DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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any info on helina missile...
It was reported that helina only tested with lobl...but loal test is Also required...
And any info on rustom 2 ..
When it will go for user trial


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Apr 8, 2016
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More than a year or 2 back i was the only guy who pointed this out , actually i wrote about it quite a few times in details.

By the way found something interesting , regarding Akash sam , it kind of verifies my earlier hypothesis.....

it seems the RF seeker will work in conjunction with the command guided module.

When the Akash is launched initially it will be command guided and if conditions permit , Akash will enter end game manuvers with command guidence only.

Again depending on real time operational requirements if the Rajendra radar is painted by airborne jammers/ECMs/fired on by ARMs etc , the radar will switch off just before command guidance inputs positions the missile within the zone where the onboard RF seeker can be activated to begin search for the target in its periphery.

Again even if the missile is not withen the optimal zone where the RF seeker can search and acquire the target and the Rajendra radar is forced to switch off, the onboard memory module preserves the previous command guidance inputs etc and algorithms calculates the trajectory based on them which will guide the missile close to the target where the RF seeker can be switched on to search and lock on its targets.

So basically we have 2 guidence modes for akash. One must realise onboard seeker must be within a predesignated distance from the target before it can successfully search locate and lock on its target.

Rough analogue will be mid course guidance which must be provided first to take the missile close to the target so that the onboard seeker can come into play.

Here command guidance comes into play both as the mid course guidance as well as for end game guidance, with the added benefit that the onboard RF seeker takes over the end game guidence if the command guidance is terminated after mid course guidance phase (even earlier but with drop in kill probability) due to adverse conditions or enemy countermeasures.

Nice touch I must add to increase the potency of Akash sam manifolds, really complicates things for enemy aircrafts.

Am really looking forward to Akash mk2 capabilities.

And if that's not enough it seems portable decoy emitters matching the frequency of the radars are positioned to seduce ARMs.

Also many don't know that Akash sam is certified and tested to defeat PGMs. During tests it defeated Israeli PGMs.


Actual benefit is enemy will have to deal with different types of guidance and hence onboard counter measures will be overwhelmed to a certain extent. A Akash launcher with both CLOS and RF seeker based missiles will have its own advantage.

1.CLOS (command line of sight guidance) , advantage very difficult to jam , disadvantage limited by radar LOS
2. RF seeker advantage independent target lock and engagement , disadvantage prone to jamming.

If both types are fired within optimal operating parameters then it will ensure higher kill probability due to redundant target acquisition and locking capabilities.
What i said many times long time back is confirmed 100% officially now.

Akask Mk1S uses two types of guidance concurrently as per mission requirements.

This makes Akash IMO one of the very few or only SAM to do so .

Makes it very difficult for the enemy to counter Akash Mk1S .

Read the quoted post of mine to get the idea if you want
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New Member
Apr 28, 2019
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Something i already knew but assume most don't know about

That American military ( different departments like USAF AFOSR etc ) funds civilian indian institutions for research projects. Considerable no of projects .

I am not talking about American private companies like Boeing LM etc
Any examples?????? Why is American military allowed to fund Indian civilian projects


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Apr 8, 2016
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Any examples?????? Why is American military allowed to fund Indian civilian projects
Why not ? core technology is the base , once you have that , only then can it be put into specific military use , which is then done via contracts awarded to US local companies / agencies. Indian researchers in indian institutions get funded to research specific areas of request . It is a win win for all generally , but Indian industrial capabilities is limited , while American is unlimited , they convert the knowledge into workable solution quickly .

Production tech and capabilities is India's Achilles heel. Germany / Japan / US are the top dogs .

Major indian companies rarely fund indian institutions for projects , they are more into funding foreign ones , boot lickers.

I gave a specific example United States Air force AFOSR ( air force office of scientific research ) for what i dont remember , there are many examples , read brochures or project PDFs of barc iisc IIT BHU etc
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New Member
May 22, 2015
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Gentleman, do you think Astra MK1 has dual pulse motor ?

Sent from my SM-M307F using Tapatalk


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Gentleman, do you think Astra MK1 has dual pulse motor ?

Sent from my SM-M307F using Tapatalk
Astra mk1 - solid rocket motor ( all the way thrust till burn out )

Astra mk2 - dual pulse rocket motor ( 1st pulse from launch ie boost phase then coasting phase ,then 2nd pulse fired for boost generally at the periphery of NEZ so that the missile performs at its peak kinematic capabilities for end game maneuvers )

Astra mk3 or any other name - SFDR , solid fuel ducted ramjet ( with on demand throttleable thrust during the entire flight phase ie boost coast boost coast boost....... )


New Member
May 22, 2015
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Astra mk1 - solid rocket motor ( all the way thrust till burn out )

Astra mk2 - dual pulse rocket motor ( 1st pulse from launch ie boost phase then coasting phase ,then 2nd pulse fired for boost generally at the periphery of NEZ so that the missile performs at its peak kinematic capabilities for end game maneuvers )

Astra mk3 or any other name - SFDR , solid fuel ducted ramjet ( with on demand throttleable thrust during the entire flight phase ie boost coast boost coast boost....... )
Yes this is known to me as well . But would you believe one of the renowned ex DRDO scientist mistakenly revealed that Astra Mk1 features dual pulse rocket motor !!!

And that too to me !! Immediately after that, he deleted the message. But, I took screenshot of his reply ! And I'm not joking [emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji41]

Sent from my SM-M307F using Tapatalk

Raj Malhotra

New Member
Aug 13, 2009
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It seems XRDAM = BARAK 8+Booster derived From AAD.

Which means AAD is dead, crushed between S400 & Xrsam

