DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Sep 13, 2010
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Just 15 per IBG seems a bit low considering the fact that IBGs are generally going to be larger than American BCTs.
Sure NAMICA is only one vehicle and the R&S will have LAMV for recon as well. But compare it to what an American Armoured BCT has for recon and its pretty low numbers.
IBGs are good on paper but the IA really isn’t making them anywhere lethal enough. They won’t have the numbers to give each on dedicated attack helo cover, MGS/SPG, NAMICA or even decent IFVs and MBTs.

they’ve broken down some strike corps and relabelled them but without a huge increase in mechanisation and capital equipment it doesn’t really mean much. They are still just T90/T72 columns with some BMP2s running along behind them. Without even having decent AD from QRSAM they are pretty toothless


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Not really sure what your point is, celebrate what? Mediocrity? Whilst your adversary is building up at unprecedented rates these geniuses are ordering low single digit numbers of critically required equipment and leaving 60+ year old designs in service

everything with these guys is ‘maybe tomorrow’, what about today? Only when they get their backsides whooped do they wake up and then it’s a rush to import under emergency procurement powers

it’s not like buying toys in a store. These things have HUGE lead times and require massive capital if you want any kind of meaningful capacity. Do they want HAL/private sector to build decent capacity based on 6/10 unit orders?

if I’m being kind I’ll say they only know how to buy from abroad where foreign OEMs have already built up thanks to support from their domestic users, if I’m being cynical I’d say the best way to kill domestic products and keep the door open for imports is to make IDDM uncompetitive (both on cost and delivery timelines). Remember all the drama around the costs of the Arjun? There are multiple articles out there calling the Arjun the most expensive MBT in the world, well DRDO asked for a minimum order of 500 to localise production and cut unit cost in half.

These clowns ordered 124 units and then 1000s of T90s that are now being obliterated by rag tag militias in Ukraine. With users like this no wonder you don’t have world class MIC
My original post was about appreciating orders for HTT-40, it was an unprecedented feat for IAF who always dragged their feet with indigenous acquisitions, as you have kindly mentioned above.

So yes, celebrate baby steps toward getting out of mediocrity ?

Okabe Rintarou

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Apr 23, 2018
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IBGs are good on paper but the IA really isn’t making them anywhere lethal enough. They won’t have the numbers to give each on dedicated attack helo cover, MGS/SPG, NAMICA or even decent IFVs and MBTs.

they’ve broken down some strike corps and relabelled them but without a huge increase in mechanisation and capital equipment it doesn’t really mean much. They are still just T90/T72 columns with some BMP2s running along behind them. Without even having decent AD from QRSAM they are pretty toothless
Well, the idea of IBG is speed. To mobilize and attack faster than the Pakistanis can. Once the mobilization advantage is lost, and it will be, the idea is to just hold out Pakistani counter-attacks in a defensive posture. Very different from the kind of deep maneuver warfare the previous Sundarji doctrine envisaged. This entire Cold Start idea is one meant to capture small area in Pakistan to avoid a nuclear war. And I have no idea if its a good idea.

Ofcourse this needs equipment upgrades to be effective. Our only saving grace is that Pakistan is in no position to attack us for now.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Doesn't AoN get expired after couple years if no order is placed?
My understanding of AoN(Acceptance of Necessity) is that it is an official document which triggers the next steps of procurement process. basically GoI is saying to the forces, we are ready to spend money on a particular item, start your documentation for procurement process and let us know how much exactly you need and by when.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Well, the idea of IBG is speed. To mobilize and attack faster than the Pakistanis can. Once the mobilization advantage is lost, and it will be, the idea is to just hold out Pakistani counter-attacks in a defensive posture. Very different from the kind of deep maneuver warfare the previous Sundarji doctrine envisaged. This entire Cold Start idea is one meant to capture small area in Pakistan to avoid a nuclear war. And I have no idea if its a good idea.

