DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Jul 11, 2011
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Look at this picture. While the guns reamian at Twand, this will be the arc of fire if guns fire at 60 km. Who would they ht there - mountain goats ?


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Look at this picture. While the guns reamian at Twand, this will be the arc of fire if guns fire at 60 km. Who would they ht there - mountain goats ?
View attachment 34568
If "mountain goats" mean supply lines & ammo dumps (before you make another retarded comment spy-satellites exist), then yes... or further east on LAC.
Or, under a not-dumb officer it can accurately (laser, IRNSS, or AWACS guided) take on chink troops at LAC from farther away, positioned at lower altitude near Assam plains, reducing risk & logistics pressure.

The same way an older gun with 30km range would be compared to a newer one with 40km ranged Bofors, 50km ATAGS would have similar advantages over it!

Can you seriously not think of these yourself???
Nobody is that old!!!!
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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Look at this picture. While the guns reamian at Twand, this will be the arc of fire if guns fire at 60 km. Who would they ht there - mountain goats ?
View attachment 34568
Why would anyone put it in Tawang at the first place?

We would put it in places like Zemithang, GTG, Kyapo............ Hell even if we place it in Y junction, we would be able to target almost the whole Chinese infra there.


Jul 11, 2011
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Why would anyone put it in Tawang at the first place?

We would put it in places like Zemithang, GTG, Kyapo............ Hell even if we place it in Y junction, we would be able to target almost the whole Chinese infra there.
I did not want to name those places.

Secondly, it is hypothetical - even if we put them at Twang at Pema's restaurant !1
If the range is 60 km, gun positions at Se La and Senge Dzong would suffice.
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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I did not want to name hose places.

Secondly, it is hypothetical - even if we put them at Twang at Pema's restaurant !1
If the range is 60 km, gun positions at Se La and Senge Dzong would suffice.
Oh... Then there is no need to plot a map with Tawang as launch pad.

Advaidhya Tiwari

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2018
Ok so you are basically saying that since atags will be continuously upgraded, cost will not actually fall by 80% even if an order of 2000 guns is placed. Good.
ATAGS will not be upgraded further as technology is already in pinnacle. Technology has reached saturation with saturation in semiconductor lithography. So, whatever technology is developed now will likely be used for long periods of time without much upgrades.

Barrel has been developed by OFB (GCF, Kanpur and one more factory and Bharat Forge)
Hmmm.... So, OFB developed barrel for ATAGS too? In 2014, it was using Denel barrel. It is good news then

A case in point is 155mm ammo factory (recently commissioned) is fully imported. If Indian machine tools were so advanced, there was no need of import
It is not due to lack of tools but due to Indian push for privatisation. India is now going for private route to ensure that private industry takes up manufacturing instead of PSU due to some rot in PSU management. So, privatisation requires strategic tie up with foreign companies for training and tooling as OFB is not willing to tie up. But that is not due to lack of tools


Jul 11, 2011
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Laws of physics apply similarly to a thrown ball, shot arrow & fired shell... changing air-resistance should be just another factor that'll affect the equation for the shell.
View attachment 34562

That's because present & past tech can't/couldn't do it.
Spice can do a lot of shit LGBs can't, & LGBs can do shit dumb bombs can't (as India found out not a minute too early during Kargil).

Satellite & AWACS based battlefield scanning radars can scan of hundreds of kilometres, with increasing efficiency as the tech matures.
If (near)future artillery can lob accurate guided munition for upto 50km away, then scores of shells could have been used to flatten Jaba Top at Balakot without to taking any risk... would also be tens of times cheaper than using Brahmos or Nirbhay or even area saturating, overkilling MLRS.

That's why!!! Because the past invariably gives way to the future... Indians of all people should know better.
Rahane de yaar.

Fire is always for effect, particularly, effect on current or ongoing operations.
If the battle is taking place at point A, fire would be brought down on point B if that effects operations at point A.
If point B is 60 km away from point A, bringing down fire at point B (60 km away) is unlikely to effect operations at point A. At thing which is 60 km away will not be effective at point A at a decisive moment.

