DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Jul 11, 2011
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PICATINNY ARSENAL, N.J. -- Picatinny Arsenal engineers have fired the newly modified M777A2 howitzer at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, completing the next step towards expanding the system's current firing range.

"We put together an integration test bed for the M777A2 Extended Range (M777ER) howitzer program, incorporating a 55 caliber cannon tube on the M777A2 towed howitzer," said Andy McFadzean a Special Project Officer at the U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center or ARDEC.

"We shot a total of 70 rounds using the Modular Artillery Charge System (MACS), zone two to zone six, propelling charge. This test marked the first time a MACS zone 6 was fired from the M777 howitzer. Previously, the top charge fired was a MACS zone 5."

The modification added six feet to the cannon while limiting the increase in overall system weight to less than 1,000 pounds.

The total length of the tube increased the chamber volume as well as the rifling length. That, in combination with the additional increment of legacy propellant (MACS zone 6), resulted in an increase in range of several kilometers.

"We were able to push the round harder for longer, so it goes faster and further," said David Bound, M777ER Team Lead.

"Think of it like a guy with a really long arm. He can hold a ball longer and throw it faster than a guy with a really short arm. So we just integrated that longer 'arm' onto the howitzer so that the same bullet could get acted on longer and quicker. That in turn means more range," said Bound.

"The main point of the test was to build confidence," said Bound "that's not even the best range increase we can get, but there were some doubts that we could even go that far on the system."



Jul 11, 2011
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DRDO Brainstorms With Private Industry On 155mm Towed Gun
A month before the Tata Power Strategic Electronic Division unveiled what was heralded asIndia’s first ‘indigenous’ artillery gun, the company was among 14 Indian firms that sat across the table with DRDO officials at a three-day brainstorming session in Pune between October 29-31 on the latter’s proposed 155mm/52cal advanced towed artillery gun system (ATAGS, since they love their long acronyms).
The four Indian private sector companies that held ‘system level interactions’ were

Tata Power SED,
Larsen & Toubro,
Bharat Forge Ltd and
Mahindra Defence Systems,

BHEL along with state-owned BHEL and BEL.

Eight private firms that held ‘sub-system level interactions’ were
Dantal Hydraulics,
Starwine India Ltd,
Avasarala Technologies,
Accurate Engineering,
HBL Power Systems Ltd.,
Moog Inc and System Controls Ltd.

According to DRDO, the 155mm gun it plans to develop at the Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE) in Pune, “Improved firepower to achieve first salvo effectiveness at longer ranges, higher accuracy and enhanced survivability are the primary requirements for this gun system. Efforts are being made to develop new technologies for weapon platforms, automation and control systems, recoil management, materials, etc., to achieve improved weapon performance.”

The DRDO labs that propose to be part of the gun development include the Instruments Research and Development Establishment (IRDE), Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (VRDE), Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) and DRDO HQ in Delhi.



Jul 11, 2011
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We have too many, rather mind boggling array of artillery guns under consideration or under serious development cycle.

Dhanush - it is already developed and a limited number ordered
Self propelled gun K9 Vajra - it is a South Korean gun already ordered
ATAGs. - A DRDO/L&T / TATA gun. No idea whether ordered or still pending
M777 - American gun, already delivered for mountain warfare
ATHOS - Israeli collaboration - is it on order or the army just likes it
ULTA Light Kalyani GUN - under serious development

The above and may be more are under consideration. This is way too many variation with serious maintenance and other issues which are difficult to solve.

Hence which one of the above will die and which one will stay active.
India have a requirement of about 3500 numbers of 155 How in the category of ULH, Towed and Mounted Guns . India already have 400 numbers of 155/39 Bofors in the inventory.
India has about 300 M46 upgunned to 155 Cal.
In between India is in the process of inducting 145 ULH which can be considered as towed.
Therefore India has 845 towed 155 how in the inventory.
India thus would need further 2600 -2700 towed and motorised (Mounted) guns.

Dhanus has been awarded orders for 114 Guns.
Subsequently Dhanus may be used for replacement of 400 Bofors guns.
ATAGS likely to be awarded 150 Guns order.

Thus the fight remains for about 2500 towed and mounted guns.
ATHOS is a proven gun and ATAGS is under trial.

India may opt for 300 -400 Mounted guns.
The numbers of towed guns thus will be around 2000 -2200 guns.

That is the race ATHOS and ATAGS.- builder for both is one - Kalyani. ( so I may buy a few more shares of Bharat Forge).


Jul 11, 2011
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I think IA has several types of guns currently and all old guns are slated for replacement.
Types of new guns is no more than old guns
You may be right. Old and existing regiments will see replacement of their guns with new 155/52 caliber. That seems to be the plan as per media.Indian Army has not expanded so new regiments are unlikely.

Maintainability for new guns is better due to local sourcing of parts.
That is one of the advantages. Otherwise, it is an international standard and caliber with the major armies the world over That makes availability of spares and ammunition in international market that much easier.

Manufacturing has changed. Now even one component can be fabricated due to advance in manufacturing technology. It is lean and flexible manufacturing now. So industry is quite capable to support these guns.
yet to be established fully and satisfactorily .
For guns 'Metallurgy' is the major area of concern and serious work. We have about 100 years old OFB who have been doing English blacksmith jobs but not quite well at that. Manufacturing is satisfactory particularly Forging' in private sector. Another area of emphasis will be gun control instruments and electronics including sensors and communications. India's private sector needs to be encouraged in this spare. Towers and movers are doing well.


