DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Aug 17, 2021
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Does anyone have more details of these misses?

Is it the fault of the individual missiles (for the Tejas)?
A2A- Target locked and missile Guided properly, proximity fuse didn't work properly

A2G- LGB was again delivered properly, fuse didn't set off on impact (this story has diff versions floating around, some saying it worked as intended)


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Does anyone have more details of these misses?

Is it the fault of the individual missiles (for the Tejas)?
guidance was fine they went close to the target, proximity fuse didn't go off for missed ones.
will have to count the success rate for the whole demo, hit vs miss.


New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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A2A- Target locked and missile Guided properly, proximity fuse didn't work properly

A2G- LGB was again delivered properly, fuse didn't set off on impact (this story has diff versions floating around, some saying it worked as intended)
guidance was fine they went close to the target, proximity fuse didn't go off for missed ones.
will have to count the success rate for the whole demo, hit vs miss.
Proximity fuse of R-73 didn't worked.
So issue is local to missiles i.e. proximity fuse & such instances can be reduced by better quality control....?

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Unrelated, but very Related.............

A Donkey was tied to a tree. One night a Ghost cut the rope & released the Donkey free.

The Donkey went & destroyed the crops in an adjacent Farmer's land. Infuriated, the farmer's Wife shot the Donkey and killed it.

The donkey's Owner was devastated at the loss. In reply, he killed the farmer's Wife.

Angered by his wife's death, the Farmer took a sickle and killed the donkey's Owner.

The Wife of the donkey's owner got so angry that she & her Sons set the farmer's house on Fire.

The farmer, looking at his house turn into ashes, killed the Wife and Children of the donkey's Owner.

Finally, when the farmer was full of regret, he asked the Ghost as to why did it kill them all?

The Ghost replied, "I killed nobody. I just released a Donkey that was tied to a Rope. It is All of you who released the Devils within you which resulted into everything Bad that occurred thereafter."

Today's Media & Social Medias are like that Ghost. It keeps releasing Donkeys on a daily basis and people react & argue with each other, hurt each other, without having a second thought.

In the end, the Media & Social Media dodges all responsibilities.

_So, it's our responsibility that we Do Not React to every Donkey released by the Media & Social Media and preserve our Relationship with our Friends, Relatives & Community.
Na my brodda , you are ded Wong .
Da ghost has the brains equal to dat guy called Yaqub who even though being from da hood created them white races in long long times back .
When they all lived in Mecca . Which I mean is dat your ghost ain't da one which didn't do nuffin, I mean to say dat da ghost in yo story did do something bad .
Now related to your story tell me

Why does dat sheit caller censorship exists ?
It is there to nip the misinfo at the bud .
The thing is my brodda , you can't ask 10 homies to control their anger while you can rough up dat one snitch from da neighboring hood, who did try to make our broddas fight each other .
And dat Ass in your story needed some She ass maen , give that Ass an she ass maen .
Dat ass need some she ass .
@Tactical Doge
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May 21, 2016
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You're claiming the Larzac is bad ? I've read people commenting how a former CoAS went out of his way to get Russian AL - 55I TF into the IJT thus upsetting the entire supply chain & design of the trainer especially since the said TF was under development , hence unproven.

Also read of the service life of the TF being < 100 hrs which has subsequently been enhanced though I've no idea to what extent & whether this has been verified.
Na bhai i'm merely asking a question; as for Larzac what i got on interent is that it's among very early generation of Turbofan engines meant for light business jet and such applications, France put two of them on their Dassault-Dornier AlphaJet but it's also a much heavier and powerful trainer jet than what HJT-36 was supposed to be
in comparison ruskie Al-55I is a scaled-down version of Al-31F line (and I made a post on it) with a little higher thrust and all; it was put on some prototype trainer program by Mig but that thing couldn't progress further than that in its own motherland as ruskies chose another trainer that became Yak-130 later on and so
so there's this technical aspect between the two
rest i'm aware about that controversy and even in 2014 a report was put in front of parliament where Al-55I was criticised a lot for having ~100 hours of life cycle WTF?! like the engine has nothing in name of reliability despite being a newer and supposedly a newer generation one 🤷‍♂️

perhaps those brains (or lack of) behind the IJT too should've adopted AlphaJet like approach with two Larzacs and better overall performance in all merits than going this much stingy cutting-the-corners approach
but IAF had got those Hawks so there was no need for such a domestic jet trainer and now we're stuck with a design that's still being certified and what not


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Mar 22, 2022
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The old ones were so bad that Paras stopped carrying them to ops cause of how shit they were and how often they wouldn't work I don't know much about new ones but have heard good things about it.
26/11 would have been over so much quicker had the OFB grenades worked. In Teotia's autobiography he mentions how he could have killed all four of them in the Taj with him had the grenade worked.

Corvus Splendens

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Dec 8, 2021
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stryker is never gonna happen , just american mic dreaming
Army has been looking at the VSHORAD variant. Again nothing we can't develop here by ourselves from existing tech on various available platforms. This is a desperate grasp of the import lobby. The Tata WhAP has been delayed but Mahindra's WhAP is in active trials. And that scares the lobby.


New Member
Nov 21, 2022
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A2A- Target locked and missile Guided properly, proximity fuse didn't work properly

A2G- LGB was again delivered properly, fuse didn't set off on impact (this story has diff versions floating around, some saying it worked as intended)
A2G worked properly.
The bomb detonated after some time as intended.
The story of bomb not going off is bs.
There is a video from ANi showing bomb working as intended.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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when a new defence equipment is being planned for, usually the benchmarking is existing capabilities of current equipment + X% of new capabilities. if the delta falls below X for the new equipment on offer by the vendors, procurement process does not go thru.

so what happens in India's case, is the addition of delta capabilities the only criteria from forces, or indigestion of components is counted as part of the delta of X%?

capability augmentation is one aspect, availability of locally replaceable components should also matter, is it not?

to narrow it down, let's assume we are talking about IA here, not IAF and IN.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Media is gonna go gungho on us buying mq9s now.
you can just reiterate what was known from the beginning, large drones that are being procured are for cost saving measured within in ISR capabilities during peace time deployment, not for contested airspace.

this shouldn’t be so hard to explain.