Even if point B target is taken independently, it would have a capability to come alive again and again so no use of it.
It is only command, control and communication centers which might be 60 km away from battle zone. But it is better to engage such targets with rocket artillery and missiles rather than guns.


Jul 11, 2011
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Oh... Then there is no need to plot a map with Tawang as launch pad.
One place had to be plotted out of thousands. I chose Tawang which is well known and 12 - 15 km behind. It was not launch pad but center of Gunns. The idea was to convey that hitting 60 km from Tawang may not be very fruitful. I took mountains because 60 km in such a terrain is too much.


Jul 11, 2011
Country flag
Laws of physics apply similarly to a thrown ball, shot arrow & fired shell... changing air-resistance should be just another factor that'll affect the equation for the shell.
View attachment 34562
That's because present & past tech can't/couldn't do it.
Spice can do a lot of shit LGBs can't, & LGBs can do shit dumb bombs can't (as India found out not a minute too early during Kargil).
Bole to ?

Satellite & AWACS based battlefield scanning radars can scan of hundreds of kilometres, with increasing efficiency as the tech matures.
If (near)future artillery can lob accurate guided munition for upto 50km away, then scores of shells could have been used to flatten Jaba Top at Balakot without to taking any risk... would also be tens of times cheaper than using Brahmos or Nirbhay or even area saturating, overkilling MLRS.

No it might work out so. 100 shells of 155 mm may not be able to achieve the same objective and effect as only two Spice bombs. 200 kg single bast can achieve much more than 200 kg gun shell put puts. It woud depend on nature of target and intended effect.

That's why!!! Because the past invariably gives way to the future... Indians of all people should know better.
Philosophy ??


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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It does not specify any range let aside 60 km. Where has that 60 km come from and which 155/52 Howitzers fires at that range ? ATAGS has claimed 47.2 km with ERFB and zone 6. What will be EFC equivalant of Zone 6 or charge 6.
You have some serious psychological issues. About time you head to AIIMS Psych department.

You were the one who brought up 12 tons and 60 km.

the asking, plan for ATAGS was for 12 tons of weight and 60 km of range

View attachment 34536

There are a lot of Mobility questions asked in RFI - nothing about APU. For a towed gun specially for mountains, it APU that important? Of course now Indian Army Artillery seems to be interested in separate system which can move guns after detaching it from FTA to manage guns turning on road bends.
I belive Dhanus and ATHOS have some kind of a auxiliary mover with them.
From your own source. Page 3. https://indianarmy.nic.in/writereaddata/RFI/158/RFI-ARTY.pdf

(v) What is the power source for gun functions ? Give out details of Auxiliary Propulsion Unit (APU) and speed of the gun on road and cross country with APU ? What redundancy is available to the APU.
Either you are too stupid or psychological issues it is. Pick one, shut up, log out and stop embarrassing yourself and the Indian Army further.

Or else people will start believing that IA recruits nut cases like yourself.


Jul 11, 2011
Country flag
You have some serious psychological issues. About time you head to AIIMS Psych department.

You were the one who brought up 12 tons and 60 km.

From your own source. Page 3. https://indianarmy.nic.in/writereaddata/RFI/158/RFI-ARTY.pdf

Eiither you are too stupid or psychological issues it is. Pick one, shut up, log out and stop embarrassing yourself and the Indian Army further.

Or else people will start believing that IA recruits nut cases like yourself.
Ok I overlooked that mobility issue. but what makes you think that ATGS has APU but ATHOS and Dhanush fly in year. That allows you to bark like a rabid dog ?. Indian Army is not what I represent but that is not your pop joint either. Even if you represent Indian Army, I give you two hoots. There something biting you, for sure.

Everytime you come on my post and start puking. Shameless fellow.