Jul 11, 2011
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India is a large country
. India should be compared to USA and China; and not some small country.
But India is not capable of competing in military technology with very small countries like S Korea, S Africa, Brazil, or Israel ? Pakistan shows you eyes every now and then. What then is the use of being big ? I am talking purely from military technology point of view and not in terms of present status of "Consuming Big"..

Types of guns and tanks etc. does not matter for a country of India's size
If "types" does not matter then why have those ?.

I like Bofors and Dhanush guns. I think there will be 1000+ Dhanush eventually.
It could be if it meets Indian Army's requirements and is competitive in Arms Bazar. For that Dhanus will have to be 155 / 52 caliber, remain within weight and meet other criteria. It should not be an INSAS or NAG story.

ATHOS and ATAGS will cover the rest. M777 and new ultralight from Kalyani for mountain warfare, K9 vajra SPG, and truck mounted gun likely ATHOS will complete the picture.
ATHOS and ATAGS can not be alternative to ULH which is barely 4.5 tons as compared to 15 tons of ATAGS. ULH manufacturing by Kalyani would require major technological breakthroughs / TOT in Titanium and steel / aluminium alloys technologies, India is poised to do well in Titanium production but alloys are different birds of the flock.


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2014
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Anti-airfield weapon by 2020: DRDO

Scientists at DRDO’s Research Imarat Centre in the city are working day and night to develop an Smart Anti Airfield Weapon for the Indian Air Force.

HYDERABAD: Scientists at DRDO’s Research Imarat Centre in the city are working day and night to develop an Smart Anti Airfield Weapon for the Indian Air Force. The project can be finished by 2020 if the Air Force wants the same, officials said.

The weapon, which has been under development for the last four years, is equipped with inertial navigation system -- a navigation device which uses motion sensors and gyroscopes to continuously calculate a moving object’s position. When launched from an aircraft, the missile will be able to restrict troop movement, penetrate canopies, demolish bunkers and so on.

The missile is “smart” because it would sent back images of the target for battle damage assessment, as proof of the operation. It can also change its course, with the help of the inertial navigation system, if the target changes its position. The missile, which is very small in size, according to officials, has an accuracy of less than 20m to 7m, based on the IAF’s requirement. As of now, 17 successful trials have taken place.



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Aug 12, 2015
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Anti-airfield weapon by 2020: DRDO

Scientists at DRDO’s Research Imarat Centre in the city are working day and night to develop an Smart Anti Airfield Weapon for the Indian Air Force.

HYDERABAD: Scientists at DRDO’s Research Imarat Centre in the city are working day and night to develop an Smart Anti Airfield Weapon for the Indian Air Force. The project can be finished by 2020 if the Air Force wants the same, officials said.

The weapon, which has been under development for the last four years, is equipped with inertial navigation system -- a navigation device which uses motion sensors and gyroscopes to continuously calculate a moving object’s position. When launched from an aircraft, the missile will be able to restrict troop movement, penetrate canopies, demolish bunkers and so on.

The missile is “smart” because it would sent back images of the target for battle damage assessment, as proof of the operation. It can also change its course, with the help of the inertial navigation system, if the target changes its position. The missile, which is very small in size, according to officials, has an accuracy of less than 20m to 7m, based on the IAF’s requirement. As of now, 17 successful trials have taken place.

And Ms Coreena Suares is peddling this nonsense.

DRDO missile was the 1st choice, not Spice-2000



Regular Member
Jun 27, 2011
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BFSR-MR have been part of the SATA inventory for almost a decade now. Many in service.

They will be linked to the Battlefield Surveillance System as and whenever the IA manages to sort out its own internecine squabbles and BEL manages to deliver the program.

Is this BFSR - MR interlinked to Project SHAKTI - (TA3CI) Network of Artillery developed by DRDO / BEL and handed over to India Army ?

Or is it part of Project SANJAY ?

"BEL is also involved in the design, development and supply of other Tac C3I systems like Command Information & Decision Support System (CIDSS) - Samvahak; battlefield surveillance system — Sanjay; and air defence control and reporting — Asystem kash Teer."

Any one - know well owls ?


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I believe I have the first pics of a long range cannister based tactical missile.

Most probably to house a long range SAM or a ABM interceptor. The looks are somewhat similar to Russian canisters and is circular. Consultancy from S400 deal ? Don't know.

Problem is I am not sure. Hence not posting the pic.

Also quad packed canisters inside a single cell of what looks like the UVLM system. QRSAM or AKASH NG maybe .

For which missiles again not known.

Again problem is I am not sure , however the vertical load bearing spring based assembly is identical to the one in the UVLM cells , hence my inference.

So won't post the pic and deleted the file.

Posting it here incase anybody comes across similar things and can cross reference it


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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I believe I have the first pics of a long range cannister based tactical missile.

Most probably to house a long range SAM or a ABM interceptor. The looks are somewhat similar to Russian canisters and is circular. Consultancy from S400 deal ? Don't know.

Problem is I am not sure. Hence not posting the pic.

Also quad packed canisters inside a single cell of what looks like the UVLM system. QRSAM or AKASH NG maybe .

For which missiles again not known.

Again problem is I am not sure , however the vertical load bearing spring based assembly is identical to the one in the UVLM cells , hence my inference.

So won't post the pic and deleted the file.

Posting it here incase anybody comes across similar things and can cross reference it
Tactical missile could be pralay ?

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