DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
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We have to get rid of Russian and Western system s

All are there for milking India
In case of war with Pak and China ...Those pissfull... Countries will do kadi ninda ..And at the same time will sale equipment s with high price
Right strategy for India if we want to become truly independent in foreign policy.
There are no two options.
Initially Indian designed and manufactured defence goods wil not in most cases match similar products brought out by the developed countries.
But if we repose confidence in them (provided minimum qualitative standards are met and the cost is not in multiples of similar imported products), induct them and improve them in successive iterations, we will reach a stage where China is.

Pardon me for saying so, but the Porkistan public next door to us with virtually nil indigenous capability in most areas of defence technology do not repeatedly question the capabilities of their(almost non existant) indigenous military industrial complex. You will find very very few criticisms of Pakistani produced weapons by members in their defence forums.

I see a similar confidence amongst the Chinese public in their domestically manufactured weapons (however misguided it may be).

We should probably learn something from them, I guess.

I am not advocating copying the Pakistanis and becoming blind to any obvious defects(if found valid) in indigenous weapons. But unfortunately it has become an full time occupation to constantly and repeatedly castigate all indigenous weapons.
An immediate comparison is made with imported systems and the defects are listed out. Nothing we make is good enough. The Americans, Europeans and the Russians are made to look superior(justified only to an degree as we are still an developing economy) and our weapons are deemed inferior.

Nobody is against constructive criticism. By all means point out the shortcomings in our indigenous weapons and suggest improvements. Everybody agrees that the OFB sometimes fucks up badly, even supplying defective land mines and artillery shells which have cost lives. But are we in a position to suddenly shut them all down. Is our private sector in a position to fully replace the public sector in defence.
Not yet. So we should try to get the public sector to at least take incremental steps to improve efficiency and quality. While simultaneously empowering the private sector to increase its role and start delivering quality weapons at reasonable cost.

Now criticism of indigenous weapons for the purpose of improving the quality is largely welcome. But motivated criticism with the objective of promoting imports is an almost anti national act.

In an ideal state we don't want either American(Western) or Russian weapons. We should and would prefer Indian designed and Indian manufactured weapons.

By Indian weapons I mean even the components and sub systems which make up the weapons should be Indian. An indigenous weapon with mostly imported components is not really preferable.

I am aware that India is presently not in a position to fully shut out imports. Especially in the area of electronics. So some degree of import dependency will be there for the immediate future. But we should strive to gradually end this dependency.

Anyway let's hope that our military industrial complex starts firing on all four cylinders. Matching the output of the Chinese should be our immediate objective. We can take on the rest of the world(the developed countries) later.