Ofcourse this needs equipment upgrades to be effective. Our only saving grace is that Pakistan is in no position to attack us for now.
I get CSD and IBGs in theory but just because you only want to go fast and shallow doesn’t mean you don’t need them to be able to deliver a punch to break through the lines. The tin can BMPs and T-series death traps going up against armour on the other side aren’t exactly sure to be effective. Look at the mess that Russia made of their IBG/blitzkreig tactic in Ukraine because they faced even rudimentary resistance.

things like NAMICA, QRSAM, FICV, MGS/SPG are essential to having credible IBGs. The kind of cr@p they are planning to push with is almost laughable, some dismounted RPG hunter killer teams would wreck havoc to them forget about the TB2s they are buying.

IA wants to emulate daddy Russia I guess

Okabe Rintarou

New Member
Apr 23, 2018
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My understanding of AoN(Acceptance of Necessity) is that it is an official document which triggers the next steps of procurement process. basically GoI is saying to the forces, we are ready to spend money on a particular item, start your documentation for procurement process and let us know how much exactly you need and by when.
I was talking about this (from DAP-2020):-

AoN validity DAP-2020.png

Okabe Rintarou

New Member
Apr 23, 2018
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budgeting wallahs in the ministry must have been fed up with having to do upward revision of provisional budget per line item every year procurement gets delayed. :pound:
They should also feel the sting when procurement gets delayed. Instead they don't want to take even a little more paperwork because of it, so they put this in place. There should be a similar procedure to penalize Finance Ministry babus with extra paperwork whenever they stop military procurement. Use paperwork as weapon against babu to get them to behave lol.


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
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I get CSD and IBGs in theory but just because you only want to go fast and shallow doesn’t mean you don’t need them to be able to deliver a punch to break through the lines. The tin can BMPs and T-series death traps going up against armour on the other side aren’t exactly sure to be effective. Look at the mess that Russia made of their IBG/blitzkreig tactic in Ukraine because they faced even rudimentary resistance.

things like NAMICA, QRSAM, FICV, MGS/SPG are essential to having credible IBGs. The kind of cr@p they are planning to push with is almost laughable, some dismounted RPG hunter killer teams would wreck havoc to them forget about the TB2s they are buying.

IA wants to emulate daddy Russia I guess
Naa - dont make that mistake of giving too much weightage on equipment. When the germans tore through what arguably was the best equipped army in the world (the French), they did so with primarily PzIIs.
Fighting ability, leadership and men matter far far more.

That said, BMPs and T90/T72 CIAs are fine for dealing with pigs and chinks today. For tomorrow we need much better integration of assets.


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
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The spike that had serious issues in Indian conditions even identifying targets against clutter because of its seeker?

what’s this obsession with weight? A few KG more makes a system worthless to a force that is ordering 1000s of second gen wire controlled Milans and konkors?

man these loons deserve to have their butts whooped the next time the Chinese feel like teaching a lesson. They’ll happily fight with their 1970s junk whilst keeping all the IDDM stuff that is actually contemporary on the drawing boards or in trails
dont get me started on seekers.
We had for some time british supplied thermal EO/IRs on IN ships. They literally were used to death in a few weeks. Replacement cost 35 lakhs +. Then came along TASD and Tonbo and IN said GTFO to israeli/brit sensors


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Naa - dont make that mistake of giving too much weightage on equipment. When the germans tore through what arguably was the best equipped army in the world (the French), they did so with primarily PzIIs.
Fighting ability, leadership and men matter far far more.

That said, BMPs and T90/T72 CIAs are fine for dealing with pigs and chinks today. For tomorrow we need much better integration of assets.
They also had unprecedented C&C thanks to radio sets that had never been used in warfare until then whilst the French were completely disorganised.

the Germans had plenty of superior tech on their side so it would be incorrect to say speed trumps all. The current crop of the IA’s mechanised forces are woefully out of date and vulnerable to even limited fire

The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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