This is not a policy making, decision making, pressure group or any such forum but a public discussion platform. What gives right to you to display your pedigree ?

Better keep away.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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Ok I overlooked that mobility issue. That allows you to bark like a rabid dog ?. Indian Army is not what I represent but that is not your pop joint either. There something biting you, for sure.

Everytime you come on my post and start puking. Shameless fellow.

This is not a policy making, decision making, pressure group or any such forum but a public discussion platform. What gives right to you to display your pedigree ?

Better keep away.
See, deep psychological issues.

You have been proven wrong, repeatedly. I guess an apology is in order.

You get repeatedly trounced on a fanboy forum, the only job you'll be getting in "policy making" is wiping floors after smarter people who formulate policies have gone home after a hard day's work.:lol:


Jul 11, 2011
Country flag
See, deep psychological issues.

You have been proven wrong, repeatedly. I guess an apology is in order.

You get repeatedly trounced on a fanboy forum, the only job you'll be getting in "policy making" is wiping floors after smarter people who formulate policies have gone home after a hard day's work.:lol:
I am on this forum for last about 15 years and understand psychology of fanboys. I also understand the cowardice of people like you who try to be bully behind the cover of so called anonymity.

You pose as if you are Gods own right bowl.

Ok that is enough, I thought we had said good buy earlier,


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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I am on this forum for last about 15 years and understand psychology of fanboys. I also understand the cowardice of people like you who try to be bully behind the cover of so called anonymity.

You pose as if you are Gods own right bowl.

Ok that is enough, I thought we had said good buy earlier,
This forum didn't exist 15 years ago. You sir are a genius extraordinaire that can make Einstein proud. A true marvel.

"good buy", I thought you were referring to your much needed medicines.

Let me help you. GOOD BYE.


Jul 11, 2011
Country flag
This forum didn't exist 15 years ago. You sir are a genius extraordinaire that can make Einstein proud. A true marvel.

"good buy", I thought you were referring to your much needed medicines.

Let me help you. GOOD BYE.
I thought I had bid "Bad buy" but you seem injured. Or are you suffering from the menia called "This file is mine".


Jul 11, 2011
Country flag
That just shows you don't understand what a suspension bridge is either... Full image:

Source: http://www.phy.hk/wiki/englishhtm/ThrowABall.htm

If you still have enough braincells left then just do the math, or haven't you calculated anything other than counting money & liquor discount for years?

What's worse than clowns like this deciding army acquisitions, is that they try to justify their own corrupt friend's Chutiyapa... & call other people chutiyas while they're at it!
You showed the suspension bridge drawing for projectile trajectory ? So, you brain cells are habitual of cheating.
You are so imbecile.

Secondly, I am not even remotely connected with procurement or why would be on DFI. This is not a procurement or advertisment or lobbying platform. Those who are in that business are never known and their names like Bhandari or Chadda are known by national accidents.

By accusing me of whatever, you will not stop me from poking someone like you who deliberately shows steel ropes of a suspension bridge to show as a howitzer shell trajectory..

And taken howitzers on hill top to fire down so that he could get 60 km range. Ha Ha Ha ....
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Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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I thought I had bid "Bad buy" but you seem injured. Or are you suffering from the menia called "This file is mine".
SIGH.... Yes you bruised me so much that I won't be able to sleep for days. New to the interwebs eh?


Go to the hospital, get yourself treated and stop bothering people.


Jul 11, 2011
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Soon after India's ATAGS shoots the longest range, a US gun beats it

Last September, the Kalyani Group and Tata Power (Strategic Engineering Division) claimed world records by firing their in-development artillery guns to a distance of over 47 km. Their Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) comfortably surpassed the maximum ranges of 40-45 km, currently achieved by similar 155-millimetre, 52-calibre guns in service worldwide.

However, a new American artillery gun is comfortably surpassing ATAGS. Also known by an acronym, the Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) has achieved a mind-boggling range of 62 km. That doubles the range of the gun the ...



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