying those Puranic names - eg. Arjun, Naag, Trishul, what not and what not.
I would say that you are being a tad unfair to those poor sods at least as far as the Nag ATGM is concerned. Thing's been ready for years but the Army's been dragging its feet for no justifiable reason whatsoever. In this case, at least, the blame should be pinned on the Army, the lion's share of it.
And as for Arjun, yeah, it's got lots of flaws and I've pointed them out on multiple occasions but even then, we can not blame the DRDO alone since it was designed as per the GSQR issued by the IA top officials who seems to be completely clueless as to what they actually wanted in their MBT and what they didn't as they went back and forth with the requirements several times, which contributed to the delay, one needs to put that into account as well if one is to give a damn about intellectual honesty.
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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I would say that you are being a tad unfair to those poor sods at least as far as the Nag ATGM is concerned. Thing's been ready for years but the Army's been dragging its feet for no justifiable reason whatsoever. In this case, at least, the blame should be pinned on the Army, the lion's share of it.
And as for Arjun, yeah, it's got lots of flaws and I've pointed them out on multiple occasions but even then, we can not blame the DRDO alone since it was designed as per the GSQR issued by the IA top officials who seems to be completely clueless as to what they actually wanted in their MBT and what they didn't as they went back and forth with the requirements several times, which contributed to the delay, one needs to put that into account as well if one is to give a damn about intellectual honesty.
Let us be fair and ask ourselves if DRDO ever knows what is expected of them, what is asked from them, what they are upto and what they claim and then how every balloon bursts when things are put on ground.

Yes, there are hell of lot of problems in the process, lack of infrastructure, lack of industrial base, lack of technology, lack of manpower lack of finances etc etc. But those factors are open realities and common for all including for the users - the Armed Forces. DRDO Scientists themselves are more clueless about what is asked from them as the users themselves. There has never been any sincere efforts on their part to understand the things they make. there is complete alienation between the developers and the users, the makers and the users.

Things could have been alright but for the fact that the users is the place where all the dirt stops and where DODO farts smell nasty. Captive users have to pay the price in Rupees as also in their life, in loss of confidence and morale and in diminishing professional competence.

NAG, ARJUN, TRISHUL etc etc are by now dirty words and no one expects anything out of it except some DODOs false sense of ego.

One must thank our politicians to have not ordered a war so far and avoid a great national humiliation. So far DODOs have not given anything worthwhile to justify their costly existence.

